Saturday, August 31, 2019

Why True Innovators Must Behave Like Entrepreneurs

According to the author, personal entrepreneurship is the ability of a person to trade in goods and services for the purposes of creating wealth for the individual, while personal innovation is the ability to generate new ideas for the purpose of creating new or improved products or services.The author further argued that organizational entrepreneurship is the knack of the registered business to exchange its goods and services for the purpose of generating profits, while organizational innovation is the knack of a registered many to come up with new products and services for improved delivery of products and services to its customers. The two complement each other and can never be separated if the business is to thrive as well as remaining competitively advantage.You can have business ideas but if you cannot improve on them sooner or later you will find yourselves beaten down and out of business while it is good to have new and brilliant ideas but if you cannot trade them then you ar e also out of business. In his research Hunter. (2012) argued that the concept of â€Å"locus of control† has some level of influence with people who are entrepreneurs in that, people with the internal locus of control will take charge and believe they can turn around the environment while people with external locus of control don't take charge and believe they do not have the ability to turn around the environment around them.Hunter. (2012) further argued that entrepreneurs belong to the group of people with internal locus of control. According to the study done by the Harvard business review titled â€Å"Can startups help turn the tide? † When times are very difficult with very few jobs, people are forced to become innovative and entrepreneurs. The article revealed that successful businesses such as IBM, Disney and Microsoft where birthed during world economic meltdown. It was during these hard times when entrepreneurs and innovators like Bill Gates took up the chall enge to start up their businesses.Implications of the Relationship for Individuals and Organizations From the Leadership perspective the author' evaluation of his leadership style and capabilities showed that he is able to provide direction for his team effectively of which an entrepreneur or somebody leading a business requires in order o take the organization forward. The author's score on â€Å"fostering teamwork† was low an indication which poses danger to the business because entrepreneurship and innovation flourish so much on the efforts which are generated by teams.This means that the author will not be able to embrace and nurture the input and innovative ideas which will come from the team members hence affecting the organization at large. According to the top boss for Amazon. Com Bozos, there is a strong link between individuals and the growth of their organizations in that the success is dependent on the big stakes the employees make which is the driver to overcome the hurdles (Dyer. , Greenest. , & Christensen 2009).The author's leadership assessment score on â€Å"Acting with Integrity† was impressive. Impact on Personal Approach to Risk Taking According to marketing week article entitled â€Å"Why true innovators must behave like entrepreneurs Having a belief in your ability to make a difference is a crucial step towards leaving an indelible mark on your business†. The author' score under â€Å"leading courageously' was fairly good an indication which demonstrate that he is capable of making tough decisions even when times are hard in business.An entrepreneur must be ready to take a risk by embracing innovative ideas and be ready to take on new products in the face of competition on the market. In their study Dyer. , Greenest. , & Christensen. (2009) discovered that great innovators of our time Apple's Steve Jobs, Amazon's Jeff Bozo and Keep expounder Nikolas Sonnets ¶m are enthusiastically willing to make a difference from the way things and frequently â€Å"take risks† to create change.Further the results under â€Å"championing change† was also not good enough meaning that the author has an element of resistance to change which is a recipe for failure in cuisines because an entrepreneur must be ready to embrace and deal with changes on the market due to innovation which brings about new and sophisticated products on the market thereby threatening the existence of the business if the business leader is unable to champion the change. Reflection of Personal Strength on Relationship between Innovation and Entrepreneurship Dyer, Greenest, & Christensen. 2009) argued that â€Å"Innovators rely on their courage to innovate, an active bias against the status quo and an unflinching willingness to take risks to transform ideas into rueful impact†. It was interesting enough to see the author's high score in â€Å"coaching and developing people† a personal strength which builds rela tionships and an ingredient which fosters trust and growth in business because when you invest in people, they become engaged in innovation and entrepreneurship as well as identifying themselves with the organization.According to Core, & Chokes. (2012) fear has been the major reason why many people have not been able to demonstrate their inner strengths because they feel it is not possible for them to succeed. The author argues hat fear has direct influence on the personal strength in relation to innovation and entrepreneurship.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Impact Diet on Health

Diet makes people think as a weight loss regime. The majority of people think it is products with low calories, and help you to control your weight. But the actual meaning is a process of eating food or nutrients vitamins. Healthy diet and nutrition have a positive impact on human health. On the other hand poor diets have harmful lasting effects. If a human does not have a good diet the body won’t have any nutrients to play the inside role of the body. Nutrition helps your body to be strong and to fight against diseases.Unhealthy diet can have consequences with physical body, as well as can affect your thinking and mental job. A poor diet can result to many health issues, such as heart disease, high blood pressure high levels of cholesterol, asthma, sometimes even diabetes. But a very dangerous problem usually caused by eating less than you are supposed to can cause Anorexia.. This mental and physical disorder is usually found in athletes, models or ballet dancers, who aim to get thin day by day. This syndrome can be found in normal people who have an unhealthy poor diet.It is more towards a physiological disorder, there is a stage of Anorexia Nervosa is when person is constantly dieting carrying to an extreme level, and that is Dale. Dale is when people try to loose much more weight than necessary, and they still feel overweight. They see themselves as very fat, and that’s what makes them to keep on loosing weight. Force feeding anorexic people does not work, since there brain is mentally trained not to eat, therefore they will throw up if they are force fed. Having a poor diet can result many physical effects related to the extreme weight loss.Heart rate can increase, BMR, in addition to the body temperature all drop to low levels. When the fat in the human body is used, the body breaks the muscle tissue for energy, and that can result to heart damage. As well as if this disorder occurs in an age of puberty the body growth stops. Anorexic victim s usually have low confidence level which in generally cause of this disorder. The science has not found the exact treatment for this; but however a small treatment requires a team of professionals, physicians, nurses, psychiatrist and dieticians- to work together.Mental condition analysis is required to treat this. This treatment plan is developed that deals with physical effects of anorexia and mental reasons for its occurrence. It sometimes involves force feeding, and however does not work with most of the patients. The benefits of the treatment are that psychiatrists and dieticians try to convince the person to eat, as well as knowing the reason for occurrence. A drawback is that there is no certain cure for this, as well as it is very hard to encourage anorexic people to eat, it is very hard to put them back on the right track.At the same time as well as there is no medicine that can help to cure anorexic people. The social impact of anorexia is the relationship among family an d friends can be in tense as the anorexic becomes more and more obsessed with not eating, and tried to stay away from gatherings and parties in fear of force feeding. As well as this disease can be caused by political reasons. E. g. in some countries the distribution of cops is equal and if a family is not able to feed the children that will result to a poor diet and since the children are expected to work on the farms that means too much exercise and poor diet.And when the children get used to it, they do not feel hungry anymore and that is when anorexia can occur. Furthermore in some cultures or old traditions parents do not feed their daughters, or otherwise they will get fat and nobody will marry them. So they try to feed as least as possible and in addition to they can afford that much. If day by day they get less food than they are used to it, and get thin so much that don’t even realize. Also in some European countries they are forbidden to show slim models on TV and i n mass media advertisement, since the fans admire it so much they follow the celebrity.By not showing them this it can help to prevent it. . Every human being should look after their diet; they should apply all the vitamins nutrients their body requires. All individuals should have a diet, and shall be aware of the amount of nutrients they receive. Poor diet also consists of less nutrients, but also unhealthy food that does not help your body to cooperate with you. Anorexia is nowadays very common among people. Not knowing the reason behind it. And after a person has anorexia it is almost impossible to put him/her on the right track.Anorexia can lead to different stage, at a level where there is high risk of death. There are no single causes that may influence upon occurrence of anorexia. Usually, all 2 factors are brought into play: The psychological factor- influence of the family and internal conflicts The social factor- influence of environment, expectation, imitation (watching celebs on the TV, your friends around you, you are being insulted that you are fat) However there is no easy cure for this, so care for yourself, accept yourself, and you will never be caught into the trap of inferiority complex.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Civil War (Ken Burns Review) Essay

Episode V ,†The Universe of Battle†, of The Civil War series directed by Ken Burns reflects on how the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863 was a major turning point in the Civil War. He details how the Union defeat at Gettysburg, the work of women, and the entry of black men into the Union army enabled the North to significantly weaken the Confederacy. The Union and Confederacy both suffered thousands of casualties in the bloody battles that took place. However, by the end of 1863, the North was led to a â€Å"new birth of freedom† while the South had to come to the realization that the â€Å"bottom rail was on top†, now. Burns begins the episode with the first of three battles that took place in the rural town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on July 1, 1863. The Union was led by Commander Meade who served under General Grant and the Confederacy by General Lee. Due to Lee’s commanders not delivering tactical support on the first day of battle, the North was able to hold their high ground, but did this not compare to what was going to happen in the following two days. The second day of battle the number of soldiers present in Gettysburg grew substantially, on both sides. A significant part of this battle is when the Union stopped the Confederacy form gaining position of Little Round Top. This was long day of battle, whole regiments in the Confederacy were lost this day. By third day of battle Lee was acting as if he was invincible and this was detrimental for his men. Union soldiers slaughtered the Confederacy and they never entered that far into Union territory again. Lee had failed his men and he knew it. This must have been very hard on Lee. It was shocking to hear that he tried to resign after he lost this battle. I thought it was very interesting that the Confederacy’s need for shoes is was what led them in to Gettysburg. I bet they never thought that the result of this stop would end up in 150,000 men fighting 51,000 men dying in the greatest battle ever fought in the northern hemisphere. The actual pictures, paintings, and simulated video used while describing these battles were really good and the helped me to gain a sense of what it was like to be there. I also enjoyed the irony in the fact that the North entered Gettysburg from the south and the South entered from the north. It was also interesting that the troops fighting over the Little Round Top were both from equal distances from Gettysburg in the opposite directions. Next, the importance of women supporting the war was examined. Women not only held down the farms and houses when the men were off at war, but many women also left their homes to care for the soldiers. In the north women started the Sanitary Commission and demanded better treatment and better food for the soldiers. This commission was made up of hundreds and thousands of women. In the south Sally Tompkins and a staff of six, nursed 1,333 wounded men. Unlike the North, the South did not have a Sanitary Commission and most men were treated in houses. In the north, Mary Ann Bickerdyke was a important female figure in the war. She traveled with the Union army for four years and sixteen battles. General Sherman stated, â€Å"She ranks me†. This statement by Sherman was extraordinary, especially for this era. It makes me happy that she received the credit that was due to her. Many women served as nurses, food gathers, and cooks, but I am exceptionally impressed with Mary Ann Bickerdyke’s story. I imagine she gave up a lot and the fact that she stayed strong during all of the gruesome battles she saw really says a lot about her character. Following the role of women in the Civil War, Burns details the forty-eight day siege of Vicksburg. During this battle the residents of Vicksburg were cut off from the world and were in desperate need of supplies. When Union had control over the well being of the Vicksburg residents, 31,000 Confederate soldiers under the command of General John C. Pemberton withdrew due to the concern of the health of the Vicksburg residents. The Union victory of this battle was significant because the Confederacy was now cut in two. I was surprised that Pemberton was a northern man fighting for the Confederacy. I would expect that soldiers would support their states. I also found it very interesting that after this siege, the fourth of July would not be celebrated in Vicksburg for eighty-one years. That is just crazy to me! Burns goes on to examine the first black regiment and the first federal draft call. In New York, a mostly Irish mob held an uprising over the draft. They were opposed to abolition because they feared blacks taking their jobs. It also made them angry that the draft favored the rich in that they could easily hire substitutes to take their place. Meanwhile, the uprising in New York was ended and the enlistment of the first blacks into the Union army had begun, this was a huge blow to the Confederacy. However, the blacks did not receive fair treatment, but they were key to the war. I am not surprised that black soldiers would fight without pay, but it was surprising that they declined it because it was not equal to the pay of the white soldiers. I like the pictures of the black soldiers. You could see by their facial expressions that their pride was different from that of the white men. In some of their pictures some of them were actually smiling unlike the pictures of white soldiers I have seen. I think it because they were truly happy to be fighting for their cause. Frederick Douglass put it best when he stated that blacks were, â€Å"the pivot upon which the whole rebellion turns, this war, disguise it as they may, is virtually nothing more or less then perpetual slavery against universal freedom and to this end the free states will have to come.† The 650 men of the all black 54th Massachusetts regiment proved to the Union that blacks were useful soldiers during the battle at Battery Wagner in South Carolina. Even though the Confederates were ahead in this battle, the battle ultimately ended in a protracted siege that was enabled by the 54th. It was because of their battle other black regiments were deemed worthy to fight. Finally, the episode ends with Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. On November 19, 1863 Lincoln delivered one of the most memorable speeches in American history. Lincoln declared the love he had for his people and his unwavering pursuit for equality in just 269 words. I never realized that this speech was just a â€Å"side speech† at a dedication ceremony. It is almost unbelievable that Lincoln thought that this was a failed speech considering that even today most Americans know at least the first line of the Gettysburg Address. It is a shame that the photographer was not able to capture him delivering his speech, it would have been a great image to reflect upon today.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

EBP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

EBP - Essay Example However, it still remains the most regular method due to its supposedly low cost. Meter dose inhaler is more efficient but is not widely used because it is believed to be more expensive than nebulizer. The examination involved asthmatic children who were presented to the emergency department for medication. The age under consideration was between two to eighteen years of age. Those included were the ones who had gentle or temperate illness. The participants were taken from â€Å"British Colombia Children’s Hospital and Alberta Children’s Hospital† emergency departments. Research has established that the use of metered-dose inhaler is more advanced and less costly compared to wet nebulizer. The application of this method also reduces the possibility of one patient transmitting the disease to others. This is because each patient can make utilize his or her own apparatus. The evidence has shown that in Canada, only twenty percent of the children in the emergency department applied this method. The limiting factor the use of this method is its associated high expenditure. When the expenditure and the benefit accruing from both methods were evaluated, the result showed that using meter dose inhaler and spacer is more efficient and cost saving compared to wet nebulizer. This study did not take into consideration the long-term effect of either of the two methods. The use of Meter dose inhaler and spacer improves the quality of drugs administration to the patents because only one patient is served with each gadget. Also, this method reduces the overall cost of curing asthmatic patients because it shortens the period of admission in hospital. Patients get well faster than expected and consequently the expenditure goes down. This saves the family members of the patient stress of going to visit him or her at the hospital. The healthcare providers should make use of meter dose inhaler and spacer to administer drugs to asthmatic patients. This method will

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What is the operating system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What is the operating system - Essay Example While most of the computers in use are using one form of OS, which perform similar functions, the operating systems can be divided into various types of OS. These are batch operating systems, real time operating systems, single user operating systems, multi-user operating systems, and the distributed operating systems. A batch processing operating system involves interaction between the processor and the computer user that is limited (Haldar & Haldar). The interaction can also be non-existent during the period when the computer is being used. The programs, as well as the data that are required in processing are collected and bunched together in the form of a bunch and are executed at the same time. This operating system is ideal where similar data is being processed; large data amounts are being processed, and where similar processing is used in the execution of data. The batch processing operating system is capable of identifying periods during which the processor is not in use, during which time the batches can be processed. The processing is automatic, which means that any intervention by the computer user is not needed. The real time operating system is another example. This operating system is capable of processing input simultaneously, as well as fast enough to impact the following process or input (Haldar & Haldar 25). This operating system is normally utilized for the control of complex computer systems that need increased processing like industrial systems and machinery. Another form of an operating system is the single user operating system that, as suggested by its title, is designed for use by one user for them to use the computer at one time. The multi-tasking operating system is an OS with several applications, which can be loaded at the same time and utilized in memory (Haldar & Haldar 35). The processor is capable of handling only a single application at one time. However, it is capable of switching from one application to a new one

Personal Leadership Development Strategy Research Paper - 1

Personal Leadership Development Strategy - Research Paper Example The vision of leadership therefore places more attention on the relationship between an individual leader and the groups, while at the same time placing more emphasis on collective development. In these contexts, leadership’s relationship to capacity development is often viewed in three levels: individual, organizational and societal. Of these three main levels, societal leadership development often offers the most sustainable change, but also the most difficult to reach, monitor and by an extension evaluate. This paper analyzes personal leadership development, my current leadership state, weaknesses and strengths and it will take to reach an ideal leadership state. Success does not come on a silver platter. It only comes when you are able to face your challenges obstacles which are associated with being a leader. This process entails having adequate information of your strengths and the weaknesses that are inherent within you. Listed are my weaknesses which have contributed o r hindered my personal leadership growth, skills which I intend to enhance my course at the end of my studies; Being compassionate Hardworking Sociable Action oriented and practical High level of integrity Forgiving Having a high level of personal and social intelligence. Leadership Reviewed When looked from an organizational perspective, leadership is the ability of guiding a group of individuals that are in the organization, and thus involves creating and instituting a very clear vision and outline for an organization (Grohmann & Kauffeld, 2013). In this context, sharing a vision with other people or employees in the company aims at creating a unified platform so that fellow organizational employees can follow the company’s objectives without any compromise, and offering information, and other parameters and methods that are required for the accomplishment of the company’s vision. Additionally, leadership involves the process of organizing and coordinating various pr ogram actions and activities, and other inherent conflicting positions that may derail workers and organizational stakeholders from achieving the desired organizational levels. On the other hand, leadership management involves the process of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and control both human and non-human resources in an organization so as to achieve the required organizational levels. Management of people in the organization therefore is the art of planning, organizing and coordinating people and resources in the organization without compromising organizational goals and resources (John, 2002). When examined exclusively, management bears certain characteristics that define organizational efficiency and effectiveness: it involves a continuous process that is often in motion; the leader has to undertake certain functions and responsibilities in an ongoing process and allocating resources to ensure that organizational objectives are met without compromising the obje ctives of individual employees in the organization. The modern concept of organizational management views management and leadership as synonymous. In this understanding Neirott & Paolucci (2013) contend that leadership is a result driven process that is multidisciplinary in nature; it is a process that embraces focus in achieving the intended organizational goals and results through working with and by people that have diverse

Monday, August 26, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 74

Case Study Example Those suffering from mental illness in the rural areas do not access mental health services. The same fate affects those in very remote areas. Members of the local community do not have adequate information on different ways of handling people with multiple mental illnesses. It is significant to have a recovery culture in all institutions that provide all forms of mental health services. Developing the collaborative recovery model plays a crucial role during the training of professionals as it offers them adequate support in all AMHS and NGOs as they work with patients. This takes place through a means that recognises and offers gadgets that give meaningful assistance. Two primary principles guide the development of the recovery culture model. First, the process of recovery is always personalise, exclusive, and constitutes modifying the attitudes, feelings, values, skills, goals, as well as roles. They all progress towards recovery and are measurable when determining the recovery success. The second principle is that working as a team in the process of pursuing recovery enhances the results of the whole process and it is significant for the consumers of the services to cater for their part of the effort in recovery. The recovery model will have four ele ments supported by the available resources referred to as the LifeJET and is important during the strategising process, execution, and follow-ups. Change enforcement. Entails the identification process of the necessary needs that require modification to help in the preparation recovery and the progress of the same by developing commitment and interest and change Follow-up and action. It takes place by recording and evaluating attainment of collaborative goals, level of achievement, and the need for review of intervention efforts that helps to foster accountability. Attained service accountability by

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Concepts, Theories and Critics Arguments Associated With Whistle Essay

The Concepts, Theories and Critics Arguments Associated With Whistle Blowing - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that whistleblowing is an act of exposing any misconduct, illegal or dishonest activity, which is taking place in an organization. The examples of the misdoings can be any activity that does not comply with the laws and regulations or can even be a direct threat to public interest like, corruption, fraud and safety issues. The whistleblower is often repressed by the organization against whom he spoke, related organizations or by law. Whistleblowing is a practice, which needs to be looked after very carefully. The whistleblowers are the ones who can help to bring insanity in any organizational practice or government, where the incumbents mostly abuse their power or positions by involving in wrong practices for either the companies or self-benefit. It is the whistleblowers who can bring these wrongdoings under check by exposing the wrong-doers in public. Though the whistleblowers work for better public interest, there is no law to safeguard t hem from the imminent organizational pressure. Many attempts have been made to define the process of Whistle-Blowing. According to James, Whistleblowing is â€Å"an attempt by an employee or former employee of an organization to disclose what he or she believes to be wrongdoings in or by the organization.† According to Johnson, whistleblowing is significant disclosure of unethical, illegal as well as harmful practices in an organization to certain authorized and standard groups who have the power to take action. In general, these information disclosures are considered as favoring public interest by exposing any activity that involves unauthorized or improper utilization of public funds, information regarding criminal activities, improper bending of justice and danger to safety or health of an individual or any other malpractice. At the same time, critics have argued that whistleblowing can create the negative impact on interpersonal relationships such s between co-workers in an organization and the whistleblower. They even end up being enemies or completely ignore the whistleblower in order to escape their wrongdoings. Whistleblowers can be external or internal and depend on the party or group to whom the whistleblower complaints.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

INGOs FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGANISATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

INGOs FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGANISATION - Essay Example There are four basic areas where Food and agriculture organization practices its knowledge. The expertise of staff such as fisheries, foresters, agronomists, nutritionists, and statisticians, social scientists, and livestock specialists is used to collect, examine and distribute the help for development. Second area of FAO practices is to share the expertise of policy. It gives its member countries an arena to deduce policies for agriculture, bolstering planning and also coming up with efficient legislation and making the global strategies to accomplish rural development and also hunger elimination in the world. The third aspect of FAO practices is to provide a platform for nations to meet. On a certain day, various policy makers and experts all around the world summon together at the headquarters to come up with agreements on agriculture and food issues. Food and Agriculture Organization provides a platform where both affluent and poor countries abide by widespread comprehension. The power of knowledge is implemented at FAO as there are thousands of field projects carried out all over the globe. It assembles and comes up with money which is given by developed nations, banks and other sources to ensure that projects accomplish their objectives. FAO also provides the nominal know-how and in many instances, an incomplete source of knowledge is provided. In times of turmoil, FAO works in collaboration with World Food Program and also with other charitable agencies to safeguard the livelihoods of rural areas and assist people in rebuilding their lives.2 Food and Agricultural Organization gives a huge range of the expert bodies and intergovernmental organizations which are both regional and global an area which deals with several agriculture, forestry, food, and fisheries industries. FAO plans and comes up with specialist meetings on huge development issues

Friday, August 23, 2019

LAND LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

LAND LAW - Essay Example The general rule is that contracts are not transmissible and cannot be enforced against third parties. However, this rule is not absolute and admits exception as when real rights are affected then the terms and conditions of the contracts entered into by other persons may be enforced or deemed binding upon said thirds parties and acquiescence or recognition of rights bestowed is rendered compulsory. A natural person or juridical entity therefore is free to enter into an agreement to exercise dominion or ownership over a property. Ownership of a real property in fee simple excludes all others from the enjoyment and possession thereof giving the owner complete and unconditional rights over the property to cede, dispose, transfer, mortgage or otherwise alienate it in a manner not contrary to law, public policy and good morals. An owner’s unbridled right or dominion over the property should be mindful of the rights of others to peaceful co-existence. It should not be a nuisance as to usurp the rights of others to freely enjoy fruits or benefits of their properties as well. Legal concerns are presented by Mineral Ventures resulting in its acquisition over the freehold owned by Leo through foreclosure proceedings after he defaulted in the payment of the loan he procured in 2007. Though Leo voluntarily vacated the premises, the problem arose when he removed a number of huts built in 2004 which were attached individual plinths that served as offices and facilities for his employees. Another issue which must be equally given attention is the claim of ownership of Reckless Rail (RR) over the one mile railway track connected from the freehold to the national railway system. RR now asserts its ownership over the railway track as Leo defaulted in the payment of the annual installment. Pursuant to its agreement with Leo, RR shall retain ownership over the track until it is fully compensated for its supply and fitting of concrete sleepers and steel rails. Mineral Ventu res wants to find out if it has rights to run after Leo for the return of huts he removed and if Mineral Ventures can sell the freehold with the railway track without recognizing RR’s rights over it. Elementary is the rule that Leo as the landowner can validly enter and in fact had entered into a legal property mortgage agreement with Mineral Ventures covering Prospect Hills to keep Leo’s business operations afloat. Prior to the execution of the real estate mortgage, it is likewise indisputable that Leo had executed a binding and enforceable commercial contract agreement with RR. Under the agreement between Leo and RR, it was mutually consented and stipulated that the ownership of the railways RR installed in Prospect Hills stretching towards the national railway shall be retained by it until the annual installments are paid in full. On the first issue posed by Mineral Ventures if it has legal standing to demand for the return of the huts or in the alternative, entitle d to be indemnified or to recover the cost of the huts, it must first be determined whether the huts are considered immovable or real property and movable or personal property. A property is considered as immovable by its nature if it is land, roads, mines, quarries and others of similar nature. A structure however is characterized as an immovable property if it is incorporated or adhered to the soil in a fixed or permanent manner

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Techniques Used in Stolen Essay Example for Free

Techniques Used in Stolen Essay ANNE ‘To tan or not to tan’ Title itself is symbolic of her confusion – ‘I’m black’ versus ‘milky white skin’. Through dramatic monologue Anne expresses her true feelings to the audience. ‘Am I Black or white?’ The repetitive chant of ‘who do you think you are?’ of various white and black choices captures Anne SANDY ‘Hiding Sandy’ (p3) Repetitive chorus of ‘Always on the run’ to emphasize Sandy’s lack of identity and security and struggle to have a stable sense of his own identity – where he belongs, who he belongs to. ‘Sandy’s Story of the Mungee’ (p10) Sandy’s story is an allegory in the oral tradition for the Stolen Generation. The ‘Mungee’ turned into pale skin and that was his punishment. People would know. People would never forget . Sandy has culture. He uses stories as a way of coping with bad circumstances. This builds his self esteem and reinforces his identity. ‘Sandy at the end of the road’ ‘I’m going back. Home. That bit of red desert†¦ I’m going to catch that fish’ Sandy is finally at peace with where he is, who he is, what he is doing. The ‘bit of red desert’ symbolizes home and belonging, his very identity. ‘Catching the fish’ symbolizes his capacity to stop running – he’s now in control, not the authorities! SHIRLEY ‘Shirley knits for family’ (p19) Stage directions in performance: ‘Shirley has big bag of knitting that she lays out-from small to large’. The clothes symbolize all the years her children were stolen; she’s still their mother. A piece is missing or fractured in her identity. ‘Shirley Never Gives Up Searching’ The repetition Shirley’s voice asking after her children is enhanced by the lighting, where she is ‘isolated, spotlit’. The dramatic techniques highlight her emotional anguish and the fact she is suffering, all alone, with no support. Until she is re-united with her children, her identity is a perpetual. ‘Shirley’s Come Full Circle’ The dramatic monologue is powerful because the audience gets an insight into Shirley’s full range of emotions. We see the ingained pain: ‘The nurse come

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Why do people help Essay Example for Free

Why do people help Essay Helping behavior is an important topic in social psychology. It is important to understand why people help, when they help and reasons for helping others. According to Kassin, pro-social behavior is an action intended to benefit others. The author also describes several factors of why people help. Among them, one is kin selection which is preferential helping of genetic relatives, which results in the greater likelihood that genes held in common will survive ( 2010, page 392). Another one is altruistic which is motivated by the desire to improve another’s welfare ( ). The author also describes the bystander effect in which the presence of others inhibits helping in an emergency indicates why the five steps necessary for helping—noticing, interpreting, taking responsibility, deciding how to help, and providing help. People are most likely to help others in certain circumstances: when they are not in rush. People who are in a good mood are more likely to help. Good mood makes people interpret events in a sympathetic way and it gives them more positive thoughts about helping behaviors. Also people in a bad mood can often increase helpfulness because they feel guilty about something and they may be motivated to help others in order to improve their mood. According to the article, â€Å"People help save man trapped in burning car† the author mentions how the residents in southwest Houston were helping to save a man’s life after he crashed his car into a tree, causing it to catch fire. The vehicle apparently hit a speed bump at a high rate of speed, and the driver lost control. The vehicle slammed into a tree head-on, and the car caught fire with the driver trapped inside. It was shortly before midnight Sunday in Houston. People were helping to save the man’s life. In this article, people were noticing the event, and interpreting it as an emergency. It also shows that this is not a diffusion of responsibility because people were taking the responsibility for proving help. They were taking the decision for providing help, and provided help. They started putting water on the blaze to keep it under control until firefighters arrived. The smoke was so intense that they had to take a brick and bust the window. The Houston Fire Department was able to put out the fire and cut away the vehicle’s door to get the driver out (Khou, April 15 2013). Khou believes the people in the community helped save the driver. The  situation can influence helping. When two explosions occurred along the stretch of the Boston Marathon on Boston street in Boston on April 15th, three people were killed and more than 170 people were injured. People and communities came together to respond and help the best they could. According to the article â€Å"6 Examples of Awesome People Helping Boston Marathon Victims† the author wrote about the heroic people who were helping Boston Marathon victims. Carlos Arredondo is one of them. Carlos was there and he jumped over a fence and ran towards the people lying on the ground and where he found spectator Jeff Bauman with his shirt on fire and the lower parts of his legs gone. Arredondo beat the flames out with his hands, tied a t-shirt around the stump of one of Bauman’s legs, and kept him company until emergency responders arrived (Olivia, April 17, 2013). Joe Andruzzi carried an injured woman to safety. Joe also had carried a man covered in blood to the medical tent. 15 National Guard Members who were assembled at the medical tent near the finish line. They had water, extra uniforms, and first-aid with them on their backpacks. Alyssa Carter raised more than $220,000 on the crowd funding website to help pay her cousins’ medical bills. Boston Restaurants have been donating food and letting people use their establishments as places to regroup (Olivia, April 17, 2013). All above the examples clearly shows that the norm of social responsibility is powerful situational factors that lead individuals to help others. The norm of social responsibility dictates that people should help those who are in need of assistance. This norm creates a sense of duty and obligation to which people respond by giving more help to those in greater need of it. The helpers who were helping after the two explosions noticed the event first and subsequently interpreted it as an emergency. As a result, they took the responsibility and provided help the best possible way they could. Jason said there are countless stories of selfless people who risk their lives to save others after the Boston Marathon explosion. Jason mentions how much people are willing to help. This clearly shows of altruism. Helping the victims could possibly harm the own life of the helper and not helping keeps away from harm. So it was altruistic because the cost outweighed the reward. It is important to understand pro-social behavior and how helping behavior can be increased. Understanding why people help may help to understand how helping behavior can be increased. Elaborate using examples  of where pro-social research can be applied in the real world and what information acquired through research can do to further the understanding of helping behavior?

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Importance Of Email Communication

The Importance Of Email Communication Email communication is important type of written communication. Today, communications are conducted among business firms, organizations and companies mostly via emails. This is not only the cheapest but also the most reliable means of communications. The companies and organizations communicate with other companies and organizations for business purposes through emails. The orders are placed through emails; the enquiries are placed through emails; the picture samples of being imported/exported things are sent via emails as attachments. Moreover email provides most authentic and secure means of communication. The records of past emails can be retrieved very easily in moments. Nowadays, email communications has extended to more than business among employees, which opens doors to many ethical and technological complications. In some cases employees tend to spread rumors about other staff or organizations, disclose information or data to unwanted parties, use offensive language in their communication which conflict the ethical practices of an individual in organizations. Furthermore, employees tend to send large amount of attachments, movies and sound clips to one another or to large group of people. Thus, unwanted network traffic, increase of unrequired email storage Some of the employees behaviors are as follows are as follows Employees use there office emails to receive newsletters from their favorite e-magazine, or use their office emails in website such as Facebook or LinkedIn or etc. which opens many doors of junk and spam attacks! Employees use their office emails to stay in touch with their families and friends Employees receive personal mails i.e. their credit card details, bank statements or sometimes medicals histories etc. Instead of using companys intranet to for announcements and memos, People send heavy attachments to huge number of people from their emails The aim of this research is to understand how emails are being used in organizations, what is the outcome of in-proper usage and then conclusion of what needs to be done to properly use emails and other communications channels such as intranet (MS SharePoint) telephones. also, what policies and procedures the organization should put in practice to increase users awareness on email usage and provide control over the information within it Part Two: Literature Review Emails in general, what the importance of it (2 paragraphs) Effective communication plays vital role in the success of an organization. Every organization, great or small, uses different forms of communication to make its links stronger with other both inland and overseas organizations. The purpose of all types of business communications is to impart and convey information and messages through different communication media. Jennifer M. George and Gareth R. Jones in their book Contemporary Management, comment about richness of information: The amount of information that a communication medium can carry and the extent to which the medium enables the sender and receiver to reach a common understanding. There are many types of communication that exists in business entity, yet there are four major types of Business communication, which are common and extensively used. They are Face-To-Face Communication, Telephone or Voicemail, Personal Written Messages and Impersonal Written Messages. Of all the forms of communication, email is the most significant. The small organizations communicate with other organizations on small scale depending upon its business needs. Larger organizations deploy its specific departments to deal with huge number of emails and online communications. These greater organizations business depends to a great extent upon emails. To cope with this challenge, they employ special IT staff to manage and maintain the availability of this communication media. Other means of communications (2 Paragraphs) Apart from emails, organisations also have other means of communication medias available such as telephones. Telephone is the most important form of communication for exchange of ideas, information and solving various issues promptly and urgently. This mode of communication is effective when parties are exchanging their ideas with same language and they can understand. So telephone is the best form of communication, but it is convenient for short and important discussions. When both the parties belong to different countries and they speak different languages, it is feared they may misunderstand each other. Sometimes, when the organisation conveys a message or announce new product or service to selected or multiple group of staff, they use the following channels Business Letters Annual and Monthly Meetings Publications Notices and Manuals Advertisements Declarations Publications Memos Frequent Meetings Campaigns Declarations Press Releases Journal Articles Facsimile Of all the modes of communication that has been mentioned so far, email is has attained the most important place in the world of business. Without email, the promotion and development of the business is almost impossible. This is why business communications and correspondence are carried out mostly through email. Every flourishing business organization receives hundreds, even thousands of emails daily from all over the world. In 2003, the Radicati Group conducted a digital research after studying fifty companies worldwide; typical corporate user receives an average of 81 e-mail messages per day and sends 29 e-mails per day. That daily total of 110 messages represents growth of about 80 percent compared with last year. Most of the increase is not spam-related, according to the study. The average size of e-mails with attachments is also rising, another research by the same group indicates, Daily global e-mail volume of 210 billion messages will double by 2012. Radicati Group research indicated a remarkable growth of emails received by corporate user in 2006, 55% increase of email volume received since 2003. If users spend an average of one minute to read and respond to each message, this flood of e-mail traffic will consume more than a quarter of the typical eight hours workday with no guarantee that users actually read the messages that are most important. Additionally, if e-mail traffic continues to increase at this rate, the average corporate e-mail user will spend 64% of the workday managing e-mail messages in 2010. As shown in figure 1 Figure 1: Percent of work day spent in managing emails While, number of emails inclines throughout the day, using emails adequately can increase the staff productivity or it may be a time wasting source of communication media if not managed properly. Higher the volume of unread emails get the more chances of delay in email response, decision making and sometimes creating misunderstandings between coà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ workers, vendors or customers and may cause financial or reputational impact. Such incidents are result of 3 main issues. The top 3 problems of emails (3 paragraphs) Research methodologies (2 Paragraphs) The ten commandments of emails (3 Paragraphs)

In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present :: English Literature

In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present two very different. In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present two very different and contrasting views of the same city. William Wordsworth view of London is positive and optimistic. William Blake on the other hand presents a very negative dismal picture of the city. William Wordsworth was born in 1770 and has always had a love of nature. He studied at Cambridge University, which later helped him to become the writer he always wanted to be. In 1787he wrote for the European magazine. In 1970 Wordsworth had an affair with a French girl who inspired him to write poetry but he still kept a close contact with his natural surroundings. Some of wordsworths best poems were under the title of The Prelude which was made up of Philosophical autobiographical poems in 1778 completed in 1805 but only only became published in 1850 also whilst on a trip in Germany he was inspired by nature and its natural surroundings to write more poems. Later on in life Wordsworth abandoned his radical ideas and became a patriotic, conservative public man. He then died in 1850. William Blake was born in 1957. Blake grew up in London and spent most of his life there, been educated by his mother .Not only did he become a poet but he was also a painter visionary mystic and an engraver he also printed his own books. Blake proclaimed the supremacy of the imagination over treating reason as the basic of belief and knowledge of the 18th century but failed to understand how shadowed his career actually was. Later on he experienced visions of angels and ghostly monks. He had his first book of poems in 1783 called poetical sketches and was followed by songs of innocence and songs of experience. His most famous poem was â€Å"The Tyger† as he wrote from a child’s understanding of London, Blake lived a prosperous life he didn’t leave himself any debts at the end of his career or life in 1827. William Wordsworth view of London is good as he looks at the beauty of the town and describes what the town is like using positive vocabulary which makes the poem sound strong also it helps you to visualise its surroundings. When I read this poem it made me feel that nothing could get as beautiful as London could as he sees it for what is made of â€Å"the fairest site on earth† and makes you want to be there as it sounds like a â€Å"grand† place to be.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Shifting Perceptions in Dances With Wolves Essay -- Dances With Wolves

Shifting Perceptions in Dances With Wolves In Kevin Costner's motion picture Dances With Wolves, a white veteran of the Civil War, John Dunbar, ventures to the American frontier, where he encounters a tribe of Sioux Indians. At first, both parties are quite wary and almost hostile to each other, but after some time, Dunbar realizes that they have both grown to love and value each other as friends. As the movie critic Robert Ebert comments, "Dunbar possesses the one quality he needs to cut through the entrenched racism of his time: He is able to look another man in the eye, and see the man, rather than his attitudes about the man. As Dunbar discovers the culture of the Sioux, so do we. " As the viewpoint of the hero gradually shifts throughout the film, it is also paralleled by the similarly shifting perception of the audience- from one of initial, stereotypical fear to a much more positive one, of respect and sympathy. This overall effect on the viewer is accomplished through the skillful use of several techniques in the film , as well as through the use of some memorable scenes, as portrayed through Dunbar's eyes. In the first several scenes of the movie, the audience is introduced to the hero, John Dunbar, and is instantly able to sympathize with him. Firstly, he is a war hero, and thus, brave and respected. Then, when he chooses to move to the frontier, he reveals his adventurous spirit, and when he toils tirelessly each day to build the post, he also shows his hardworking and disciplined personality. Furthermore, Dunbar is a well-educated man, for he eloquently records his experiences in his journal each day, and his thoughts and insights reveal a man of noble and upright character. Thus, these qualities constitute the... ...rriding theme- that all humans possess common emotions, desires, and traits, and that these human elements alone are what should be the distinguishing factors in one's identity, rather than race, gender, or any other external sub-category. Overall, the film causes the audience to change a traditional, stereotypical view of the Sioux Indians, but on a broader scale, it also challenges the audience to view all people from a more humanistic point of view. Works Cited Costner, Kevin, dir. Dances with Wolves. Perf. Kevin Costner, Mary McDonnell, Graham Greene, and Rodney A. Grant. 1990. Videocassette. Orion, 1991. Ebert, Robert. "Dances With Wolves." Rev. of Dances With Wolves, dir. Kevin Costner. The Chicago Sun-Times 9 Nov. 1990. Standing Rock Sioux Nation. Home Page. 31 Mar. 2000. Standing Rock Sioux Nation. 12 Oct. 2001.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Cities Reveal the Best and the Worst Poor and Poverty To be poor, in the economic sense, one merely has to have a sufficiently low income relative to the national average. In this study the standard below which one is regarded as poor is defined as an annual income less than one half of the national [gross domestic product - GDP] per head. On this basis it is evident that to be poor is the norm in most developing countries. This fact is critical if we are to target development to benefit the poor. If one further defines the poor as those who belong to households with an annual income of half the national GDP per capita or less, we define as poor between one half and three quarters of the households of developing countries. Less developed countries; the traditional measures of poverty often based on absolute and one-dimensional approaches and referring strictly to monetary variables, seem to represent a good way to describe the phenomenon. Wealth Wealth is conventionally defined in terms of possessions and market value. One definition of wealth is: "Wealth which combines energy and intellect can only increase, and that wealth can increase only with use and that wealth increases as fast as it is used." By Anonymous The World’s Best and Worst Cities There are various reasons, which can make city best and worst for living. One of the prime factor is the economical conditions of the country as well as the in the region. The best condition of humanity includes, the sanitary system, transportation facilities, pollution level, rate of crime, facilities provided to the citizens of the city/country, environmental factor, population growth, country’s GDP, health and safety conditions, and literacy rate are the essential meters to gauge an... ...nd also Bern all sharing the second place. Milan, Athens and Rome were described as the least safe cities in Western Europe, while Washington received the worst safety ranking in the United States. Abidjan in Ivory Coast was the world's second most dangerous city at the end of last year, when the survey was taken. Several other African cities were also at the very bottom of the table. Those cities posses the best human conditions can also be consider as the richest and developed, and those which are worst, can be considered as the poor cities/countries. It is basically the game of wealth and poverty. The major population of the world has lack of food, health, wealth, water, education, and other necessities of life, which make their life so miserable and worst. References

Saturday, August 17, 2019

George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver eulogy Today we honor a man known for his nutty pursuit for his passion for plants and changed the agricultural world. George Washington Carver was born a slave. He was abducted as an infant along with his mother and father then left for dead for his small and weak frame. His was blessed with more compassionate slave owners who sought the stolen family out only to find baby Carver all by his lonesome. Moses and Susan were the names of his new family who he would call â€Å"aunt and uncle† and they took him and George’s little brother Jim as one of their own. He was a struggling, sickly child cursed with a constant cough, doomed to be home bound with nothing to enjoy but the beautiful plants that grew around the farm. He dedicated his time to them. George always wanted to know more about them and even expressing his fascination with them though art. Susan saw great potential in Caver and urged him as far as she can but home schooling wasn’t enough so Caver himself sought out a high school education. He moved from town to town in Kansas and Missouri in pursuit of a high school education. It took him years longer than most students to graduate because he had to work to support the finances. Later, a family in Iowa encouraged George to try for college. He was finally accepted at Simpson College, and then transferred to Iowa State University. While Carver intended to study music and art, he was convinced instead to study agriculture since he could expect a better living. Music and art became secondary loves as Carver seriously studied agricultural science. An offer came to Carver from Booker T. Washington to teach at Tuskegee, Alabama in 1896. Carver accepted and would remain there until his death in 1943. Carver immediately became interested in helping the poor black farmers of the surrounding area as a botany and agriculture teacher to the children of ex-slaves. Dr. George Washington Carver wanted to improve the lives of â€Å"the man farthest down,† the poor, farmers at the mercy of the market and chained to land exhausted by cotton. â€Å"It is not the style of clothes one wears, either the kind of automobile one drives, nor the amount of money one has in the bank, that counts. These mean nothing. It is simply service that measures success. † Carver’s fame grew after his eulogy given at Booker T. Washington’s funeral in 1915. He later personally knew three US Presidents, both Roosevelt’s and Calvin Coolidge. His personal philosophy of sharing his learning with the community was hailed as a tremendously humanistic approach. He lived ver y meagerly and never married. Carver also received numerous awards during his lifetime like the Roosevelt Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Southern Agriculture. His face has appeared on two US stamps. He was the first African American subject for a National Monument, which stands in Diamond, Missouri. Though some of his scientific methods have been called into question, Carver is certainly significant as an innovator whose true motive was improving the lives of others. He was not tainted by both political or economic gain, and stands as a model for modern scientists.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Potential Hazards Essay

Relating to the physical environment; If you were in a care setting e.g. Residential home, and the ventilation stopped working, or was not working as it should do. For example if some of the residents had an illness that could be passed on through air, then the probability is that all the residents and also staff would end up with the illness this is an acquired infection. Equipment; If you were in a care home for elderly people and they couldn’t use their legs or get up from sitting down you would have to use a hoist to help them up which is more time consuming, but it is against the law to drag lift them onto their feet. Therefore that is why staff have to use hoists, if a member of staff wanted to use the hoist to help someone up and it was broken this would be poor maintained and this could result in injury. Infections; If you were in a hospital and people were given certain needles, and they was not getting disposed of properly needles and all sharps are meant to be disposed of correctly in a yellow sealed box, if the needles wasn’t disposed of properly this would be an expose to danger and also hazardous waste. If they were not disposed of properly and were left lying about and someone accidently got injected with one of the used needles then this could cause an infection. Substances; In a care setting everything should always be clean for health and safety reasons, if a cleaner had been in and was bleaching the toilets and forgot to put the bleach back after cleaning them and one of the patients or residents went to use the toilet and seen the bleach they might have drunk the bleach which this chemical could cause chemical burns to the throat which is expose to danger. Working conditions; In a residential home sometimes they can be short staffed, which could lead staff to be overtired from the extra shifts, it could also make the staff rush and not be following all the procedures properly, not working to their best ability and also rushing their notes  throughout the day this could cause psychological distress to members of staff. Working practices; If you we were in a residential care home the would have to keep the doors and windows locked downstairs so they know who is going in and out of the building for security purposes, this security systems is really effective, but on the negative side this could result in loss of time. For example if the home caught fire and the fire fighters needed to get into the building and quickly as possible to get people out of the building having the doors and windows locked is going to waste time, this also could cause injury. Security Systems; In a residential home there would have to be CCTV around the outside of all doors and so you can see all windows, so you can keep an eye out for anyone trying to get in or out of the establishment. This is important because in a residential home you wouldn’t want people waltzing in and out. If there was an incident we would need to know who was in the building and who wasn’t this is why visitors have to sign in and out. If someone got in and possessions went missing we could narrow it down with the cameras but if we didn’t have cameras it would be hard to find out who did it, this could lead to loss or damage to the premises or personal belongings. Part 2 In this section I am going to give examples of the hazards that can arise in different settings. Residential Home; Elderly If a fire occurred in a residential home they would need to make sure that everyone inside the building got out safe so there would need to be fire exits, safety precautions and when they got everybody out safe they do a count of how many people were inside the building and how many are outside now. In a residential home it is important that the staff take health and safety procedures correctly and appropriately, within the care setting they need to be able to escape from the building in case of a fire, also to make  sure they don’t put each other in danger. So if a fire exit was blocked this could cause a hazard. Child minding; Young Children In a nursery a child minder is only allowed a certain amount of children at a time with them, due to having too many and not abiding to the ratio, if the child minder got distracted with one of the other children and another child had accidently swallowed an object this could cause the child to choke on the object they would have to try and get the object out of the young child’s mouth if this fails to work they would have to ring a ambulance , if the child minder had all the children in sight where she could see all of them this incident would have occurred. This could link to expose to danger. Public environment; Beach younger children If a children’s care home had organized a day at the beach for the children, the care workers would have to make sure that they had put sun cream on all of the children because if they just left them and some of the children got burnt this would be abuse towards the children. If the children wanted to go into the sea, a member of staff would have to go in with them to supervise them to make sure they wasn’t in danger or drowning or the current taking them out to sea. So if they had planned to take them out they would have to make sure there is enough staff to watch the children. Third Receiving Care For those that receive care a hazard for an elderly person could be that they cannot see very well so, loss of vision and slower reactions could be a problem if they was trying to find their way down to the dining area this would be a problem because they wouldn’t be able to see where there was going, so if things were left like this they could fall over and this would be an injury. If there was a younger person going down to the dining area there could be a sign saying ‘caution wet floor’ they might just ignore it and walk over it anyway and fall and really hurt themselves. This would be  lack of equipment. Workers in a setting Workers in a setting could have to deal with all sorts of patients timid, violent, shy e.c.t. if a resident was violent towards a staff member and hit them there would have to follow certain precautions because this is abuse, for example was the resident provoked to hit the member of staff? Was the resident in distress? Was the member of staff not listening or listening to their needs? There would need to be an investigation throughout the home and everyone will have to create a statement both about the staff and the resident. This would be some working conditions for some employees. Support staff Support staff in a health and social care setting should be given protective clothing because if one of the residents or care staff spills something on them or something gets on their skin that harmful in anyway this would be harmful substances because they were not giving the appropriate protective clothing. Visitors If there is a visitor that wants to come into the resident then there should be a buzzer that they have to press for the staff to identify, also a camera so they can see who it is. If there was not these safety precautions anyone could waltz in and out of the building which is not very professional, if someone did get in or someone got out of the building this would be because of poor security systems. This could result in injury.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Quiz Study Help

Take a deep breath and tell him what you've learned in this class that could be a cultural reason for this phenomenon. References to specific theories required. The sociological approach toward social problems differs and is divided into two areas: basic research and applied research. The main reason is to focus more on self-consciousness and building awareness to expand knowledge and understanding on how individuals interact with society and among each other. Researchers rely on scientific methods to determine a person behavior how individuals would act outside of their comfort zone.The first step is knows that there is a problem that needs immediately attention this is how research gains statistics by approaching it with different variables to reach a reasonable solution. While taking this course (Food and Culture) I learned from a sociologist perspective we seem too visualized more on how the society plays a role in our society. I thinking this will be an interesting class because it gives different aspects of the world we live premise of this class is, basically, getting familiar with learning how to ask and answer critical thinking questions and problem solving techniques.In today's society two of the most important tools sociologists seem to use to study the impact on individuals' subjective experience are participant observation and long form interviews based upon individuals social behaviors, social relationships, social interaction, and social awareness. Both data collection methods are widely used to conducts research in field of sociology and perform observation study in the social world. In participant observation, the sociologist primarily participates and focuses on the aspects of humans social activity.Typically, how he or she conducts their study is by taken role in the social situation under observation, which actually means being a part of what they are studying whether it is an ongoing activities and records observation. The main priority is to use knowledgeable structure while gaining deep understanding, and familiarity with the group of individuals you are studying personal levels. However, while working in the fields you cannot get discourage letting emotions and feelings influence or affecting the way you think when observing or finding information.Long form interviews give sociologists a different approach of insight because we are being asked a listed of questions which can last for hours. In this world we were giving common sense to think and it's entirely up to us to use it. The sociological perspective assures us that we live in a diverse world filled with people from different culture and background. It's our decision to isolate ourselves from getting involved with such negative social activities as these. There is a diversity of people's life styles, still we may consider our way of life as superior, right, and natural. All others are no good.The sociological perspective encourages us to think radically about the relative strengths and weaknesses of all ways of life, including our Question 2 of 4 12. 5 Points A friend suggests that gender equality is a reality in the US. He is certain that men have the same load of domestic responsibilities that women do, statistically speaking. Cite statistics from your Readings and LEN that refute his belief. Consider both physical labor and time, and emotional burdens, as drains on the average woman living: in a family with children; living with only a male partner; living with children and no male partners.Leave the statistics on gay/lesbian families for another day; oh don't want your friend's head to explode with too much data all at once. â€Å"The female gender role in family life as the person wholly or almost wholly responsible for all labor related to food is deeply ingrained in American, and some other cultures. † (FOOD & CULTURE). According to the LEN woman work 40 to 80 hours per work; however, this does not conclude the overtime ho urs they work provide and support their families' needs and wants. The achievement of full equality between women and men has not change much from the way things were back in the sass's until now.However, there is always going to be a slight difference not only illogically, but also socially. In the past, women were given more responsibilities Department statistics say that 65% of mothers with young children are working FT; 75% of mothers overall. † (FOOD & CULTURE) Women duties were consisted of nursing babies, cleaning, cooking, and performing other household chores while the men were working outside on the plantation getting paid minimum wage trying to support their family needs. While the men's duties are consisted of outside work; such as cleaning the lawn, working on cars, and etc.See women weren't allowed to go to college only men. In 1855, Oberlin College was first college to admit education to both African American and White women and men. Women were are more educated now than they were back then; although they did not know much about reading, writing, degrees, and careers. I truly believe we're close to gender equality now. â€Å"Consequently, gender stratification varies from one society to another. Whereas sex refers to male or female, gender refers to masculinity or femininity' (Heinlein, 2012).I think women and men both have equal opportunities composed to the past Journey. As of today they both are well educated in certain careers. Honestly, I can say when you consider the fact not even people within the same social group, males, females, blacks, whites, achieve complete social equality with each other. Certainly women have much room for improvement by gradually making significant gains and changes in the workplace, the home, and entering politics. Hillary Clinton came close to making history as being the first female President of the United States.With that being said, there are still a high percentage of women withhold high positions in the politician offices today. â€Å"Every society sorts men and women into separate groups and gives them different access to property, power, and prestige† (Heinlein, 2012). The women's movement is stronger than ever. The reason why I say that is because in the late sass's women did not have any objective or voice to say how they feel and they did not know the different between right or wrong, nor the difference between fighting for what they believed in.Men let's not forget us women were the ones who produced you in this world. The Nineteen Amendment of the Bill of Right Constitution gave women the right to vote. As of today, we women are well prepared to face whatever life throws at us no more running, ducking, or hiding. Some men still feel they have authority over women and that woman has to obey by their rules. For example, no person is going to speak for me, physically or verbally abuse me in any kind of way I refuse to be anyone living made. In the social world there are a few women and men who are too lazy to go out and make a living for themselves.Instead they prefer someone to give them substructure they won't something for nothing. Women are still being discriminated and treated unequally. There are a lot of Jobs that women perform better than men. For example, working in an office setting is a bob for women not man but now in days you find more men receptionist operating computer typing more words per minute than women. In college you find more men majoring in business than hard manual labor. Men work need to be more challenging and complicated such as construction or truck drivers.I think I'll stick to I am feminist. Feminist refer to a diverse variety of beliefs, ideas, movements, and agendas for action. â€Å"the view that biology is not destiny and that stratification by gender is wrong and should be resisted?met with strong opposition, both by men who had privilege to lose and by women who accepted their status as morally erect† (Heinlein, 2012). The black suffrage and the struggles for civil rights is still an issue today. The point is we have these rights to freely do whatever we please to do.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

How to Brief a Case

HOW TO BRIEF A CASE Below I have sketched in the beginnings of a brief as a format. This time-honored method of analysis is the basic unit of law school instruction and so most judicial opinions are written to conform to this approach. Knowing the rules makes watching the game so much more interesting. Start with the name of the Case which is called the â€Å"style† of the case. PERLA GRAFF v. JAY L. GRAFF, 569 So. 2d 811, Fla. 1st Dist. Ct. App. (1990). First is the case name, followed by the citation which tells where you can find the hard copy of this case.This particular case is found in Volume 569 of the Southern Reporter, Second Series at page 811 in an opinion written by the First District Court of Appeals for Florida in 1990. FACTS: (In this section you want to state the circumstances and events that led to the plaintiff suing the defendant as well as any facts relevant to the issue(s). ) The parties were married for over 13 years, but, prior to the marriage the Husban d purchased a home solely in his name.Thirteen years into the marriage, and for survivorship purposes only, the Husband deeded the property to both he and his wife as tenants by the entireties. Additionally, the parties used their joint checking account to make the mortgage payments and the parties used marital monies to add a pool and replace the roof. The Husband testified that he purchased the home for $48,000. 00 prior to the marriage and that at the time of the divorce the home’s value was between $100,000. 0 and $110,000. 00. ISSUE: (In this section you want to state the specific legal question(s) raised in the case. Look at the overall question(s) to be resolved by the court. Sometimes you will have more than one question, but, you want to state your issue as a question or begin your issue with the word ‘whether’) Whether the increased value of the marital home was a marital asset and therefore whether the Wife was entitled to equitable distribution of tha t value.HOLDING: (In this section identify how the court answered the issue. You want to answer the issue(s) in the affirmative or negative, mirroring the issue as you answer it. ) The increased value of the home was a marital asset and the Wife was entitled to equitable distribution of that value. LAW: (In this section you state the law used by the court to reach its decision. Sometimes it will be common law, meaning a court decision or it will be based on statute. ) Section 61. 75, Florida Statutes, Equitable distribution of marital assets and liabilities. RATIONALE: (What legal reasoning formed the court’s decision? What rules of law, for example, did it apply? How did it interpret legal principles or documents? How did it construe the facts? In other words, why did the court reached its decision? ) Here you outline the court’s theory of why the increased value of the Husband’s pre-marital home was a marital asset and therefore why the Wife was entitled to eq uitable distribution of it.This should always be the longest section of the brief since this is the only actual discussion of legal theory. The court held in favor of the form wife using Section 61. 075 concerning equitable distribution of marital assets and finding that the increased value of an asset solely owned by one spouse prior to the marriage may be a marital asset subject to equitable distribution if the increased value was the result of either the work efforts of one or both spouses or the expenditure of marital funds or earnings of the parties. Pursuant to Sect. 61. 75 the Court was required to begin with the understanding that a nonmarital asset is to be set apart to the spouse who held the asset prior to the marriage, however, in this case the Former Husband added the Former Wife to the marital home title thus making the marital home a joint asset for distribution purposes. Thus the court must then, pursuant to Sect. 61. 075 divide the equitable value of the property eq ually, unless there is reason to do otherwise. In this case, the Former Husband attempted to argue the asset should still be treated differently because he only placed the Former Wife’s name on the title in the event of his demise.Even if the Court were to use that argument, the law still entitles the Former Wife to equitable distribution of the asset because the increased value of the asset was based on the joint efforts of both spouses as the Former Husband In making its findings the court looked at the facts the parties used their joint checking account to make the mortgage payments and the parties used marital monies to add a pool and replace the roof. Thus equity required that the increased value of the marital home be treated as a marital asset subject to equal distribution.

Managing Financial and Information Resources Coursework - 1

Managing Financial and Information Resources - Coursework Example Gross profit margin showed an upward trend throughout the period; it increased from 57.76% in 2011 to 63.31% in 2013. This implies that the company earns more cents per dollar of revenue, and this is favourable because more profit is generated to cover non-production costs. Operating profit margin increased in 2012 but decreased in 2013. Even though there is a decrease, the company is still profitable because it is generating enough money from its operations to pay for both variable and fixed costs. In general, the company’s profitability is improving as indicated by the increase in its profitability ratios (Kimmel et al 290). Efficiency ratios indicate how the company is managing its liabilities and using its assets to generate income. Fabrique AÃ ©rospatiale is relatively efficient in its operations. The debtor days increased from 59.33 days to 59.79 days in 2012, and further decreased considerably to 34.31days in 2013. This improvement in debtor days implies that the company’s efficiency in collecting its receivable increased (Kapil, 128). The company is, therefore, very liquid because it takes less time to collect its receivable hence increase in efficiency. Creditor days increased from 91.56 days to 97.5 days but decreased to 78.43 days. This indicates prompt payment to creditors. This reduction implies that the company is trying to take advantage of the discount that the suppliers is offering. Fabrique AÃ ©rospatiale is inefficient in managing its inventory. It has higher values of stock days that is not favourable for the business. Stock days increased from 134.21 days in 2011 to 142.5 day s in 2012 but decreased to 116.14 days in 2013. Even though the decrease is a good indicator, it is very minimal. The company has higher days’ inventory on hand. In terms of liquidity, Fabrique AÃ ©rospatiale is very liquid. Both its acid test ratio and current ratio have values greater that one for all the years. The company is able to meet its near-term

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

International Legal and Ethical Issues in Business IP Week 5 Essay - 1

International Legal and Ethical Issues in Business IP Week 5 - Essay Example es the environmental regulations as well as wages and working-hour legislation that exist in Malaysia and Singapore, two of the well known East Asian countries. To ensure harmony in the Malaysia industrial sector, the government has allocated the administration of the labor laws to the Department of labor. Based on the high demand for employment in Malaysia, adequate labor laws have been enacted to stimulate the minimum requirements that are needed in all types of employment that exist in the country. One of the notable legislations that have been established by the Malaysia government is the Employment Act of 1955. This law applies not only to manual laborers regardless of their salaries but also to all workers in Peninsular Malaysia whose monthly salaries is not more than RM1, 500 (Malaysia Labor Standards, 2012). Some of the major obligation of an employer under the Employment Act 1955 is that all the employees must be provided with a written contract that depicts the terms and conditions of their employment. Additionally, the law provides normal hours of work as well as the rate of hourly payment for overtimes and extra work. Employees provident Fund Act of 1991 is another key legal aspect that stipulates mandatory contribution for all employees working in Malaysia. According to this law, employees below the ages of 55 years earning more than RM5, 000 should contribute a minimum of 11% of their monthly wages to Employees Provident Fund (EPF). On the other hand, the employer should contribute a minimum of 12% of the employee’s wages to the Employees Provident Fund (Malaysia Labor Standards, 2012). Malaysia environmental regulation is sufficient. Based on the large number of legislations passed by the law making body, the country has addressed large number of issues that does not affect the local companies but also foreign firms. For example, the Workmen’s Compensation Act of 1952 imposes obligation on the employers to insure their employees. In the same

Monday, August 12, 2019

Wallace Stevens Death of Soldier & EE Cummings Sweet Old Etceter Essay

Wallace Stevens Death of Soldier & EE Cummings Sweet Old Etceter - Essay Example On the other hand, Wallace Stevens’ ‘The Death of a Soldier’ is perceived through a modernist view in a dimension of realism that treats acceptance of fate as mundane. On claiming ‘Life contracts and death is expected, As in a season of autumn’, W. Stevens takes on a perspective that embraces practicality where no point of despair becomes necessary. Time instead serves as an indispensable element in the poem and even ‘death’ which is said to be ‘absolute’ and ‘without memorial’ is subject to the constant changing of season. Unlike with Faulkner’s narrative which appears to celebrate sensible aspects of living through remarkable human traits, Stevens’ brief work can be felt to assume rigidity, perhaps to drive any huge amount of agony over death. As if to deprive the poem of components that lead to sentimentality, Stevens occurs to have been more inclined to render the piece as a detail of fact. By t he repetition of simile with ‘As in a season of autumn’, there emerges an attempt to signify the physical rather than the emotional state of nature with respect to the perspective of a third person in view of war.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Prevention of Falls in Elderly Rehabilitation Patients Essay

Prevention of Falls in Elderly Rehabilitation Patients - Essay Example Research on the elderly has attained ethnographic cross-cultural comparative proportions of investigation, being one of the most necessary requirements of society. Professional acute care, community care with their circumstantial inadequacies and the situational hopelessness of the elderly in those last sad years motivate Sociologists to invest more time on finding alternatives and innovations. One point all the care facilities and Governments usually forget is that the care is necessity-dependent and not just age-dependent. These articles belong to the researched data connected to this field. As the falling of elderly has become a main problem especially so in the western society, because it delays rehabilitation and healing, it is necessary to have as much information as possible on the given area. Critical assessment and comparison of two or more research pieces can give more insight to care workers like me who have to focus on the problem. This is a very pertinent area for a care giving professional and it is better to analyze the research available than simply scanning through it. I would like to appraise both the works, analyse them and compare them. I would also like to critically go through them and point out the areas of deficiency and shortcomings. I have tried to find similarities, glaring dissimilarities and various points that the researches have touched in the process. I feel it is important because of the seriousness of the problem that can make the last days of the elderly very painful, lonely and ailing. It is important to welcome as much research as possible in this region. LIMITATIONS: Both the research work show very limited perspectives of the problem. They do not envelop the entire relevant issue. Instead, they focus on certain practical advice and connected research without concentrating much on day-to-day activities of the care homes that are trying hard for a successful rehabilitation. As these researches are not highly extensive, their field strength is rather limited. Even though they represent two highly important sides of the problem, one approaching from physical angle and another from mental, it is difficult to conclude that both the papers have achieved anything absolutely conclusive. LITERATURE REVIEW: Aging touches different parameters in the Western and Eastern World because in Eastern countries, families take care of the elders under normal circumstances. Problems facing the elderly in European Countries, Australia, USA or Eastern Countries are identical. Caring for the frail elderly does not limit itself to one region or country."Older people in European society are therefore not to be regarded as a homogeneous mass but as a diverse group of people who may have only one characteristic in common - their age" says Hugman (1994, p.7). Restorative care is distinctively different from usual care because they have to be matched with the particular individualistic

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Academic Inflation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Academic Inflation - Research Paper Example The educational authorities have raised the minimum education level requirements in the educational institutions and organizations which have created a significant problem in the business world. It has been reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that the graduates completing their education lack the skills and qualifications required for filling a job as they have not been given proper training in their institutions (Lan & Winters, 2011). The cost of education has risen at an accelerating rate as compared to the increase in the financial aids that are provided by the federal agencies. According to SHEEO (2011), as people have insufficient funds available for covering the costs of college education, the number of graduates completing it has declined in the last few years. All of these factors have raised questions regarding the academic inflation that how lack of federal aids, increase in college/tuition fees, decline in wage increments and rising inflation rate are impacting the quality of college education. Academic Inflation is described as the process by which the higher education degrees’ value gets inflated; it is the point at which the minimum level of education is required when the level of employment rises. In fact, there is no real need for highly skilled or trained employees for various jobs in the firms (Odland, 2012). As a result of the academic inflation process, the bachelor’s degree value has reached a level where the graduates face difficulty in finding a suitable position in the professional world and they have to acquire degrees of much higher level such as Master’s degrees and PhDs. The primary reason for such a robust growth in the academic field for higher level degrees is an accelerating rate of competition among the peers (Singell & Stone, 2007). Along with increase in the demand of higher level degrees, the cost of acquiring them has

Friday, August 9, 2019

MICROECONOMIC REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MICROECONOMIC REPORT - Essay Example It is in this context that mergers, diversifications and rapid expansion at the industrial level are often argued as the symbolic representation of capitalism as a measure for economic development (Pacione, 1985). Notably, this particular understanding has been considered when selecting articles for this assignment. In this regard, it has been observed from the articles reviewed that the government can also play a vital role in terms of formulating adequate guidelines and deregulation systems in order to develop the country’s economic position. Article 1: â€Å"America's Big Banks are Back on Top† As revealed in the article by The Economist (2013), after a remarkable invasion of financial crisis in the year 2008, the American banks have re-established their real role in the Wall Street’s financial environment in the current year. The banking institutions of the US have faced dramatic alterations owing to incessant instability on investments since the last five ye ars. The volatility within the financial performance has also been observed in the financial institutions due to the rapid pace of fluctuation on the global financial movements and variations in the financial portfolio of the global banking institutions (The Economist, 2013). ... overnment have occupied a number of steps in the midst of the financial crisis in the year 2008 with the intention to deal with the financial crisis faced by the country. The crisis initiated in America’s real estates and banking as well as the other financial institutions expansion to the world economy deciphering greater sustainability (Poole & William, 2010). Few of the major decisions of the Federal Government focusing on considerable changes and development of the financial rules by the banking institutions have made the great recession to an end at a much earlier phase than the expected stipulated period. For instance, the Emergency legislation passed by the U.S. assembly in the year 2008 and in the early quarter of 2009 focused on assisting the financially declining phase of various industries in the economy. Additionally, few of the other major initiatives that developed by the federal government as explained in the article The Economist (2013) have been illustrated he reunder. Avoiding breakdown of the major financial institutions Reducing the impact of the limitations of US financial institutions Providing instant incentives to consumer spending through raising after-tax household income Providing temporary funds to the state and the local government in order to reduce the needs and the spending during the recession period Looking after the newly laid off workers and members of other economically vulnerable populations taking anti-poverty measures Making available of federal endorse for infrastructure investment Source: (Poole & William, 2010) Furthermore, as noted in the article, The Economist (2013), in accordance with the recessionary effects in the global financial position, along with the US, the UK financial institutions have also faced severe

Hemmingway and OConnor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hemmingway and OConnor - Essay Example There, a man and a girl are shown talking and drinking beer: they are obviously a couple waiting for a train... and, probably, waiting for something else, too. We see that the story is virtually suspended in awaiting for a resolution. The second story provides an image of a â€Å"typical† family of the early 1950’s going on a short vacation and eventually facing silly and unexpected accident and death. Reading and interpreting both stories, the reader will inevitably sense that familial ties play a great role in them, detrimental and harmful role. Moreover, both readings can be related to American society, as the conflicts and moral concerns implied in them have been rather relevant in America for decades. â€Å"Hills like White Elephants† and â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† both illustrate corruption of family ties and incapability of the family members (or lovers) to lend real moral support to a person. Though the style of Hemmingway excludes any explicit descriptions of the story’s context, one can sense that the American is trying to convince the girl that an abortion is the best solution to the dilemma they are facing (Mellow). Although he tries to convince her softly and seems to comfort her with the idea that they â€Å"will be fine afterward† (Hemmingway), his true motivation is visible: he doesn’t want this child (maybe he isn’t ready or finds it hardly affordable to raise a child). Therefore, the role the close (almost familial) ties play in the decision-making the girl faces is unsupportive and even negative. The simple operation, as the American puts it, is supposed to solve rather his than her problems. Another thing arresting the reader’s attention is the way the two characters talk. They seem so distanced from each other, none of them actually listening to what the other says. Thus, presenting their dialogue as talking rather than com municating, Hemmingway might push the reader towards one more

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Academic Writing for Adults Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Academic Writing for Adults - Essay Example Otherwise, I understand I would have to take the Writing Workshop, which offers a more intensive training for students who have exceptional difficulty with their academic writing. I believe that I do not need to take the Writing Workshop. Far from experiencing â€Å"writing anxiety,† I have a strong interest in writing, and my personal goal is to learn how to write more effectively. I believe that Academic Writing for Adults will be a good venue in which I could pick up pointers for improving my writing style. I understand that the course is for academic writing, which will provide me a greater opportunity to express myself better through my writing for the purpose of passing my courses, maybe even get better grades. In my youth, I had moderate difficulty in writing; I believe, though, that it was not so much because I was afraid of writing, or because I did not know how to write. At a young age, there appeared to be little to write about. I felt that I had not experienced as much as I had to in life, for me to gain enough insight to write about things. Of course, it was different about lessons. When needed, such as in an examination where essay writing was required, I usually could find enough to say, in order to create a decent-enough essay, and was confident in writing. When the type of writing is about impersonal things, such as subject matter that comes from lessons or a book, I have had little problems in writing. You might say that these are things that could be studied and memorized, then repeated when it becomes necessary to do so. Student’s last name However, when the requirement is to write about my personal insights and to venture my own opinions, I sometimes grope for the words that I must put together, in order to express what is formed as a concept in my own mind. Because of this, I feel that my problem with writing is not so much in the area of spelling or grammar, but one of a higher level, dealing with the finer points of writing , and the techniques to convince and entertain the reader. Now that I am joining an adult class, I feel that I have had more experience and more insights that I think are worth sharing. From my exposure to the outside world in the course of growing up, I have picked up a bit more vocabulary, even a bit more of the idiomatic expressions and common sayings that may be useful in forming my own statements and expressions. Needless to say, the more advanced means of communication has helped a lot in providing all of us with a ready source of information. Social networking, for instance, gives us all a chance to write to countless people in the world, to exchange ideas and to interact at a personal level in a manner that enriches us. This technology was not available to me in my youth; for this, I believe the youth today are in an enviable position, to be able at an early age to write and communicate with everybody else in the world and to grow together as a global community. I may be goi ng beyond the scope of a mere academic writing course, but I believe that writing is the key to reaching out through a more permanent medium than just conversing by speaking. Sometimes it is easier to get a message through by talking, because when we run out of words, we can use gestures and body language to get the message through. Writing is different, because one has to put down in a sheet of paper what one wants to say, without the use of facial expressions, body language, or other actions. The reader has only the words that the Student’s last name writer has put down on paper (or electronic medium) in order to grasp the message the writer wants to convey, in the way he wanted to convey it. The course if for academic writing, I understand. Eventually, though, I hope I could develop my writing skills to the point of