Thursday, October 31, 2019

Analyse a discourses in 'Discourses and Variation' subject Essay - 1

Analyse a discourses in 'Discourses and Variation' subject - Essay Example These talk back methods enable community involvement and discussion of interactional energy with instructors through conversation (Williams, 2004). User review of retail methods illustrates SNS interactions prospective subversion of straight interaction of energy and equalizing instructor and school student accessibility details statements. This review supports statements about the machine-mediated interaction approach (Facebook) to democratize interaction through filtering cues denoting community hierarchies. Learners who could not otherwise criticize educators educational methods in experience to deal with get in touch with for fear of sanction, found in Facebook a safe way to query them. RP posts, ‘I do not care if pain WAS useful to get details. It still goes against the Geneva Conference agreement, and is an obvious attack on individual privileges. What is this world coming to? We’re SUPPOSED to be the excellent people, but the way I look at it we are not doing a very excellent job of displaying it. Torture is incorrect. 100 %. No validation.’ MR posts, â€Å"bunch of generous pansies †¦ do you really experience concern for the same people that blew up a part of our country? Do you think these ‘people’ (and I used that term loosely) would stop to consider what they are (and did) to our prisoners? †¦ I say whatever happens to them is much less than they are entitled to †¦.† PS declares, â€Å"†¦ (of course there are the exclusions †¦Ã¢â‚¬  and even goes to unite himself with team associates by asking, â€Å"†¦ what does [sic] people like us have to concern over issues of this nature?† a participant preserves this design of discussion. QK â€Å"It is not anyone here is [sic] job to persuade you that you are incorrect, but if you are here to task the GROUP’s opinions, back it up. Oh, and cut down on the terminology — AND learn how to perform magic. I think what it comes down to is to THINK before you write,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Nationalism in Africa and Asia as a Mass Movement Essay

Nationalism in Africa and Asia as a Mass Movement - Essay Example The book, After the Tamerlane: the rise and fall of global empires, 1400-200 by John Darwin, is an impressive example of the macro narrative approach to the history of the world that has been (Anderson, 2006, p170). The writer provides a well argued, nuanced yet so clear, and highly informative overview of more than half a millennium of interaction cross-continentally and exchange, which he relates to his main theme-the rise and fall of global empires. Starting with a well-produced survey of the state of various Asian empires circa 1500, the writer sets out to decentre the overwhelmingly European-focused macro-narrative that has dominated thinking and writing about the rise and fall of expansive colonizing polities for centuries (Anderson, 2006, p183). The writer is able to sustain this shift in perspective quite well through the early chapters, which converge in his discussion the factors leading to the ‘great divergence’, which has received a considerable deal of conce ntration on the fraction of the world’s historians in the recent years (Anderson, 2006, p190). ... that consists of well focused and perceptive discussions of the weaknesses and failures of European colonizing enterprises and their persisting dependence on colonized peoples for all manner of imperial endeavors, from trade and war to the governance of conquered territories. Darwin’s attention to the weakness and vulnerability of even empires on the increase or at the climax of their global power considerably enhances his superb discussions of what he uses as key factors that favor some empire-minded societies over others (Anderson, 2006, p178). In the course of the nineteenth century, especially in its latter half, the philological lexicographic revolution and the rise of intra-European nationalist movements, themselves the products, not only of capitalism, but of the elephantiasis of the reigning states, formed increasing culture, therefore, supporting and complex for many dynasts (Anderson, 2006, p180). The legitimacy of most of these dynasties had nothing to do with natio nals. Romanov ruled over the Tatars and Letts, Germans and Armenians, Russians and Finns. Habsburgs were perched high over Magyars and Croats, Slovaks and Italians, Ukrainians and Austro-Germans (Anderson, 2006, p182). Hanoverians presided over Bengalis and Quebecois, as well as Scots and Irish, English and Welsh. On the continent furthermore, members of the same dynastic families often ruled in different, sometimes rivalrous states. What nationality should be assigned to Bourbons ruling in France and Spain, Hohenzollerns in Prussia and Rumania, Wittelsbachs in Bavaria and Greece?  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Project management tools and techniques

Project management tools and techniques Project management tools and techniques are available to assist project managers and their teams in successfully delivering the project. Some popular tools in the time management knowledge area include Gantt charts, network diagrams, critical path analysis Critical Incidence 2- Perceived Failure Of The Project A critical incidence during the project was the perceived failure of the project by the University administration due to the amount of time it was taking to register all the students. This was 10 weeks in to the project and the university claimed that with their manual process they completed registration in 3 weeks. As the on-site member of the project team, I was responsible for utilizing all available resources to successfully complete the project within a reasonable time. The time frame was not stated and my aim daily was to register as many students as possible. Gantt charts Gantt Chart is one of the popular information presentation tools in a project plan for graphically scheduling and budgeting. This tool makes it possible to have a quick look at all the tasks names and timings, and shows the current schedule status and progress. (Schwalbe 2006). It is also a good technique to identify parallel and sequential tasks, estimated time required for each task and an overall project timeline representation (McFarland  Ã‚   ) Schwalbe K. 2006, â€Å"Introduction to project management† Publisher: Cengage Learning Avoiding Project Management Pitfalls Allison J. McFarland With the availability of various Project-Management applications, like MS Project, smartdraw-Easy Project Chart, etc., Gantt Chart can be easily made. According to Pankaja Pradeep Kumar one of the biggest problems, the project managers have to face, is project-scheduling. With Ms. Projects Gantt Chart, an effective scheduling plan can be put in place for providing the necessary information, required by the project team members, for measuring the actual performance with the planned performance. This will enable the projects to be delivered within the time constraint with pre-defined quality standard. There are many literature and reading material available expressing the usefulness of the Gantt Chat (see appendix 1). Unfortunately Gantt charts, despite having various advantages faces various criticism. Asaravala (2006) highlights that some critics argue that Gantt Chart distracts the project managers attention from the project and towards perfecting pretty graphs, while others argue that charts are created only to satisfy the higher-ups and act as a distraction for the project team. Asaravala, A. 2006, â€Å"Defending the Gantt Chart†,   Resource: Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) , Citation: Software DevelopmentJan2006, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p14-15 Luz (2009) Also criticises that, besides the benefits, Gantt charts have many weakness which includes lack of details and inefficient utilization of screen space when displaying large number of parallel tasks, each of which requires its own representation space. Maylor (2001) extends the criticism and considers Gantt Chart as a â€Å"blunt instrument†, that encourages a one-step approach to planning. As a result of the presentation capabilities of modern planning packages, the visual quality of colour charts means that they gain an implicit credibility. This can result in staff being unwilling to challenge the charts, and so they gain a momentum all of their own. Furthermore Maylor (2001) states that charts obliges the project manager to over-control the project instead of delegating the project responsibilities to the team members. Increasing use of the project-management applications, project managers become not only the ‘keeper of the charts but also a computer operat or. This might lead the virtual project plan not being updated, as frequent change occurs. Asaravala (2006) defends the charts approach by reasoning that Gantt chart is a communication tool in helping stakeholders in understanding the tasks and the tasks relations with each other Pritchard (2004) affirms that Gantt charts helps the stakeholder to have a good view of the project and also act as a communication tool to the project clients and the stakeholders involved. Furthermore it helps project leaders focus their attention on critical tasks and resources as the project moves forward and allow them to keep track of how the project is progressing and using its available resources. Pritchard C. 2004, â€Å"The project management communications toolkit†, Publisher: Artech House Asaravala (2006) concludes that one the major reasons for criticism against Gantt charts might be that project managers, most often, find it difficult to get Project Management Applications, like Microsoft Project, to do what they want it to do. This might lead to confusion in the project tasks and delays in delivering the project Since Gantt Chart is not the only tool for time management in a project management. Literature mentions that there is an alternative approach to Time management. Therefore, Kendrick (2004) and Ribeiro (2009) suggest that an alternative to the Gantt chart would be to use a Critical Path Analysis CPA (Network Analysis) whereas Field et al. (1998), Johnson et al. (2007) and Davis T. and Pharro R. 2003 suggest Gantt Chart should be used along with Critical Path Analysis. Critical path networks provide a powerful notation needed to show all the local interdependencies between different tasks. Furthermore, it also ensures completion of the project in a timely manner by quantifying the priorities, based on an analysis of all the task duration estimates, with efficient utilization of resources but all this depends on the accuracy of the information used. (Lock 2007) Lock D. 2007, The Essentials of Project Management, Edition: 3, Publisher: Gower Publishing   Ltd. Field M. and Keller L. 1998, â€Å"Project management†, Publisher: Cengage Learning EMEA Ribeiro J. M. 2009, â€Å"Procurement of Goods, Works and Services in Development Projects: With an Overview of Project Management†, Publisher: Presses inter Polytechnique Johnson L. K., Luecke R. and Austin R. D. 2007, â€Å"The essentials of project management†, Publisher: Harvard Business Press Kendrick T. 2004, â€Å"The project management tool kit: 100 tips and techniques for getting the job done right†, Publisher: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn for project of a long duration, or where the details associated with future stages of he project are unclear, the completion of detailed network or Gantt chart can be meaningless. An alternative approach for projects of this nature is to agree and set metilestones or target dates fro akey events some way into the future. Detailed plans are then produced on a rolling programme as work is completed. Milestone charts are a very useful way to represent the project schedule. The activities leading up to the next milestone are developed in detail (using the processes outlined above), but the future stages of the project are shown simply by apporiate milestones. The detailed activities associated with the work leading up to those future milestones are developed as the project draws near. This approach provides a realistic representation of the project as events some way into the future are inevitably less well known and clearly defined. Planning the schedule in detail as the work is approac hed provides more accurate detailed plans. Davis T. and Pharro R. 2003, â€Å"The relationship manager: the next generation of project management†, Publisher Gower Publishing, Ltd Personal Reflection In the trans Himalayan mountain bike race project, the use of Gantt Charts for delivering the project has been empirical. For me Gantt chart acted as a key planning and controlling tool for addressing the project management in terms of time, scheduling and cost. It is easy to understand, embodies the WBS and enables monitoring the progress against projected estimation. I do not agree with Maylor (2001) criticism for considering Gantt Chart as a â€Å"blunt instrument† because it is either the projects milestones that are not executed in the way it is scheduled for or the Gantt Chart is not consistently aligned with the reality of the project. Blaming the Gantt Chart for being useless is just absurd. I have observed that Gantt Charts are not as good as a Critical Path Analysis Flow Diagram for identifying and showing interdependent factors. Although some of the literature, as mentioned above, mentions using the Critical Path Analysis as an alternative to Gantt Chart but after experiencing and using both tools in the Himalayan mountain bike race project, made me realized their importance and compels me to agree with Field et al. (1998) and Johnson et al. (2007) CPA flow diagram should be used with the Gantt Chart as a secondary tool. and Davis T. and Pharro R. 2003 Highlights the critical path and shows project logic (flow). Introduction To Project Management By Kathy Schwalbe For this reason many good organizations stopped using chart approach to plan projects like the top level management of Hewlett Packards UK plants uses whiteboards and Post-It notes with individual sub-project managers using the project management application at the task level Kuta points out that the key success factor for project rely on the project decisions which are based upon cost, risk, procurement and contracting, and other issues but are not addressed in the traditional Gantt Chart can oftenbe the timing and tn Although Gantt chart act as a key planning and controlling tool for addressing the project manamgent in terms of time, schecdule and cost but in support of this argument by In this argument

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Great Depression in America Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Imagine losing all of the money you've ever earned in a few years. This may seem quite far fetched, but the Crash of 1929 made this a reality. The crash of 1929 established the beginning of America's most memorible era; the great depression. According to the London Penny Press, following the week of Black Thursday, one could go to New York and see speculators hurling themselves from windows because they had lost everything in the crash. (The Great Crash 1929-Galbraith) Many people had everything they could ever dream of before the crash occured, but after the crash they found themselves poor, hungry, unemployed, and devastated. ErmDux14: Of course during hard times people need someone or something to blame, and unfortunately the president of the United States Herbert Hoover was a very convinent candidate. Most people didnt realize the nature of the economy. It cant continue to skyrocket forever, and very rarely does it just level off ; therefore the crash was inevitable. Before the crash many previous presidents and their administrations practiced lassiez fairer, and for the most part kept out of the market and its issues. However, in 1929 the situation was so immense that Hoover had no choice but to get involved. He came to the aid of the people as best as he could. Never before had a president had to deal with such a situation. President Hoover didnt recieve enough credit for the things he did. Many didnt realize that there was very little he could actually do. ErmDux14: The stock market is a very strange thing. It can be very unpredictible, yet patterns can be detected. After the industrial revolution and with America gaining prosperity, the New York stock market found itself doing quite well. The stock market continued to boom which meant real estate and stock prices would also increase in value. One could look in the paper day in and day out, and find his stocks were continuing to rise. The increase sucess in the stock market eventually had to end. Stocks could not continue to increase, the crash was inevitable. Prices would stop rising, people would no longer be buying for an increase, and owning stocks would be useless if no one wanted to buy them. So eventually the market would fall. (The Year of the Great Crash) A law in physics states: 'What goes up must come down', and that's exactly what the stock market had to ... ... to a sharp decrease in world trade as each country tried to protect their own industries and products by raising tariffs on imported goods. Parents of young children found it hard to be able to leave their children in school, because they were needed to work on the farms to bring in money. Due to illness and unemployment, about 30,000 immigrants had to return to their home country. (Encyclopedia Britannica, The Great Depression) ErmDux14: The rampid speculation that occured in the 1920's came to a screaching halt with the Crash of 1929. It took almost a decade for the economy of the United States to recover, though many individuals never recovered financially. The lessons learned during that time help to form the start of many new financial policies that would help the economy and markets grow in the future. Bibliography 1. Galbraith, John Kenneth. The Crash of 1929 . New York: Houghton Mifflin Company,1954. 2. Gordon, Thomas and Max Morgan-Witts. The Day the Bubble Burst. Garden City, NY :Doubleday and Company, 1954. 3. Hoover, Hebert. The Memoirs of Hebert Hoover (The Great Depression) New York: The Macmillan Company, 1952. 4. Encyclopedia Britannica, The Great Depression

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Australia vs. China: An Economic Comparison Essay

Australia and China adopt very different economic systems in order to cater the best for their society. However, Australia’s economic system is more successful than China’s and, due to the writer’s right-wing value system, will be measured in terms of environmental efficiency, labour and entrepreneurial resource efficiency and the standard of living. The basic economic problem for any country is that resources are scarce while wants are infinite. This means that countries must decide what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce in the most efficient and equitable way possible. Australia and China both take different approaches to solving this economic problem, even though both can technically be classified as a mixed economy (Year 11 Economics, 2007). Australia approaches the problem from the perspective of ‘what is best for the individual’ however China believes in doing ‘what is best for the country’ (Year 11 Economics 2007). These ideals are more clearly shown in the importance of market forces to each country. Australia and China allow different degrees of market forces and government interference in order to best solve the basic economic problem. Australia allows a lot more market-based forces to determine what, how and for whom things are to be produced. This means that the competitiveness of the market combined with the need for profit allows Australia to have high quality products at competitive prices (Mixed Economies, 2007). However, market forces also determine for whom things are to be produced, which means people with little or no income can be forgotten and this is where the government interferes. The government works to protect the rights of workers so that they are not abused by large companies and tries to be more equitable by providing welfare to the disadvantaged (Mixed Economies, 2007). China believes in a lot more government interference due to its communist ideals. The government has the most control over what, how and for whom things are to be produced although market forces still play a huge part for the minority of Chinese people who have money. China tries to spread its wealth over its huge population however due to its numbers it is hard to keep track of and provide for its entire population (An Introduction to Economics, 2007). These ideals are both effective in theory however in practice Australia’s economic system is more equitable than China’s. Equity can be determined by two things; equity in comparison to the world and equity within their own country. This is measured with the global living standards and the safety net within the country. The safety net is made up of health, education and welfare; three essential things for each person to have in case they fall ill, have a low income or wish to be educated. The standard of living includes the safety net as well as life expectancy and economic growth and therefore determines equity amongst people in comparison to the rest of the world. This is measured with a single number called the Human Development Index (HDI). Australia ranks very highly in the HDI achieving 0.957 in 2005 making it third in the world (Hamel, 2006). In terms of a safety net, Australia provides free health, education and an efficient welfare program. The government uses programs like Medicare, Centrelink and public school facilities to provide lower income workers, the disabled and disadvantaged ‘a fair go’ (Australian Department of Health and Ageing, 2007). China still has a safety net but it is a very poor one. Health, education and welfare are provided but they are not up to the standards of Australia. In fact, these services do very little to help its incredibly large population. This results in a very low HDI of 0.768, making it 81st in the world (Hamel, 2006) Therefore, as Australia has a more effective safety net and a higher HDI, Australia has a more successful economic system in terms of equity. Australia is also able to use its environmental resources more efficiently than China. Environmental efficiency can be determined by power distribution, the resources used and the social costs. Australia’s power distribution is very effective with very few blackouts and 24 hour assistance in case of emergencies (Metcalfe, 2007). Like any other country, Australia has environmental issues however it is trying to become more environmentally friendly and efficient. Australia is building more infrastructure and becoming more environmentally friendly. China on the other hand does not have effective energy distribution. Blackouts are a common thing in China due to the overwhelming demand for energy (Xinzhang, 2007). Right now China faces the problem that there is not enough  transmission capacity to provide additional supplies which results in poor distribution. Coal is the main resource used for energy supply in China by a staggering 63.4% compared to 6.9% hydroelectricity (China Today, 2005). Coal use in Australia is significantly less than this with only 42% of its energy source being coal (Metcalfe, 2007). China has overwhelming carbon dioxide emissions, so overwhelming that China is accountable for 15% of the world’s emissions (World Fact book, 2007). This has very negative social costs with acid rain being a frequent problem for China. 5% of China’s GDP is spent on trying to fix the social costs of pollution (China Today, 2007). Not only is this not statically efficient, but it is not dynamically efficient either. Therefore, even though both countries have environmental issues, Australia is able to provide a better power supply with less social costs and so its economic system is more environmentally efficient than China’s. As well as environmental efficiency, Australia’s economic system uses its labour and entrepreneurial resources more efficiently than China. The effectiveness of labour and entrepreneurial resources can be measured by unemployment and the degree of allowance of privately owned businesses. Australia had an unemployment rate of 5.6% in 2004 and a 4.9% unemployment rate in 2006 (ABS, 2006). This shows unemployment decreasing and more people entering the workforce. This increase in workforce allows more resources to be given to the business sector and therefore speeds up the economy. As well as this, Australia allows more private businesses than China. In 2004, there were over 3 million privately owned businesses in Australia (ABS, 2004). Not only does this create employment but it promotes consumer sovereignty, giving consumers competitive prices and choice between products. The government only interferes in the case of market failure i.e. national defence and public schools. This is to ensure that the needs of the country are met and to try and create equity amongst those who cannot afford the necessities. Therefore, Australia uses its workforce and entrepreneurial resources more efficiently. China however had a 9.9% unemployment rate in 2004 which shows that a lot of labour is not being used effectively (World Tax Inc, 2007). For many of the people who are employed, they are underpaid and overworked which can lead to poor goods and is not very equitable. Also, China does not utilise its entrepreneurial resources as well as Australia  does. Private business is increasing in China but the state-owned and collective enterprises still out number them significantly. In 2004, China’s first economic census showed that private enterprise had gone up 49% while state-owned enterprise had gone down 48% (Xinhua News Agency, 2005). The government still rules the majority of business which does not promote competitive quality or give people a choice of goods. The government often interferes even in cases where there is no market failure and unfortunately what consumers demand may not necessarily be acknowledged and supplied by the government. Therefore, due to better employment rates and better use of entrepreneurial resources, Australia’s economic system is more successful than China’s. An effective safety net, high standard of living, environmental efficiency and an efficient workforce are key components in any successful economic system. Australia manages to maintain these components making its economic system highly successful. China on the other hand is still developing and trying to improve these components. It is almost unfair to compare the two as they are at different stages of economic growth. Perhaps in years to come China will become more efficient and equitable and be able to compete with the best economic systems in the world. For now, Australia’s economic system is more successful than China’s and only time will tell as to whether it will stay that way. Bibliography Hamel, J.(2006): Human Development Report 2006., L. (2007): City Faces Prospect of Electricity Blackouts., L. (2007): Nation Master: Energy Facts. World Factbook (2007) Government: Department of Health and Ageing (2007) alian Beaureau of Statistics (2007) Today (2005) News Agency (2005): China Publishes Results of 1st National Economic Census Tax Inc (2007): China’s Unemployment Rates, G., T.A. Boden, and R.J. Andres(2006): Global, Regional, and National CO2 Emissions. 11 Economics (2007): Tim Riley Publications. -Unit 43: Mixed Economies (2007)-The Market Economy: How Economies Differ (2006)-Introduction To Economics: Chapter 1

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Deadly Unna Essay

Within the pages of the novel Deadly Unna by Phillip Gwynne we are taken on a journey to a highly racist and bigoted town. Through the eyes of a young teenage boy, we see the world how he does and we experience the division and racism in this corrupt town. In the book, the two races are strongly divided and we can see this clearly in the local bar. The front bar is for the goonyas and the back bar is for the nungas. Nungas are not allowed to be in the front bar with the goonyas, they are not allowed to drink with them. Although the division in the bar is not direct racism, it still leaves a large impression on the reader. In the back bar, there is a serving window for the nungas to buy their drinks, there are no seats at the bar like in the front. â€Å"Back bar or black bar as everybody called it,† (page 156). The back bar is called black bar because that is where all the nungas are permitted to be, not up the front like normal people, like animals at the back. Although the nungas play for the football team, the racial division is even spread in the change rooms. The may not have been a rule in place that the nungas got changed at one end of the rooms and the goonyas at the other, it still came out that way. â€Å"Nungas got changed at one end and us Goonyas at the other. There was no rule or anything; it was just the way it was.† (Page 21) Even though the town allows nungas to play on their football team, they are still classed as unwelcome in the Port. â€Å"boongs piss off  Ã¢â‚¬  is written on the jetty shed. The word â€Å"boong† is a derogatory term that the aboriginals are referred to. â€Å"Everywhere you look boongs piss off, boongs piss off, boongs piss off. Everywhere,† (page 257) the crude saying is written everywhere in The Port making it clear that nungas are not welcome in this part of town. The goonyas part of the town. At the end of the novel, Blacky and his siblings, paint over the sign â€Å"boongs piss off  Ã¢â‚¬  that is on the jetty shed, showing that they are not as racist and narrow minded as the rest of the town, their decision may not be agreed with, but they are standing up for what they think is right, proving that nungas should be accepted, not discriminated against. Not only is this town racist, but it is also filled with sexism, majority of the men and teenage boys do not believe that women are their equals. Mr Robertson will not take advice from Gwen Black (Blacky’s mother) because she is a woman, even if she was a â€Å"tactical genius†. â€Å"Everybody thought that to be a great coach you had to be a great player. And a bloke, of course,† (page 32). Pickles is also sexist, he dislikes Cathy (a camper) squidding with Blacky and himself, he believes that it is a man’s job. â€Å"Girls and squid, according to him didn’t go together,† (page 181). Blacky’s father is also sexist, he is always down at the pub drinking or going out fishing while his wife Gwen is at home cooking and cleaning for her family.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Branches of Government Essays - James Madison, United States

Branches of Government Essays - James Madison, United States Branches of Government Branches of Government Before the Constitution was written in 1787, it was inevitable that our nation was headed for failure. The United States government under the Articles of Confederation did not have enough power to control the states or the people; each state was governed by the states own Constitutions. Our nation was growing and a new form of national government was necessary to control the states, the people, and our nations already growing debts. During the Philadelphia convention, delegates formed a powerful government that still allowed states to control their people. Patterson (2009) describes a constitution as ?the fundamental law that defines how a government will legitimately operate ? the method for choosing its leaders, the institution through which these leaders will work, the procedures they must follow in making policy, and the powers they can lawfully exercise.? The United States Constitution defined how our new system of government would function, and this system is known as federalis m. To appease each states concern with possessing such a strong national government, our forefathers divided the government into three different branches ? legislative, judicial, and executive. This system of division is known as checks and balances. With this system of checks and balances, each branch would be able to oversee the other branches to ensure that each branch was complying with the constitution and that no branch would try to take over the country and form a monarchy (Perkel, n.d.). Having three branches of government could become confusing and difficult to control without implementing a set system on how each branch will operate and interact with each other. The Executive Branch of our government is overseen by the president of the United States. The president is the one who enforces the laws that the Legislative Branch makes (The Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, 2011). The Legislative branch of our government is also known as Congress. The Legislative branch (Congress) is divided into two parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Together, Congress creates our laws. The representatives are the people who meet to discuss if bills should become laws (The Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, 2011). The last branch of government to discuss is our Judicial Branch that is made up of the Supreme Court and nine Justices. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. This branch of government includes ?special judges who interpret laws according to the Constitution? (The Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, 2011). This interpretation is known as judicial review, ?and it is how federal courts provide checks and balances on the legislative and executive branches? (, 2011). There are also lower courts established in each state that hear cases that involve federal issues (The Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, 2011). One may question if this system of government is successful and if the branches power are balanced. Having three separate branches of government is a successful way to balance power. Dixon (2008) simply explains the system that our three branches have: ?One branch puts the idea out to get the idea signed. One makes sure that the job is going to get done, and the other enforces the decision on paper or in court for the ones who don?t agree.? Throughout the years since our Constitution was ratified, our government has had ups and downs. As the ?downs? come along, our government?s system ensures that these problems will be fixed. The problems are fixed not by one branch of government (which could be one sided), but by all three branches. But what about the power that each branch holds - are they really balanced? Whether a person is part of the Legislative, Judicial, or Executive Branch, there are certain powers that each branch of government can do. A member of the House of Representatives cannot walk in the Supreme Court and start making decisions. Same goes for the president, member s of the senate, and the justices ? they each have their own designated power. As easy as this balance of power sounds, there was undoubtedly some conflict between supporters of a strong federal government and champions of states? rights when the government was first formed. When the delegates were forming

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Role of Lease Financing in Bangladesh Essays

The Role of Lease Financing in Bangladesh Essays The Role of Lease Financing in Bangladesh Essay The Role of Lease Financing in Bangladesh Essay Introduction Lease financing is comparatively a new concept in the financial sector and has got recognition as aninnovative source of finance for accelerating the pace of industrialization as well as economic growth of  Bangladesh. Leasing companies have registered substantial growth in lease financing during the year 1985through 1994. Since 1995 to date, growth in lease market has significantly slowed down because of sluggisheconomic activities, withdrawal of incentives by the government, imposition of cash resource requirementwith Bangladesh Bank as per Finance Act 1998, expansion of number of leasing institutions, lack of  diversification of service and of awareness in business community about leasing etc. Researchers have alsofound that leasing companies need to develop their professionals and should come in the market with newmarketing strategy. Background Bangladesh is a least developed country in the world with per capita GDP Tk. 11. 284 (USD 230). She suffersfrom poverty, imperfection in both, factor and product market, continuous in equilibrium in the economy,defective administrative structure in both financial and non-financial sector, inappropriate tax structure,heavy dependence on assistance from World Bank including other International Lending Agencies andDonor Countries, lack of capital stock, massive unemployment, political turmoil and unhealthy environmentfor investment. With the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent country in 1971, the thenGovernment nationalized all commercial Banks with the hope of accelerating industrial growth throughfinancial, fiscal and other supports. Since the inception of independent Bangladesh, Commercial Banks,Development Financial Institutions and Investment Corporation of Bangladesh have been the major sourcesof industrial finance in the country. These Banks were predominately serving the public sector by extendingsupport in the form of long term loan, working capital finance, bridge finance etc. and had limited experiencein trade, commerce and industry. Due to dearth of experience in investment decision, project financing,recovery of loan and recycle of loan, both entrepreneurs and Banking Financial Institutions coupled withdifficulties at every stage of development and accomplishment which ultimately led to the emergence of  many sick industries. The Development Financial Institutions (DFI s) that depend largely on external assistance suffer fromfinancial constrains because of ineffective project appraisal. Imprudent investment decisions, poor recoveryand inability to recycle of loan which resulted in withdrawal of fund by international donors. As a result of  poor performance and withdrawal of external support, the liquidity position of DFI s have declined and abilityof sanctioning fresh loan and of refinancing sick industries reduced. Nationalized commercial Banks areusually reluctant to finance capital expenditure due to higher financial risk and poor recovery and designedto promote the nonproductive sectors. Besides, their loan operation was substantially diminished due toadditional cash reserve requirement imposed by Bangladesh Bank in order to curb inflation. Consequently,genuine industrial clients are affected by their limited access to the long-term local currency loan. Thiscontention is evident from the fact that the private sector remains in massive default to the DFI s and NCB s,90% of borrowers to DFI s are in defaulting and recovery rates are as low as 10% of the total recoverableamount. On the other hand, Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), the only stock market of Bangladesh is not wellorganized and therefore failed to mobilize sufficient fund to meet the demand of the capital market of thecountry. During 1972-84, public sector financial institutions were found totally failure in developing industrialsector and promoting first generation of industrial entrepreneurs

Sunday, October 20, 2019

charant Characterization in Sophocles Antigone Essays -- Antigone es

This essay will illustrate the types of characters depicted in Sophocles’ tragic drama, Antigone, whether static or dynamic, flat or round, and whether portrayed through the showing or telling technique.    Martin Heidegger in â€Å"The Ode on Man in Sophocles’ Antigone† explains, in a rather involved theory,   the destruction of Creon’s character:    The conflict between the overwhelming presence of the essent as a whole and man’s violent being-there creates the possibility of downfall into the issueless and placeless: disaster. But disaster and the possibility of disaster do not occur only at the end, when a single act of power fails, when the violent one makes a false move; no, this disaster is fundamental, it governs and waits in the conflict between violence and the overpowering. Violence against the preponderant power of being must shatter against being, if being rules in its essence, as physics, as emerging power(98).    The dialogue, action and motivation revolve about the characters in the story (Abrams 32-33). Werner Jaeger in â€Å"Sophocles’ Mastery of Character Development† pays the dramatist the very highest compliment with regard to character development:    The ineffaceable impression which Sophocles makes on us today and his imperishable position in the literature of the world are both due to his character-drawing. If we ask which of the men and women of Greek tragedy have an independent life in the imagination apart from the stage and from the actual plot in which they appear, we must answer, ‘those created by Sophocles, above all others’ (36).    Surely   it can be said of Sophocles’ main characters that they grow beyond the two dimension ment of his edict; he changes after Teiresias’ visit and warning. Ismene and Haemon become dynamic later in the tragedy. Rarely does the dramatist use the chorus to convey information; most of this comes from exchanges of dialogue, which would be the showing technique.    WORKS CITED    Abrams, M. H. A Glossary of Literary Terms, 7th ed. New York: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999.    Antigone by Sophocles. Translated by R. C. Jebb. no pag.    Heidegger, Martin. â€Å"The Ode on Man in Sophocles’ Antigone.† In Sophocles: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Thomas Woodard. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966.    Jaeger, Werner. â€Å"Sophocles’ Mastery of Character Development.† In Readings on Sophocles, edited by Don Nardo. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1997.

Friday, October 18, 2019

How does the abuse of drugs affect families (break them) Essay

How does the abuse of drugs affect families (break them) - Essay Example There are moms like Charlotte Sanders (2006) who experimented with drugs at 16 but took methamphetamines as a regular habit in her twenties in order to cope with the pressures of motherhood; or Lynn Smith, who resorted to drugs as an actress in New York; or even Mike Shirley, a father of a family. In 2004, more than 3.5 million persons who were 18 years old or over admitted that they had, at some point in their life, taken at least one injection of an illegal drug. (National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC), 2006). The NDIC also reports that drug abuse in the US is cost it $181 billion in 2002 alone, and that amount continues to rise every year. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) defines drug addiction as â€Å"a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences.† It must be understood that, under this definition, specialized agencies such as the NIDA and the NIDC classify alcoholism and smoking as forms of substance abuse classifiable as drug addiction. Regular use of alcohol and nicotine, the so-called â€Å"legal drugs,† are prone to abuse with the same resultant effects as narcotic abuse. Also, prescription drugs are also prone to abuse when the user administers them in the inappropriate amounts, or resorts to their regular use even when the reason or medical condition that required their use no longer exists. Recently, more teens have been experimenting with combinations of prescription drugs that increases the danger of fatalities due to toxic reactions of drugs with each other. (Buddy T., 2007). Rather than being viewed as mere socially deviant behaviour, drug addiction is viewed by the medical community as a disease. Drugs alter the brain’s structure and the way it works, usually with permanent effects when left untreated. Initially, the individual embarks on his first drug trip out of curiosity and

Essay about globalization Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

About globalization - Essay Example Where there is a wide range of positive effects of globalization, a variety of negative effects also exist, particularly on the local culture. Globalization has negative effects on culture in many aspects, but the greatly affected ones are food, traditions, and social values. According to The Levin Institute report (n.d), globalization has encouraged production and distribution of goods and services to people generating an access to products that were otherwise difficult to get. However, such transition has affected the viability of locally made products as well as those who manufacture them. The exposure to foreign cultural goods frequently brings about changes in local culture, values and traditions of Qatar. People of Qatar are greatly persuaded by the expansion of trade in cultural products as they are exposed to foreign cultures. In other words, gradually, foreign culture is percolating into the traditional culture of Qatar which has changed the local culture, values and traditions as a result people are undermining their own cultural identity. Due to globalization, a transition is observed in celebration of local festivals- Eid, Ramadan, Art festival where local artists display their talents. People of Qatar are greatly influenced by foreign culture and introduced celebration of some festivals such as mother’s day in a grand manner which was actually not the part of Qatar tradition. Thus, a drift is observed in local tradition and festivals as these are considered to be old fashioned, in fact, inclination and adaptation to foreign culture is

The Creativity of an Artist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Creativity of an Artist - Essay Example Driving the phenomenological aspects as the main core in the creativity of music, the analysis puts into perspective philosophical and psychological elements including the nature of auditory reflection and the expressiveness of music as well. Elements that make music a creative industry and factored by James Aconley include rhythm is the primary and most essential component of musical experience. It covers among others melody, rhythm, and harmony. Reflective experience contains the enabling structure for facilitating musical rhythm. The relevance of musical hearing does not rely on specific types of focus in the auditory experience. In this context, putting much emphasis on the perceptual character of musical experience is against the basic principle that musical experience is a product of creative imagination. James Aconley is both a singer and a performer. He implores much creativity to juggle between the two related but different fields. It is not easy to copy singing because it e ntails composing and passing a specific message to the audience. To succeed, James uses a lot of information from compiled from various perspectives. He sings in many parts of the country and in many events and venues in the United Kingdom. Such venues include many theatres, restaurants and hotels, The CAA in London, parties and weddings, anniversary celebrations, as well as many other functions (Langer, 1953, 33).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Countries adopt a more liberal approach towards cannabis use Essay

Countries adopt a more liberal approach towards cannabis use - Essay Example To achieve this, I will follow a route map that includes three steps that involve showing the use of legislation in allowing cannabis use and the economic effects of policies about cannabis use. The third step involves showing how the nature of people has changed due to the new policies about cannabis use. In the recent past, some countries have started to change their policies about the cannabis use by legalizing cannabis use. Although different federal laws seek to control drug use, different states in U.S like Ohio and Columbia have legalized cannabis use leading to increased access, affordability, and consumption of cannabis (Marijuana Policy Project 1). Indeed, more people including students and juveniles are smoking cannabis, which defines the disadvantage of such policy in some countries or states. Two U.S states have legalized marijuana even as the House voted against the crackdown on medical cannabis. The legislation allowed patients and all adults to consume and grow cannabis in their neighborhoods, which increases the consumption of cannabis in America. As a result, cannabis is the most dominant drug in U.S with the United Nations claiming that about 4% of the global adult population smokes marijuana subject to the new legislations legalizing it (Beckley Foundation 1). Many people live in legalization states or travel to such states, which makes the society experience increased consumption of cannabis. The consumers equally ignore prices, which encourages juveniles and addicts to increase their consumption. Subject to its many uses, cannabis is one of the prominent plants and drugs in the world. By legalizing its consumption, the policy makers knew that such changes would enhance cannabis consumption, encourage more youths to start smoking it, and disregard the negative image that the public place on cannabis (Perkins 1). Subject to the increase in consumption, lack of crackdown on medicinal marijuana, the new

Proposal Argument Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proposal Argument - Research Paper Example However, the war in Iraq has resulted into suffering and distraction of lives of the citizens. Furthermore, the incarceration of Saddam Hussein meant that terrorist threats from Iraq were no longer looming. Finally, no weapons of mass destruction were found in the country as earlier stated by the US. I propose the millennial solution in ending the war in Iraq. To start with, the millennials are the individuals that have grown up in the face of war in Iraq. They grew up experiencing their peers being shipped to fight in wars and also watching ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ on the various media platforms (Schwartz 65). Millenials have been known to put up vibrant battles against the war. By the time the war finally came to an end in 2011, the millennials that were middle school when the war began has come of age to watch the US soldiers set up the war operations and understand what was going on. Iraq is back in the news again as a militia organization referred to as the Islamic State of Iraq, ISIS, al-Sham among other names has spread across the southern and northern regions of the country. Unfortunately, with all the damage that has been going on, TV interviews and the debate on the internet has been missing the important contribution of millennials who are the individuals that grew up in the face of the war (Billitteri 34). The best solution that has been proposed is by getting the millenials more involved in the peace-keeping and finding a lasting solution for the war in Iraq. It has been observed that this generation did not vote for the war that started in 2003 or even plan for it. Nevertheless, they have paid a dear price for it. To start with, the war has taken the lives of approximately 4,500 millenials and cost the nation a figure estimated between $4 to $6 trillion (Billitteri 15). The war has also taken away the lives of more than 100,000 innocent civilians. Regrettably, there are global political leaders that have served as champions for the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Measures of Personality Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Measures of Personality Research - Essay Example Appreciating the fact that human behavior falls into certain personality types and groups makes us less judgmental when observing someone's behaviour (Renee 1998). We see behavior that's quite in contrast to our own actually follows a pattern exhibited by many people of that type. Understanding these differences enables us to communicate in more efficient ways when we know another's personality type. Two important personality indicators in widespread use are the Meyer-Briggs Type Index and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. The Meyers-Briggs Type Index or MBTI is a personality test indicating an individual's personality preferences or type of personality he or she is, for example whether the person is largely extroverted or introverted, whether thought or intuition dominates the mental processes. The results of this test offers indications as to which work situations an employee might be best suited, and if they are in conflict or in harmony. The MBTI was developed by Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Myers in the 1920's and published in 1975 having undergone stringent testing for validity and reliability. The method is based on Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, who talked of personality types in his book Psychological Types (Quenk 1999) Although the MBTI has been around since 1956, it wasn't until 1975 that it became available to all qualified professionals who could administer the test and since then over 30 million people have taken part in it. It is now one of the most widely used personality test tools with an annual use of about 2 million people (Quenk 1999). The MBTI gives individuals a greater understanding of themselves. The different indicators of personality show that people communicate and decide upon things differently. The various personality type preferences can sway experiences, learning, life choices and the things that motivate people. It is a framework for gaining insights into the personality of others and also our own. Since the tool of use is a self-report questionnaire, it is not actually a test since there are no right or wrong answers, but acts as an indicator looking at normal behavior. Rather than identifying skills, abilities, competencies, the indicator scrutinizes preferences. The indicator does not favor some personality traits over others and each is considered to have its own merits. The MBTI is a useful tool to build teams in a workplace, act as a career guidance for students or job seekers and provide a gauge for leadership qualities. The MBTI consists of 4 scales of opposite preferences or dichotomies (Quenk 1999). 1) The manner in which we channel personal energy can be either through Extraversion or Introversion. E or I. Extroverts channel their energies outwards. They show a keen interest in the people and things and receive energy from communicating and interacting with others. Introverts channel their energies inwardly and show greater interests in thoughts and reflective ideas. 2) The manner in which we absorb external information can be through Sensing or iNtution. S or N. Individuals who show tendencies towards sensing, favor absorbing information from the five senses of sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. They

Proposal Argument Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proposal Argument - Research Paper Example However, the war in Iraq has resulted into suffering and distraction of lives of the citizens. Furthermore, the incarceration of Saddam Hussein meant that terrorist threats from Iraq were no longer looming. Finally, no weapons of mass destruction were found in the country as earlier stated by the US. I propose the millennial solution in ending the war in Iraq. To start with, the millennials are the individuals that have grown up in the face of war in Iraq. They grew up experiencing their peers being shipped to fight in wars and also watching ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ on the various media platforms (Schwartz 65). Millenials have been known to put up vibrant battles against the war. By the time the war finally came to an end in 2011, the millennials that were middle school when the war began has come of age to watch the US soldiers set up the war operations and understand what was going on. Iraq is back in the news again as a militia organization referred to as the Islamic State of Iraq, ISIS, al-Sham among other names has spread across the southern and northern regions of the country. Unfortunately, with all the damage that has been going on, TV interviews and the debate on the internet has been missing the important contribution of millennials who are the individuals that grew up in the face of the war (Billitteri 34). The best solution that has been proposed is by getting the millenials more involved in the peace-keeping and finding a lasting solution for the war in Iraq. It has been observed that this generation did not vote for the war that started in 2003 or even plan for it. Nevertheless, they have paid a dear price for it. To start with, the war has taken the lives of approximately 4,500 millenials and cost the nation a figure estimated between $4 to $6 trillion (Billitteri 15). The war has also taken away the lives of more than 100,000 innocent civilians. Regrettably, there are global political leaders that have served as champions for the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Rugby Football Union Essay Example for Free

Rugby Football Union Essay With sport gaining increasing esteem, and spreading largely into university, the first sets of national rules came about through the Oxbridge melting pot with the Football Association (1863) and the Rugby Football Union (1871). The combination of Oxford and Cambridge university students comprised standardized rules and this further development undoubtedly helped expand sport in Britain. Increased participation by lower classes in the 19th century soon led to the questioning of middle class social control. The growth of professionalism resulted in a series of disputes between both classes with regards to sporting interests.   With regards to boxing, the changes have been remarkable with the core principles still continuing throughout the 19th century. For example, in 1867 the Marques of Queensberry Rules were drafted and introduced fixed time periods for rounds of three minutes and a one minute recovery period. There was also the beginning of gloves and a qualified referee to ensure a fair fight. Another change was in the location of bouts. After 1880, fights began taking place in designated arenas, with proper rings including ropes and canvases unlike the man made circle of spectators that previously made the ring.  Furthermore, there was the classification of weight divisions, formed around 1890 by athletic clubs. The original weight classes of light or heavyweight were then joined by four other categories; bantamweight, featherweight, welterweight and middleweight. In theory, the finely calibrated division were created to prevent mismatches; in practice, they have the felicitous effect of creating many more champions and many more title shots'(John Sugden Boxing and Society pg 31).  However, the continuity of boxing in the 19th century still included the main principal of inflicting a sufficient amount of physical damage to an opponent to win a bout. Outside the ring, gambling was still rife in the sport with potentials of big winnings if the higher class folk such as lords had good participants fight for them. Another aspect of continuity in boxing was the environment in which boxers fought in. The fighters in the 19th century were still surrounded by rowdy spectators which created a sense of hostility around the setting. Lastly, the social aspect of boxing remained within the sport. The working class men saw boxing as an outlet from the hard shifts undergone at the factories and could enjoy a social drink. With regards to horse racing, there were many changes within the 19th century. The variety of races were expanded and specific roles were assigned for certain people on the race course e.g. starters, judges and bookmakers.  Jarvie, G (2006) explains how the sport has developed after the 1800s. With the rail link leading to increased transport, came larger attendances at races, allowing for jockeys to travel about in order to compete elsewhere which is how Horne. J; Tomlinson, A and Whannel, G (1999) refer to the development of the characteristics of horse racing through the nature of the modernisation of 19th century Britain. An aspect of continuity in horse racing is gambling which is a key role within English horse racing. Gambling in horse racing has been rife since the beginning due to the large financial and economical profits that gambling provides to the British public and society.  Another point of continuity in horse racing in the 19th century is that it was the highest spectator sport within Britain, with the annual race being a large social event for many towns, merging all social classes together. Another change is in the equality of horse racing. Initially, in horse racing, the upper classes retained jockeys to ride on their behalf (Barry, 2002: p 5) due to the costs of maintaining the horses, travel expenses and entry fees. Kay, J and Vamplew, W (2003: p 128) stated that, there was an equality of aim to organise and win races but an inequality of means which divide the sport and its participants into discrete zones of competition. Furthermore, racing declared to, promote intercourse between different classes of society (Vamplew, W 1976: p 130) in order to provide equal opportunity and since there were no set rules prior to 1797, the 19th century was vital to horse racing, providing the Rules Concerning Horse Racing in General. These were followed by amendments made by the jockey club.  The 19th century brought an improved standard upon horse racing with time trials, improved diets and fluid retention along with sweating and purging and the first record of a horse race was made in 1842 in the Racing Calendar due to the improvement of literacy. Additionally, with British society rapidly altering with the industrial revolution, horse racing in the 19th century provided increased police supervision and protection to maintain order and set an example to society.  The new middle class also had a defining impact upon the change and continuity of sport in the 19th century. The population grew fourfold in the 19th century and, it was in the public schools that older ball games and athletic activities were re-invented and turned into modern sports. (Holt, R, 2001: p 75) Rugby came from the Rugby School; where Thomas Arnold was influential, and his students went on to spread the sport of rugby throughout the educational system in the 1850s. The game rugby, a strictly amateur sport, started with the simple rule of allowing a player to run with a ball if he caught it on the fly or on the first bounce. Formed in 1872 the Rugby Union initially consisted of teams with 20 players but was then cut down to 15 in 1875. Games were won by go als alone; however tries and penalties were added in 1877 as a scoring system which continues today. Brasch (1986) explains how Rugby league which can be traced back to the 1871, attracting large numbers of players and crowds from the working classes. With such a rapid growth in the sport came a fear of loss of control by the Rugby Football Union and an eventual split formed the Northern Rugby Football Union in 1895. There first action was to impose the payment of players and then gradually changed the rules with the abolition of the lineout and the value of goals was changed to two points. However, the sport maintained the fair play initiative and same method of scoring and purpose within the game. The strength of the men playing the sport epitomised muscular Christianity and embodied British society.  It is clear to see how the game of rugby impacted upon the latter stages of the 19th century. With vast change and rapid growth it is clear to see that compared to sport in the early 19th century it had begun to mature and cement its place amongst British society. The back streets were no longer areas of play, alcohol was controlled in order to maintain society and schoolyards were helping to increase participation along with the formation of new sports. The educational system was profound upon sport in 19th century Britain. It was not until 1890 when Baron de Coubertin revisited the Rugby School where Thomas Arnold was the headmaster, did his dream to revive the Olympics and globalise sport come true. He saw how sporting principles in British schools, muscular Christianity and athleticism were a good way to re-build the youth of France after the defeat in the Franco-Prussian war. His take on sport in Britain drove him to form the International Olympic Committee in 1894. In conclusion, sport within Britain in the 19th century evidently grew along with growth of the United Kingdom and the change from small towns to large industrial cities was like the change from early 19th century football to the rationalisation and formation of professionalism and the Football Association. The festivals and past times of playing sports in any street were given a purpose and designated area in the 19th century. The United Kingdoms initial reluctance to teach sport in schools was eventually turned around and seen as a perfect way to promote healthy living. Not only did sport in 19th century Britain create much change, much of its continuity is evident through the peoples passion to not let work control their life and pursue sporting events even though sometimes it wasnt in their free time. Bibliography Barry, T. (2002) Advanced PE for Edexcel (Limited Edition) Harcourt Education Limited, Heinemann and London.  Brasch, R. (1986) How Did Sports Begin? (edition published in 1990) Tynron Press, Stenhouse, Dumfriesshire.  Kay, J and Vamplew, W (2003)

Monday, October 14, 2019

Determinants for Demand in Private Housing

Determinants for Demand in Private Housing Principle determinants of demand for private housing. The dominant factor is price. Providing all of the other factors remain equal, one would expect a fall in price to increase demand. This increase occurs for two reasons. Firstly, the product has become better value for money and therefore becomes a preferred area of expenditure for consumers. Secondly, it enables consumers to purchase the product in replacement of a previously purchased inferior product. Household Income. As incomes rise, so does the household purchasing power. Therefore, the consumer is better able to afford products. Comparables. In incidence where, apart from price, there is a direct comparison between two products, as prices fall on product b) so consumers may substitute it for product a) where there has been no fall in price. Taste and preference. Consumer tastes and preferences change. These may be affected by outside sources such as promotion or peer pressure. In this event, such changes will have an effect on demand. Expectations. The perception of future changes in price will affect demand. If prices are expected to rise in the future, present demand will increase, and visa-versa. Therefore, if it is expected that private house costs will rise, but the present cost of purchase falls (i.e. mortgage payments), because consumers generally view property rental as inferior to private ownership, the demand for private housing will increase. Difference between supply of new housing and manufactured goods New Housing The Supply of new housing has limitations. The principle limitation is it’s fixed core element, the land. Although there can be changes made in the use of land, for example from agricultural, it is a limited resource that cannot be easily expanded. As a result, it is considered a fixed cost. Every individual product (house) will require a significant element of land for manufacture. The relative scarcity of the supply of land, this has the affect of increasing the cost of supply. Manufactured goods The supply of manufactured goods can be more easily increased. Once the fixed costs are in place, i.e. property, plant and machinery, these are equally divided over the number of goods produced. An increase in the number of products manufactured will therefore reduce the fixed cost element per unit. For example, fixed costs of  £100 spread over 1,000 products will be one tenth of that cost if it is spread over 100 products. Comparison of affordability with effective demand for a product Concept of affordability The concept of affordability (Marshall 2000) in respect of property rental is threefold. 1) That such rental is set at a level, which does not force the tenant into a position of poverty. 2) That it does not consume more than 25% of the tenant’s affordable income and 3) that the lessee is left with sufficient funds to be able to afford other basic necessities. Concept of effective demand The concept of effective demand is based upon the premise that supply and price determines demand. Whilst taking into account the available budget of consumers, effective demand works on the basis that increase of supply reduces cost, which enables lower price and therefore fuels demand. The motives for these concepts vary in that the affordability concept is based upon social precepts, whilst effective demand is based upon profitability and price. Other Criteria The criterion for assessing affordability is centred on five key issues. There needs to be an effective analysis of the RSL’s[1] own rental levels. Such analysis should determine rent averages by authority area, levels as calculated in relation to the type of property and the area in which the property is located. Comparison of rental levels with other RSL’s. Comparison of rental levels with other rental organisations. For example, those in the private sector. By evaluation of the income levels and type of household, for example single parent, pensioners, families etc. Formal assessment. Within this issue, RSL’s need to determine that households have sufficient income level to be able to afford the rent and still be able to achieve a certain standard of living. It is also needs to assist in reducing the reliance of tenants on other benefits by providing them the opportunity to rejoin the employment market. Other criteria that could be used include locality of tenant to work concentration areas, which would reduce tenant expenditure and increase job opportunity. Expectation of affordable housing schemes An ideal affordable housing scheme should provide occupiers with reasonable living accommodation sufficient for the needs of the household unit, at the same time allowing a standard of living that provides for all their basic needs. For the provider who finances the scheme it should allow for a reasonable return on their investment, plus sufficient capital replacement to enable them to continue the provision of such housing. Learning Activity 10 Supply differential between houses and other household product requirements Supply of houses differs from other products such as cars, white goods and luxury goods in that it is not as easily adaptable to meet demand. A car can be readily supplied and that supply rapidly replaced. This is not the position with a house. Here the supply source takes longer to react to any movement in price, because of the motivation of the house seller. A number of factors that affect supply, such as the motivation of the occupier to sell. If they are satisfied with their accommodation and the location, they are less likely to sell, limiting supply. Similarly, if they perceive prices will continue to rise, they will delay selling, a reverse effect will happen when house prices are depressed. Houses completed The chart above generally shows that the increase in house prices has not been met by a significant rise in the level of new builds, in fact, House builds supply has remained at a similar level throughout the ten years from 1995. If one wanted to construct a genuine graph for new house other data would be required, including variety of construct, for example flats, houses etc, and take into account the population demographics. Learning Activity 12 Scarcity Scarcity occurs within the social housing market where there is a lack of availability of the core element of house building, namely the land, and where house occupiers do not put their houses up for sale. Opportunity cost Many landlords have seized the opportunity of increasing their housing stock during the periods of deflation or housing slumps. In such cases, there is a need to weigh this cost against future gains. The conditions of demand In the housing market if the price is right and compares favourably with other housing options, such as renting, and that price is within the budget of the householder, then they will purchase a property. This is generally the preferred route of households. The conditions of supply To conditions that determine supply is the availability of products, in this case houses, at the right price. Supply will also be affected by the future expectations of the market in terms of price. Perverse demand behaviour In the housing market the major action that perversely affects demand is the substitution behaviour. Consumers generally perceive house ownership being preferable to renting and will therefore seek to move to this status as soon as is possible. External effects Several external situations affect the housing market. These include the inability of young people to get onto the property market; changes in employment conditions and types of households. Similarly, issues such as planning and taxes will affect the market supply and demand. Sources of inefficiency Inefficiencies within the housing market, particularly with social housing, where results of data analysis do not take into account all of the relevant factors and the resources are not being used to create the maximum economic welfare.. Sources of inequity issues Inequity can arise in the housing market because of the house-building programme failing to keep pace with the rate of demand. Monopoly power Monopoly power exists where there is no alternative to the product cost or the method of acquisition. It gives a monopoly the ability to affect the price of their product without reference to market trends. Nostradamus Housing Association Nostradamus is a social housing organisation. They are faced with a situation of reduced occupancy as a result of mortgage rates being reduced to a level where repayment are at a significantly lower level than the association charges. The occupancy issue is exacerbated by the fact that the council has transferred its housing stock to another association. Current research shows that the trend in the move to ownership is likely to continue for the near future. Therefore Nostradamus have decided to sell off their surplus stock, under a right to buy scheme, in order to rectify it’s worsening financial position. HA Rented Housing Owner-occupied Housing Low cost housing Reduction of mortgage rates Selling of houses Ownership Right to buy Within the case study presented, we see that the association is operating a system of allocative efficiency, in that the sale of their houses benefits them by reducing their financial difficulties, thereby making the business more efficient. It is equitable to both parties, as the association benefits by reducing its financial difficulties and the occupier benefits by acquiring a property at a cost, which is less than they were previously paying. It is found that owner-occupied housing is also provides equity, as it assists with the distribution of wealth between individuals who were previously disadvantaged. Thus, the association is also fulfilling its role in economic welfare. Determinants On Demand Owner-Occupied Housing Market price of product Rent exceeds mortgage payments, therefore exceeds market price Levels of household income Incomes have improved as the region is recovering economically Comparable prices The cost of ownership is below that of the rent being charged making rents no longer comparable Taste and preference Generally consumers prefer ownership, seeing renting as of lower social standing. Expectations Those who are moving to ownership expect to benefit from better neighbours. The sale of redundant houses by the association does give rise to a number of criticisms in addition to the fact that these were transferred from the local council. One of the most important criticisms is that it leaves the association with a much lower stock of houses, thereby it would be ill prepared to be able to provide housing for those who need social housing, should the local economy suffer a future reverse of fortunes in the future. A further criticism is that such houses could have been utilised to reduce the difficulties being experienced in other areas of the country. With areas such as the South East suffering shortage of low-cost housing for rent or sale, there could have been some relocation effected to have reduced this difficulty. This would have also have had the effect of assisting those in need in those areas by providing them with the opportunity of possible work as well. Furthermore, by selling the houses below the original cost, the association can be said to ha ve misused council funds. These funds essentially would have been provided by the members of the local community, through the payment of local taxes. As a result of all of these issues, a criticism could be levelled at the association that it failed in its duty of social care and welfare by not undertaking a study of other possible ways in which it could have utilised the excess housing stock and, at the same time, addressed its financial issues. The social imbalance could have been addressed in other ways. Primarily, it could have been offered to the government at an equitable rate, for use in helping them to address local and national homeless problems. This would have satisfied the issue of welfare. Secondly, the association should have looked at the possibility of reducing the rate of its rent to that which would be comparable with current mortgage payments. This would have led to higher levels of occupancy and increased the income of the association, thus reducing over time the level of its cash flow difficulties. The third way of reducing the social imbalance would have been by helping to address the issues that first time buyers suffer, namely not being able to gain entry into the property market. In line with other organisations, the association should have looked at the possibility of a â€Å"Rent and Buy† scheme. Under this scheme, the buyer purchases part of the property equity and the association purchases the balance, for example, the buyer may buy forty percent and the association sixty. Over the years, and as the buyer’s income levels rise, under this scheme the buyer would be able to then purchase the remainder of the property equity, on an instalment basis, from the association. These future equity purchases would have been at current market rates. This would have had the additional benefit of enabling such people to be able to remain within the location of their choice, close to families and their work environment. Accounting Issues Indicators Loss of Income Increasing turnover of tenants. Rentals too high Reduction in ownership mortgage rates Improvement in local incomes Housing turnover exceeding budget Tenants attracted by ownership Rentals too high. References Marshall, D., Grant, F.L., Freeman, A. and Whitehead, C (2000). Cambridge Housing and Planning Research. Retrieved 12 October 2006 from Paper 2.pdf Live Tables on Housebuilding (2006). Department for Communities and Local Government, Retrieved 11 October 2006 from Demand and Supply for housing (2006). Tutors2u. Retrieved 12 October from Research Project. The UK Housing Market. biz/ed. Retrieved 12 October 2006 from Footnotes [1] Registered Social Landlords

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Lavender :: essays research papers

Lavender   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lavender is a mystery that unfolds in a way not atypical of other mystery stories, but sets itself apart by defying certain characteristics and conventions. There are many details to the plot (mainly to the descriptions of the characters) that are unexpected and deny the reader a chance to confirm their stereotypes about who a detective is, how they should act, and what they should look like. Specifically, in the role of the unconventional protagonist (detective?), Easy Rawlins is so surprisingly human, honestly cowardly, and unromantically realistic that the story seems plausible to the point of disappointment that the characters aren’t actually real.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Easy somewhat reminds me of Walter from â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun†: He’s an intelligent black man living in a big city, he has problems with his marriage and he works a blue collar job (also, I could see Sidney Poitier or Danny Glover, both of whom have played Walter, playing him in a film version instead of Denzel Washington, who took on the part of Easy in the film adaptation of â€Å"Devil in a Blue Dress†). Many of the characters in â€Å"Lavender† appear in other works by Walter Mosley (this is the first one that I’ve read however). In this story Easy learns of his friend Mouse’s death, which he is somewhat responsible for (though it is not explained in Lavender, I’m guessing it is in an earlier tale). I wonder if he still would have helped EttaMae find Willis if he hadn’t felt obligated to because of his part in her husband’s (Mouse) death, and because of his discovery of Bonnie’s alleged infidelity. My guess is probably not since Easy seems to be rather self absorbed (but to be fair, who isn’t?)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Willis is an amusing character in that I can relate to him easily. I too love playing music, and I’ve fallen for the wrong kind of girls before, though none as appropriately named as Sin. Mosley’s employment of creative and nuanced names for his characters is interesting. Willis for example, chooses the alias Little Jimmy Long, a name that suggests to me that while he may be poor, young and naà ¯ve; while he may be â€Å"†¦a poor black child in a white man’s world.†(181), his talent and personality will take him to greater heights (I’m somewhat alluding to Etta’s comparing the success of Louis Armstrong to â€Å"†¦a string of black boys’ graves goin’ around the block.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Imagery and Diction in The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop Essay -- The Fish

Imagery and Diction in The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop Elizabeth Bishop's use of imagery and diction in "The Fish" is meant to support the themes of observation and the deceptive nature of surface appearance. Throughout the course of the poem these themes lead the narrator to the important realization that aging (as represented by the fish) is not a negative process, and allows for a reverie for all life. Imagery and diction are the cornerstone methods implemented by Bishop in the symbolic nature of this poem. The title of the poem itself dictates the simplicity Bishop wishes to convey regarding the narrator's view of his catch. A fish is a creature that has preceded the creation of man on this planet. Therefore, Bishop supplies the reader with a subject that is essentially constant and eternal, like life itself. In further examination of this idea the narrator is, in relation to the fish, very young, which helps introduce the theme of deceptive appearances in conjunction with age by building off the notion that youth is ignorant and quick to judge. Bishop's initial description of the fish is meant to further develop this theme by presenting the reader with a fish that is "battered," "venerable," and "homely." Bishop compares the fish to "ancient wallpaper." Even without the word ancient preceding it, the general conception of wallpaper is something that fades into the background. One is not supposed to take much notice of it. To add to this impartial picture, the fish is brown, the signature color of dullness. "Shapes like full-blown roses stained and lost through age" (lines 14-15) further cement the image of something with little time left. Fully bloomed roses conjure the image of a flower whose petals are at t... ...tor's growing relationship with the fish. She creates, first, an image of the fish as a helpless captive and the reader is allowed to feel sorry for the fish and even pity his situation as the narrator does. The narrator's relationship with the fish then grows to one of personal regard as he engages in further study and is able to look past his initial observation. The parting image of the rainbow offers a perfect way to drive home the process of aging as a dignified and even celebratory act. Not only is it a very optimistic image of color and gaiety, but the rainbow is traditionally paired with the concept of treasure once the end of it is reached. When applied to the intended message of the poem, it may be interpreted that Bishop is implying that nearing the end of one's life is like nearing the end of the rainbow and accepting a reward for a life well lived. Imagery and Diction in The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop Essay -- The Fish Imagery and Diction in The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop Elizabeth Bishop's use of imagery and diction in "The Fish" is meant to support the themes of observation and the deceptive nature of surface appearance. Throughout the course of the poem these themes lead the narrator to the important realization that aging (as represented by the fish) is not a negative process, and allows for a reverie for all life. Imagery and diction are the cornerstone methods implemented by Bishop in the symbolic nature of this poem. The title of the poem itself dictates the simplicity Bishop wishes to convey regarding the narrator's view of his catch. A fish is a creature that has preceded the creation of man on this planet. Therefore, Bishop supplies the reader with a subject that is essentially constant and eternal, like life itself. In further examination of this idea the narrator is, in relation to the fish, very young, which helps introduce the theme of deceptive appearances in conjunction with age by building off the notion that youth is ignorant and quick to judge. Bishop's initial description of the fish is meant to further develop this theme by presenting the reader with a fish that is "battered," "venerable," and "homely." Bishop compares the fish to "ancient wallpaper." Even without the word ancient preceding it, the general conception of wallpaper is something that fades into the background. One is not supposed to take much notice of it. To add to this impartial picture, the fish is brown, the signature color of dullness. "Shapes like full-blown roses stained and lost through age" (lines 14-15) further cement the image of something with little time left. Fully bloomed roses conjure the image of a flower whose petals are at t... ...tor's growing relationship with the fish. She creates, first, an image of the fish as a helpless captive and the reader is allowed to feel sorry for the fish and even pity his situation as the narrator does. The narrator's relationship with the fish then grows to one of personal regard as he engages in further study and is able to look past his initial observation. The parting image of the rainbow offers a perfect way to drive home the process of aging as a dignified and even celebratory act. Not only is it a very optimistic image of color and gaiety, but the rainbow is traditionally paired with the concept of treasure once the end of it is reached. When applied to the intended message of the poem, it may be interpreted that Bishop is implying that nearing the end of one's life is like nearing the end of the rainbow and accepting a reward for a life well lived.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Impacts of the Global Recession of 2008-2009

The world recession of 2008 to 2009 was caused ultimately by global imbalances in trade and capital flows, globalization of financial markets, the trend towards a new finance-led capitalism and the related pattern of income distribution. The effects of the recession on Africa were tremendous and are still being felt today. Africa is homeland to numerous natural resources. Contrary to this, it is one of poorest regions in the world constituting almost 10% of the world’s population and ravaged by high crime rates and the HIV and AIDS pandemic.The worldwide economic crisis of late 2008 and 2009 made significant economic and social developmental challenges for African countries. Even if the impact of the economic crisis on Africa was expected initially to be less severe, its challenges have now been estimated to be profound. The profit Africa gained from the exports and imports of natural resources and commodities has reduced substantially. Trade with China and the United States o f America became significantly feeble. Interestingly, the outcome of the recession seems to vary from country to country.However, there have been common economic impacts seen from those countries which participate in large scale exportation. Therefore, this essay serves the main purpose of identifying the impacts made by the recession on Africa. These aspects include, impacts made on the tourism, agriculture, hospitality, banking, health, oil and mining sectors. In addition, it identifies the effects on the economy namely, global trade, foreign direct investment, remittances, foreign aid flow and over above this, the exacerbation of poverty as well the positive impacts and changes the recession brought.To make a start with this subject, the consequences of the global economic crisis have been manifold. The crisis has brought a profound economic decline in the economies of African countries and the growth rates have dropped. Furthermore, the impacts brought about by the recession hit all major economic goals, causing a down turn in the natural resources sector and recent development strategies.International trade has played a pivotal role in the economic growth of African countries, with the demand of African commodities increasingly growing in the global market. When the recession had worsened, the most immediate effect was a decline in the exporting and demand of African commodities. In 2009, global trade experienced the sharpest drop in seventy years especially trade in iron, steel and manufacturers and industrial machinery were affected severely. 60 percent of African exports go to the European Union as well as the United States. 1] Thus, considering the fact that America and European countries were adversely affected by the financial crisis, where imports fell by 2 and 5 percent respectively and a substantial fall in the prices of commodities such as copper and oil, African countries were the most vulnerable. As a result, there has been a major decrease in the economic growth rates and account balances. This is saddening, considering the fact that many countries depend on the exporting revenue of natural resources such as oil and minerals.By way of example, mineral exporting countries such as Zimbabwe, Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo dropped approximately 6 billion US dollars in 2009. Furthermore, countries such as Nigeria and Angola saw a deficit of about 79 million dollars and Uganda, the second largest coffee producer and exporter in Africa, experienced a shortfall from 36. 3 million to 23. 9 million. Moreover, South Africa’s total exports decreased significantly in 2009. The most affected product being wine which experienced a large drop in total volumes.Pursuing this point further, the decline in the price of African commodities led to a major loss in trade and trade tax revenue. For instance, crude oil which plays a vital role in making products such as paint, diesel fuel, heating oil and make up has been rep orted to be the most affected commodity in Africa. There have been numerous statistics showing its decline by 50 % between 2008 and 2009. [2] Over and above this, there has been a 20% fall in the prices of coffee, sugar, copper and cotton during this period.According to statistics given by the African Development Bank, Africa has experienced a decline of 15 billion US dollars in trade tax which accounts for 4. 6 % of government revenue and 1% of Gross Domestic Product. Moreover, the major African oil producers Angola and Nigeria together suffered a loss of 4. 6 billion US dollars in their oil exports. In fact, this has been the largest loss for oil exporting countries of Africa. With regards to the oil, the demand for international market has been reduced by a large margin, coupled with a decline in oil prices.These are the circumstances that have lead to a decline in the oil sector. Oil is a major source of energy in Nigeria and the world at large. As the mainstay of the Nigerian e conomy and by playing a pivotal role in shaping the economic and political destiny, the reduction of oil exporting revenue consequently affects the economy at large. [3] In the case of both Nigeria and Angola there was a decline in government revenues from 30% in 2007 to 22% in 2009. This in turn significantly reduced the value of the currency. By way of example, we shall look at the impact the recession had on the tourism and hospitality sector.Tourism is key sector for triggering economic growth and in addition, it is a major source of foreign currency and its labour intensive nature ensures that there is employment. Countries like Morocco, Mauritius, Uganda and Kenya are largely dependent on their tourism revenues. Most notably, Botswana’s tourism sector is one of the counties major economic contributors, with tourist attractions like the Chobe National Park, Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Gemsbok National Park to mention but a few. Like numerous other industries, this sec tor was adversely affected by the global economic crisis.Mainly hotel reservations dropped immensely and Mauritius and Tanzania faced numerous tour cancellations. Consequently, a decline in tourism revenue affects food security, purchasing power and potential for expansion. Moreover, in Kenya we see a steady fall in remittances in October 2008 from 61 million dollars to 39 million dollars in January 2009. In fact, tourism receipts went down by 13% in the last quarter of 2008. Additionally, tourism in Zimbabwe was amongst the fastest growing sectors of the economy by contributing significantly to Zimbabwe’s Gross Domestic Product during the period 1980 to 2000.However, as a result of the recession, tourism was the third largest foreign exchange earner in Zimbabwe after tobacco and gold. [4a] In spite of many economic and political hindrances, Zimbabwe is host to one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Victoria Falls and is home to many tourist attractions such as Lake Karib a, the Eastern Highlands, Great Zimbabwe ruins and boasts of a favourable warm climate. This explains why tourism has historically been an important sector in the Zimbabwean economy. The industry currently employs a significant percentage of the working population.This leads us to the issue of unemployment. Unemployment rose quite drastically in 2009, between 13 and 18 million jobs were lost according to the ILO. [4] Unemployment is rising as a result of the laying off of workers in export orientated industries. Furthermore, the continuing decline in the consumers’ purchasing power reduces demand for manufactured goods, such as household items, clothing and food. In the DRC, 100 000 workers lost jobs following the closing of 40 mines and as a result of 17 mining firms leaving the country.In addition, 80 000 workers in Zambia’s copper belt were left jobless. Many Zimbabwean citizens go abroad in search of greener pastures, and remit money to their families back home, wi th the sole purpose of investing and consuming. Most of these citizens are either living in South Africa or the United Kingdom. Thus, the world recession reduced employment opportunities to those citizens working abroad. Moreover, there has been a rapid decline in remittances since rising unemployment in Europe is compressing the demand for migrants.The estimated $15 billion dollars sent to Africa as remittances each year dropped significantly by 11%. A decline in remittances also affects household income security. It is of adequate importance to note that these remittances comprise of capital inflows, which are the main source of Africa’s external revenue. These include foreign aid, migrant workers’ remittances and charities. As far as foreign aid is concerned, the majority of African countries largely depend on foreign aid and other charities from the international communities such as Aid for Africa as well as the United Nations. 5] Before the crisis arose, many Afri can countries saw an increase in their annual aid and received a lump sum of money and commodities from many of the countries who form the G8, as a result of the their 2005 summit. However, when the crisis had a profound impact on the American and European economies a number of these developed countries were either forced to withdraw or reduce their aid to Africa. As far as the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is concerned, Africa is getting the world’s maximum total amount of foreign development support which comprises of almost 27. 19 billion US dollars. 6] It would be a phenomenon if the African agricultural sector were to be left intact by the recession, especially those African countries that have agriculture as the backbone of their economy . Agriculture dependent economies such as the Ethiopian, Burundian and Malian saw a short fall in their agricultural products, leading to the reduction of their export revenues. [7] In light of this, many countries failed to reach their prescribed goals for production and exportation. As a result, farmers have been left helpless and mostly unemployed as the price of buying fertilizers, agricultural machinery and seeds increased drastically.This has led to a decrease in cultivation. Consequently, the less crops produced trigger an increase in food prices. The economic turmoil made the farmers helpless as they were unable to purchase seeds and fertilizers. This has lead to a decrease in cultivation and the export of products, hence worsening the impact on the food crisis. In this light, African governments have experienced a short fall in revenue which has threatened food security in Africa. To make matters worse, food aids to Africa have been considerably lower, therefore, the number of people facing food insecurity has increased tremendously.There is no doubt that the mining sector in many African countries was affected by the recession, considering the fact that Africa is rich in te rms of mineral wealth. Botswana has an open economy which has the mining sector as its backbone. However, the global recession saw a decline in export demand and a reduction in prices of minerals such as nickel, diamonds as well as copper. As a result of this, there was a reduction in public revenue and company sales which lead to massive unemployment. The immediate result of this massive unemployment meant lower household expenditure and savings.On the whole, Botswana’s mining sector is characterized by production cuts, staff retrenchment and lengthy plant shutdowns. STOPPED While there is unemployment one should take into account the immediate effect of unemployment which is poverty. In Africa, women bear most of the economic hardships as they are in many instances widowed as a result of the HIV and AIDS pandemic and immediately take on the role of the bread winner. Regardless of this, due to the recession women are the first to lose their jobs, because men are regarded as the ‘legitimate’ jobholders. 8] Alas, many are left at a dead end, facing an increase in food prices coupled with unemployment. This usually leads to an increase in the cases of malnourished individuals and the most vulnerable being children. Having said this, it is important to note that some parts of Africa are less pronounced than others depending on the strength of the economy. In fact, because of women’s unequal position in the household and the workplace, girls are also more likely to be taken out of school first or not given medical treatment in order to cut down on family costs.In the same vein, the health sector which was already in a state of commotion prior to the recession has been further weakened. The health sector is reliant on aid from foreign organisations as well as financial packages. This aid can be in the form of money, drugs, machinery, medical and surgical implements and sundries and toiletries. The World Health Organisation and the Oversea s Development Association are the main donors. Prior to the crisis, the African health sector had developed considerably although it faced many challenges but as the crisis worsened so did the condition of the sector.This can be illustrated by a cut down of all financial and social programmes, reduction in investment in the health sector as well as the decrease in supply and delivery of health care and other social services. The Overseas Development Association is the main organisation that deals with Aids victims by funding their medical needs. Thus a cut in this aid increases the rate of mortalities as well as the rate at which the pandemic spreads. From the onset of the crisis, African stock markets have been vulnerable and hence suffered severely.In Egypt and Nigeria the declines were reported to be 67% whilst many other African countries faced similar situations, these countries include Mauritius, Zambia, Kenya and Botswana. [9]In truth, most immediate effects of a crippled sto ck market are threats to the banking sector. Bearing this in mind, many banks have primarily felt the impacts of the economic turmoil. Surprisingly, African countries have suffered more losses than developed countries. Firstly, the balance sheet of banks was severely bruised. This takes place when borrowers are unable to meet their debt obligations due to a weakened economy and low income.Prior to the recession, well performing banks could afford to issue out loans, however, due to the financial crisis they faced because of the recession these prominent banks became bankrupt. Besides this, the IMF reports that the flow in nonperforming loans has caused huge profit losses in the banking sector. One can agree that the global recession was coupled with devastating impacts on society as a whole. However, the aftermath of the recession has paved way for economic strategies to prepare us for future crises. Whilst the effects of the recession subside there has been a massive decline in glo bal food and energy prices.Moreover, there has been stabilization in this regard which has come as blessing for countries such as Botswana and South Africa this can be seen by an affordable and stabilised level of food prices and energy. With regards to unemployment the South African government created 500,000 ‘job opportunities in 2010 mainly through a public-works programme which was also done in preparation for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. Furthermore, the government has set a target of 4 million new jobs by 2014. The government insists it will create ‘decent work’, even if hese jobs are only temporary as part and parcel of the Expanded Public Works Programme. However the government has reassured the public that these jobs are just a stepping stone for what is to come and a bridge to pave way for permanent, rights based employment. Additionally African governments namely Botswana, Namibia, Tanzania and South Africa have embarked on programmes such a s negotiating a framework for a unified response by business, government and trade unions, with an emphasis on avoiding, where possible, retrenchments. [10] There has also been a reduction of interest rates.On the issue of interest rates, as a response to the financial crisis most of the African countries have taken actions to reduce their interest rates significantly since the very beginning of the crisis in the continent. In countries like Botswana and Egypt, central banks have made a decrease by 50 basis points. In Nigeria the interest rate was 10. 25% prior to the crisis but the central bank of Nigeria has reduced the rate to 9. 25% in response to the crisis. Many of the other countries include Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Tunisia also reduced interest rates.Contrary to this observation the Democratic republic of Congo is the only country that has not complied with strategy. Instead, Congolese banks have actually increased their interest rates. In South Africa the govern ment has taken advantage of the situation by initiating policies and programmes which have reduced the negative effect of the crisis on child poverty and large scale poverty. These programmes will also provide emergency relief to households in distress in this regard although poverty is still problematic, many African countries have taken up social grants, most notably the child-support grant, as well as old-age pensions.Approximately 13 million south Africans benefit from the social grant system, also South Africa ranks among the as one of the most extensive in middle-income countries. [11] Similarly, Botswana and Namibia have taken up various grants with the main aim of fighting against the deepening of poverty and distress for the foreseeable future. Many banks went bankrupt during the recession and in order to prevent a similar scenario some African countries have taken several measures to ensure that there is a constant flow of credit in banks.This has been done by increasing t he liquidity to banks and other financial firms in countries like Togo, Niger, Mali and Benin to name but a few. [12] Other countries have resorted to financial packages and new credit facilities to mobilize cash flow. This has been done in Tunisia, Cameroon and Liberia. International trade has played a vital role in the economic growth of African countries as a source of external revenue. So it is thus of adequate importance to solidify and pay attention to Africa’s relationship with the emerging economies of the world which is a handy and important business strategy.This helps Africa to find new markets to advertise and sell African commodities, over and above this it is a strategic way to accelerate export revenue mainly for the oil and other primary commodity exporting countries. On the whole it is encouraged to maintain strong ties with countries such as India and China in order to create opportunities in international market and to bring capital into Africa. As a result of the crisis a greater effort has been put to promote women’s equality and many donors have ensure that women’s voices are heard in high level discussions, conferences and forums, namely the G20 and G8 meetings.Furthermore aid has been increased significantly and an adequate amount t has been directed to cater for women and to support women’s empowerment programmes. Generally there has been an increase in organisations that strive for a world where women are equal, secure, respected and proud. Womankind works together with women’s organisations around the world to reduce violence against women, and to ensure women actively participate in society and ensure that their sole purpose of fighting for women’s rights is upheld. As a final remark, Africa has suffered severe impacts as a result of the recession, but will recover quite soon.Even if the general impact on exports was severe, it was not evenly distributed among sectors, regions and types of e nterprise. With the help of the United Nations and many other donors and organisation Africa is at the brink of recovery. Additionally, Africa is in an advantageous position considering its numerous mineral wealth, hence we should rely on these commodities to safeguard our future. Considering the fact that the crisis abruptly affected trade African countries should implement strategies to enhance the demand of their products and to find more markets.Thus it is important to maintain close ties with international trade partners in order to have a constant flow of capital. I urge governments most notably the Zimbabwean government to to actively participate in economic activities and capital generating schemes, which Increase agricultural productivity which in turn raise output and lower food prices, hence reduce inflationary pressures and the demand for imports. Secondly, these governments should also carry out further research to prevent future crises or better preparation for future crises.This research should tackle the areas most affected by the recession such as employment, social welfare support, the health, agricultural, mining and tourism sectors and social prevention for vulnerable groups such as farmers, women, children and the labour force in general. Above all, I strongly feel that aid, funds and relief packages are not given to the appropriate people. Realistically speaking many government officials abuse their privileges and sell these packages for their own benefit, thus there needs to be a strict policy that ensures that these packages are readily available for the needy.From this research, I have concluded that in order for Africa to overcome the impacts of the recession, global strategies are a necessity in order to preserve the foundations of growth and wealth in Africa. END NOTES: [1] R. Triffin, The International Accounts of the United States and their Impact upon the Rest of the World, La Banque Internationale de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 1985 ,pp. 12-30 [2] R. J. Shiller, The economy and why it matters for global capitalism, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2010, pp. 17-51. [3] S. A.Madujibeya, â€Å"Oil and Nigeria's Economic Development†, African affairs, Vol. 75, No. 300, Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts,1976, pp. 284-316. [4] M. T. Hadjimichael, â€Å"Growth in Sub- Saharan Africa,† IMF Staff Papers, Vol. 43, Zimbabwe, 2009, pp. 605–633. [5] R. Triffin, The International Accounts of the United States and their Impact upon the Rest of the World, La Banque Internationale de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 1985,pp. 28-43. [6] Ibid [7] S. Seguino, The Global Crisis, Its Gender Implications and Policy Responses, Burlington, Vermont, 2009, pp. 1-25 [8] R. A.Posner, A Failure of Capitalism: The Crisis of ’08 and the Descent into Depression, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 2009, pp. 16-28. [9] S. A. Madujibeya, opcit, pp. 317-321 [10] D. Sahn, Adjusting to Policy Failure in African Economi es, Cornell University, New York, 2010, pp. 3-19. [11] Ibid [12]Ibid, pp. 27-37. BIBLIOGRAPHY: M. T. Hadjimichael, â€Å"Growth in Sub- Saharan Africa,† IMF Staff Papers, Vol. 43, Zimbabwe,2009, pp. 605–633. S. A. Madujibeya , â€Å"Oil and Nigeria's Economic Development†, African affairs, Vol. 75, No. 300, Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts,1976. R. A.Posner, A Failure of Capitalism: The Crisis of ’08 and the Descent into Depression, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 2009. D. Sahn, Adjusting to Policy Failure in African Economies, Cornell University, New York, 2010. S. Seguino, The Global Crisis, Its Gender Implications and Policy Responses, Burlington, Vermont, 2009. R. J. Shiller, The economy and why it matters for global capitalism, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2010. R. Triffin, The International Accounts of the United States and their Impact upon the Rest of the World, La Banque Internationale de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 1985.