Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Philosophy of Technology Integration Essay - 773 Words

Being able to incorporate technology into the daily lesson plans offers the teacher an endless possibility of communicating the subject through multiple modalities. Technology within the classroom can be seen through proximas, ELMO’s, DVD’s and websites that are incorporated to teach the students. Educators should be open to learning and incorporating the many opportunities technology brings to the classroom. Although technology has areas of strength and weaknesses, if learned and implemented creatively and efficiently students learning will be impacted greatly. Today’s students immerse themselves’ daily in multiple sources of technology. They are visually stimulated by the sites and networking readily available to them. When they†¦show more content†¦Students take pride in their final products and stand tall when having to present their knowledge to the class. Although the strengths are many at times the weaknesses of technology outweigh and cause educators to steer away from the implementation of such within their classrooms. Many teachers are faced with technology management problems. The lack of appropriate rules implemented at the beginning will create an atmosphere of frustration for the teacher. As the members of Education World’s Teach Team mentions, the classroom rules will be different and students need to know that each situation brings a new set of rules (Starr, 2000). Being able to specifically state what is expected of them at the beginning and having the rules clearly stated will impede students from being off-task. Letting students know what is expected of them every time they are using the computers will reduce the excuses and will embed the routines until they automatically know what to do. Another major weakness one encounters when using technology is knowing the level of the students prior knowledge. Students may know how to use networking sites and how to navigate search engines, but when it comes to academic use they tend to have no previous experience. Being able to provide students with the opportunity to come to class knowing how to use these tools could be aShow MoreRelatedPhilosophy of Technology Integration Essay1152 Words   |  5 PagesOver the past few years technology has taken on a whole new meaning. We have moved from the days of chalkboards, to whiteboards, to interactive whiteboards. Our students seem to be more computer savvy than their teachers. Home telephones are starting to become a thing of the past, and cell phones have turned into mini-computers. Technological geniuses have even tried to eliminate books by creating electronic books, for example the Kindle and Nook. It has become pretty evident that being technologicallyRead MorePhilosophy of T echnology Integration in Education Essay1073 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Educational technology, especially computers and computer-related peripherals, have grown tremendously and have permeated all areas of our lives† (Valdez, 2005,  ¶ 3). Computers are a prevalent part of most people’s professional and social lives. They serve an essential role in a myriad of industries including but not limited to, finances, health care, and retail. On the personal front, social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace have gained a popularity that few could haveRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Of A Computer Lab1010 Words   |  5 PagesName: Masuma Hossain Observe the use of technology in your school and answer the questions below. 1. Does the school have a computer lab? If so, which grades use it and how often do they use it? From my observation, P.S. 152 has a computer lab with 35 computers. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Greek Empire and the Renaissance Shaping the New World Free Essays

Other pull factors such as ideas of political, economic, and social freedom along with trade and exploration of nations hat were an inherent part of the European Renaissance lead to the questioning the Catholic Church and its powers over the people, which ultimately led to the desire for a new place to practice these freedoms. The Greek Empire reached its political peak as a result of simple trial and error. Originally, they began as a monarchy, developed into an oligarchy, and finally advanced into what is now known as the first form of democracy, or power of the people. We will write a custom essay sample on Greek Empire and the Renaissance: Shaping the New World or any similar topic only for you Order Now They strongly believed that in order to be a strong, united, successful nation that there had to be an educated electorate, which eater became the central idea of what the founding fathers established this newly emerging nation on: an idea of freedom. The Greek, much like America later on, were split up into different social classes: slaves, non-slaves, men, and women. Women in Greece were not entitled to a social life, much less a voice in politics, bit rather picked up their social status along with everything else from their husbands. Likewise, the Roman Empire played a critical role in the discovery and foundation of the New World. The Romans were the strongest, largest Empire throughout history due to heir advancement in technology, their form of government which was even able to withstand a weak leader, and their their powerful military which enabled them to conquer many nations, expanding the empire further than any other, spanning from Turkey to England. As a result of the fall of the Roman Empire, the entirety of Europe experienced two to three-hundred years of little to no progress and religious conflict. During this time, art and culture was being lost and the only knowledge left was what survived in the monasteries; education was scarce. This period was known as the Dark Ages, also known as the Early Middle Ages, which then led to the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a rebirth of classical learning. Everything that was lost and forgotten during the Dark Ages was coming to light. During this time, European people gained a sense of hope and individualism rather than tradition. People began thinking for themselves for the first time in hundreds of years and began to explore art, music, drama, philosophy, and most importantly exploration of the world and questioning of the Catholic Church’s authority over the people. For example, â€Å"The Roman Catholic Church taught that an individual could gain favor with God by what were called â€Å"good works†. [Martin] Luther believed that he, as a sinner, was condemned in the eyes of God and that nothing could help him. Despite doing many good works, Luther found no peace of mind†¦ Lather’s main complaint against the Catholic Church was that it was supporting a system that left sinners in sin – and this was the institution that was meant to save lost souls !!†¦ In October 1517, Luther pinned his â€Å"95 Theses† to a church door in Wattenberg. â€Å"(â€Å"Martin Luther. ) When our nodding fathers designed what was the foundation of our country, they brought ideas such as democracy from the Greek Empire and similar social practices such as the split classes. Likewise, practices such as religious freedom, intellect, and art, developed during the Renaissance, were influences that shaped the New World in a powerful wa y. During a time of desperation for freedom and a fresh start, founding fathers brought the strongest ideas from significant civilizations and time periods in European history, which essentially shaped what we know as the New World. How to cite Greek Empire and the Renaissance: Shaping the New World, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Central Line Case study free essay sample

The patient is a 45 year old man who had GI surgery 4 days ago. He is NPO, has a nasogastric tube, and IV fluids of D51/2saline at 100 mL/hr. The nursing physical assessment includes the following: alert and oriented; fine crackles; capillary refill within normal limits; moving all extremities, complaining of abdominal pain, muscle aches, and cottony mouth; dry mucous membranes, bowel sounds hypoactive, last BM four days ago; skin turgor is poor; 200 mL of dark green substance has drained from NG tube in last 3 hours. Voiding dark amber urine without difficulty. Intake for last 24 hours is 2500mL. Output is 2000mL including urine and NG drainage. Febrile and diaphoretic; BP 130/80; pulse 88; urine specific gravity 1. 035; serum potassium 3. 0 mEq/l; serum sodium 140mEq/l, CL 92mEq/l, Mg 1. 4 mg/dL. 1. ) Analyze the data in the case study. Do the findings indicate a fluid deficit or fluid excess problem? Support your answer with data from this patient. We will write a custom essay sample on Central Line Case study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I would guess a fluid volume deficit. Dark amber urine, dry mucus membranes, poor skin turgor, and labs all point in that direction. Although the patient’s output seems to be adequate, everything else points towards dehydration. It also seems like the patient has a fluid/electrolyte imbalance which may be putting the water in the wrong departments, or an infection (as reflected in pt. vital signs). So even though he is receiving IV fluids, it’s not reflecting on his physical assessment and labs. 2. ) What factors could be contributing to this problem? Part of the problem may be that most of the patient’s fluids are being received via IV (2400ml in 24 hours) and has only drunk 100ml PO in the past 24 hours. Low GI motility because of recent GI surgery may have something to do with it, or a f/e imbalance, or an infection could be a contributing issue. Lastly fever and diaphoresis can cause high amounts of insensible fluid loss. 3. ) Evaluate the patients electrolyte values and give a rationale for the answer. Urine specific gravity of 1. 035 is high; this means the patient’s urine is concentrated. K+ of 3. 0 is low and is common with a patient with an NG tube on suction. Pt. ’s with NG tubes loose potassium through suctioning. Sodium of 140 is normal but on the higher end which is indicative of dehydration. Chloride of 92 is a little low which is interesting because the sodium is normal-high and usually chloride follows sodium. Mag of 1. 4 is low maybe because of low calcium. 4. ) The physician is planning to place a percutaneous central line to infuse TPN. Which site is recommend and why? A percutaneous central line is entered into the patient’s subclavian vein. Because TPN solution is concentrated it is better to have CVC access in the subclavian vein so the solution has less distance to travel to its destination. This reduces the risk of the line clotting or damaging the vein. What are the nurses responsibilities for placement of the central line? The nurse is responsible for positioning the patient and should assess the patient throughout to see how well he is tolerating it. If the patient is on a heart monitor, the nurse should monitor vital signs and heart rate as the catheter is being put in for any fluctuations. Afterword’s, the nurse should assess for complications or adverse reactions like pneumothorax. Make the patient comfortable and listen to bilateral breath sounds. Obtain a stat XRAY to verify correct placement. The assessment includes: Date and time of procedure, name of provider, site of insertion, type of fluid infusing in each lumen, blood return from each lumen, chest X-ray ordered, completed and verified, and patient tolerance of procedure 5. ) The patient asks Why cant you just use this IV in my hand? It is a 22G started in the OR four days ago. What is the nurses answer? A central line is placed to end in the superior vena cava. This is a large vessel with a large amount of blood flow, so it can handle caustic fluids being infused into it. A peripheral line is much smaller and has a lot less volume flowing through at any given time, so when certain fluids are infused, it can be very damaging to the vessel wall and can cause a lot of complications. TPN contains a lot of packed particles, such as glucose and several minerals + electrolytes which can damage the smaller veins in the arms and hands. The osmolarity of TPN solution is too high for a small vein to handle. 6. ) The patients wife asks Why dont you put one of those tunneled catheters in? My sister had one. Her doctor said it had a lower infection risk. What is the nurses response? Tunneled catheters have a lower risk of infection because they have a cuff that prevents microorganism migration into the catheter tract. However tunneled lines are inserted in the OR and are an expensive and invasive procedure. They are for patients who will be on long term TPN therapy or dialysis; for patients with chronic issues. For your husband, the issue with nutrition is more acute and a long term tunneled catheter is not appropriate at this time.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Message Of Babi Yar (1136 words) Essay Example For Students

The Message Of Babi Yar (1136 words) Essay The Message of Babi Yar There are very few people in the world who are willing to go against the popular trends and do what they feel in their hearts iscorrect. But Yevgeny Yevtushenko is one of those people. In his poem Babi Yar, he tells the story of the modern persecution of the Jews, focusing on atrocities like those of the massacre at Babi Yar and the pogroms at Beilostok, and also the general anti-Semitism that killed men like Dreyfus and pervades the entire Russian people. The poem uses many literary devices, such as graphic imagery and contrasts, while painting a very clear picture of the scenes of pure horror. We will write a custom essay on The Message Of Babi Yar (1136 words) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Babi Yar is written in many different voices, all of which, however, have the same message. The author starts off with his ownperspective, then goes on and describes certain people in modern Jewish history whose lives will forever be remembered as symbols of the time. At the end of the poem the author comes back and speaks in his own voice, yet this time he delivers a message to his people about how they have committed a large number of these crimes against the Jews, yet think that such actions are pure and good for Russia. By switching from the voices of those who were so afflicted by the persecution to a voice of accusation, the author effectively points out how foolish the arguments of the Russians are when they try to point out any validity in killing millions of Jews. The poem starts out with a description of the ravine at Babi Yar. However, all it says is that there is nothing to describe. It callsthe steep ravine, which is the grave sight of one hundred thousand people, the only memorial that is there. This frightens the author, because the massiveness of the tragedy deserves at least some recognition. Then Yevtushenko realizes that fear is a part of Judaism, something that is as old as them, and therefore originating with them. He says that he too must be a Jew for he is afraid of what his people and his society have become. Many years ago, in the ancient days, it would not be such a shock to see the Jews enslaved in Egypt or crucified as a means of torture and death, but even in modern times the same things are going on-he still has the marks from where the nails pierced him. The author has used classical examples of Jewish persecution which every one knows is gone in the physical sense, but show how they still exist in the theoretical aspect, as the persecution is still occurring. In the next three stanzas, the poem takes the standpoint of three figures whose stories are pertinent examples of what Yevtushenko is trying to rely in this poem. First the voice of Dreyfus is used, and the stanza describes how horribly and unfairly he was treated, and how the country and its leaders turned their backs on him. There are two important literary devices used in this section. First the author puts the word pettiness on a line by itself. This is used as a declaration of what the author feels anti-Semitism is based on. It is because of pettiness that Dreyfus was accusedand further because of pettiness that he was not pardoned when it was proven that he had not committed any crime. The next important device is the description of ladies with their umbrellas. This is an image to the wealthy aristocracy of France, who not only turned their backs on Dreyfus and did not help him, but also increased the effort to have him punished unnecessarily. The next Jewish figure whom the author singles out is a boy from the town of Bielostok, where one of the most horrible pogroms ever took place. The entire stanza focuses on the image of how bad the people were who participated in the pogrom. Using graphic images of blood spurting all around and of victims pointlessly begging for mercy, the author clearly shows how wrong the pogroms were and wrong his countrymen were for allowing them to occur. A device the author uses in this stanza is contrast, as in one line he writes how the participants were crying that the pogrom was to Save Russia, and on the next line says that these same participants were beating up his mother, whose existence obviously was not harming the country. .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8 , .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8 .postImageUrl , .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8 , .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8:hover , .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8:visited , .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8:active { border:0!important; } .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8:active , .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8 .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf3f7808b55b62c0334965695dcde50b8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Effects of Globalization toward Leadership and Management Essay Anne Frank is the next figure whom the poem highlights. The poet calls her a translucent twig of April. He is using the imageof something small and fragile which can so easily be broken. By this he is showing how weak and frail she was. She was definitely undeserving of the events that she had to live through, but in addition to that she was only a small weak child, as weak as a twig. Even more so he shows how good of a person she was that she was so full of love, yet could not even experience the sky or trees, only sit in a dark room. After these narratives the poet starts the next section of the poem. I n his own voice, he asks his people not to fear love. Ifeveryone just got along, then everything would be nice and happy. He says it will be like spring, which is the usual metaphor for new and better times. This stanza is a general plea to non-Jews that everyone should just be friends and then the process of world harmony will be sped up. This is contrasted to the following stanza where the author again remembers the tragedy of Babi Yar and the Holocaust. Using imagery of bare trees and howling winds, the poem makes a description of winter, which is a metaphor for bad times. So the author contrast the two seasons of winter and spring showing how right now hatred is keeping everyone in winter, but once there is peace then spring can start and life will get better. The rest of the poem focuses on what the Russian people must do to change their attitude about Jews. First the author criticizes them for acting so shamelessly, and then he says that Jews must be accepted by all Russians who can honestly call themselves that. This is compounded when it says that one can truly be a Russian only when he undergoes the same treatment that the Jews go through, only when they experience the same type of hatred. This final statement is a reversal of the general view of the Russian people, and it reaffirms how Yevgeny Yevtushenko is a person who is not afraid to go against the popular opinion in order to make life better.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Geography of Burma or Myanmar

Geography of Burma or Myanmar Population: 53,414,374 (July 2010 estimate)Capital: Rangoon (Yangon)Bordering Countries: Bangladesh, China, India, Laos, and ThailandLand Area: 261,228 square miles (676,578 sq km)Coastline: 1,199 miles (1,930 km)Highest Point: Hkakabo Razi at 19,295 feet (5,881 m)Burma, officially called the Union of Burma, is the largest country by area located in Southeast Asia. Burma is also known as Myanmar. Burma comes from the Burmese word Bamar which is the local word for Myanmar. Both words refer to the majority of the population being Burman. Since British colonial times, the country has been known as Burma in English however, in 1989, the military government in the country changed many of the English translations and changed the name to Myanmar. Today, countries and world organizations have decided on their own which name to use for the country. The United Nations for example, calls it Myanmar, while many English speaking countries call it Burma.History of BurmaBurmas early history is domi nated by the successive rule of several different Burman dynasties. The first of these to unify the country was the Bagan Dynasty in 1044 CE. During their rule, Theravada Buddhism rose in Burma and a large city with pagodas and Buddhist monasteries was built along the Irrawaddy River. In 1287, however, the Mongols destroyed the city and took control of the area.In the 15th century, the Taungoo Dynasty, another Burman dynasty, regained control of Burma and according to the U.S. Department of State, established a large multi-ethnic kingdom that was focused on expansion and the conquest of Mongol territory. The Taungoo Dynasty lasted from 1486 to 1752.In 1752, the Taungoo Dynasty, was replaced by the Konbaung, the third and final Burman dynasty. During Konbaung rule, Burma underwent several wars and was invaded four times by China and three times by the British. In 1824, the British began their formal conquest of Burma and in 1885, it gained full control of Burma after annexing it to British India.During World War II, the 30 Comrades, a group of Burmes e nationalists, attempted to drive out the British, but in 1945 the Burmese Army joined British and U.S. troops in an effort to force out the Japanese. After WWII, Burma again pushed for independence and in 1947 a constitution was completed followed by full independence in 1948.From 1948 to 1962, Burma had a democratic government but there was widespread political instability within the country. In 1962, a military coup took over Burma and established a military government. Throughout the rest of the 1960s and into the 1970s and 1980s, Burma was politically, socially and economically unstable. In 1990, parliamentary elections took place but the military regime refused to acknowledge the results.During the early 2000s, the military regime remained in control of Burma despite several attempts for overthrow and protests in favor of a more democratic government. On August 13, 2010, the military government announced that parliamentary elections would take place on November 7, 2010.Government of BurmaToday Burmas government is still a military regime that has seven administrative divisions and seven states. Its executive branch is made u p of a chief of state and head of government, while its legislative branch is a unicameral Peoples Assembly. It was elected in 1990, but the military regime never allowed it to be seated. Burmas judicial branch consists of remnants from the British colonial era but the country has no fair trial guarantees for its citizens.Economics and Land Use in BurmaBecause of stringent government controls, Burmas economy is unstable and much of its population lives in poverty. Burma is however, rich in natural resources and there is some industry in the country. As such, much of this industry is based on agriculture and the processing of its minerals and other resources. Industry includes agricultural processing, wood and wood products, copper, tin, tungsten, iron, cement, construction materials, pharmaceuticals, fertilizer, oil and natural gas, garments, jade and gems. Agricultural products are rice, pulses, beans, sesame, groundnuts, sugarcane, hardwood, fish and fish products.Geography and Climate of BurmaBurma has a long coastline that borders the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal. Its topography i s dominated by central lowlands that are ringed by steep, rugged coastal mountains. The highest point in Burma is Hkakabo Razi at 19,295 feet (5,881 m). The climate of Burma is considered tropical monsoon and as such it has hot, humid summers with rain from June to September and dry mild winters from December to April. Burma is also prone to hazardous weather like cyclones. For example in May 2008, Cyclone Nargis hit the countrys Irrawaddy and Rangoon divisions, wiped out entire villages and left 138,000 people dead or missing.ReferencesCentral Intelligence Agency. (3 August 2010). CIA - The World Factbook - Burma. Retrieved from: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bm.htmlInfoplease.com. (n.d.). Myanmar: History, Geography, Government, and Culture- Infoplease.com. Retrieved from: infoplease.com/ipa/A0107808.html#axzz0wnnr8CKBUnited States Department of State. (28 July 2010). Burma. Retrieved from: state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/35910.htmWikipedia.com. (16 August 2010). Burma - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedi a.org/wiki/Burma

Friday, November 22, 2019

Capitalization Rules for the Names of Games

Capitalization Rules for the Names of Games Capitalization Rules for the Names of Games Capitalization Rules for the Names of Games By Mark Nichol How do you style the first letter of words for games and similar entertainment? The default setting is lowercase, though of course there are exceptions. Names of card games are lowercased except for words normally capitalized, thus poker, but â€Å"Texas hold ’em.† Names for other games of chance, whether more or less â€Å"legitimate† ones like Russian roulette and bingo, those that straddle both worlds (like craps, which has two forms: casino, or table craps, and street craps), and confidence games like three-card monte, follow the same rules. Names of variations, and other terminology, aren’t capitalized, either. Those of strategy games such as chess and checkers are lowercased, too (but note â€Å"Chinese checkers†), as are names of tile games such as dominoes. Traditional children’s games like tag and hopscotch, and those with more complex names, such as capture the flag, hide-and-seek, and king of the castle, need no special emphasis, either. Brand names of trademarked games like Monopoly, Scrabble, and Chutes and Ladders are capitalized, but note that it is not necessarily to use registration symbols with them. (You will, of course, note the r in a circle adjacent to the brand name on the game itself and in printed and online literature published by the company, as well as in written materials of any company affiliated or in partnership with the trademark holder, but no other publication is required to include such symbols.) Names of electronic games follow the same rule. You may also see these names italicized or enclosed in quotation marks; the justification for these styles is that such games have a narrative and are therefore equivalent to films. However, names of kinds of software are capitalized but not italicized. Names for games like pool and its variants, foosball, air hockey, and other tabletop entertainments should not be capitalized. Names of competitive sports such as baseball, basketball, and football are lowercase, but note that Major League Baseball is not merely a description of the highest level of professional baseball in the United States but also the official designation and is thus capitalized. Names of large competitive events are capitalized: Examples include, in the United States, the World Series and the Super Bowl, and internationally, the Olympic Games (informally called the Olympics) and the Pan American Games. (But note that â€Å"Highland games† is a description and not the name of a specific event.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comma After i.e. and e.g.Comma Before ButHow to Write a Proposal

Thursday, November 21, 2019

HR Scorecard Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HR Scorecard - Assignment Example As noted by Becker, Huselid and Ulrich (2001), a company has competitive advantage if it has what it takes to make customers select its products and services over what other competitors offer. Meanwhile, through the use of the HR scorecard to determine the best working outcomes for employees, it is possible to be guaranteed that the employees will show an attitude towards work that is directly responsive to customer request, expectations and needs, making customers select them over other competitors. In the implementation of the HR scorecard however, there are some challenges that may be encountered. The first of this has to do with the assignment of assessment metrics to work outcomes that are considered more qualitative. Typical example of such work outcome is customer satisfaction. The second challenge has to do with cooperation from employees in the implementation of the outcomes with the HR scorecard (Lawler, Jamrog & Boudreau, 2011). The challenges can be minimized by having a communication system that fully involves employees and clearly explains the modalities of the HR scorecard to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

San Francisco Symphony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

San Francisco Symphony - Essay Example The event has always been performed in the Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall from the day it started. However, on February 13, 2014, I was privileged to form part of the audience at Mondavi Centre for a symphony concert that started at 8.00pm. The renowned San Francisco Symphony accompanied by the famous violinist, Simone Lamsma, performed the concert. Out of the many symphonies performed, I fell for Sibelius and Tchaikovsky’s compositions more compared to the rest. In this paper, I will outline the various characteristics that make up the two compositions in terms of instrumentation, classification, genres, and the overall performance of Violin concerto in D Minor, Opus 47 and Symphony No.4 in F Minor, Opus 36. Jean Sibelius composed Violin Concerto in D Minor, Opus 47 in 1904 during the late romantic period. This concerto premiered in Helsinki with violinist Victor Novacek. What makes this piece unique is the fact that Sibelius provided an extended cadenza for the soloist, a feature that led to the development in sonata form first movement (Salmenhaara, 1996). Instrumentation of this performance consisted of flutes- trombones, clarinets, bassoons timpani, strings, trumpets, and horns-, among others. This performance is made up of three movements particularly in Allegro moderato, Adagio di molto and Allegro ma non-troppo. The first movement in this concerto, allegro moderato, starts with a cushion of strings of pianissimo pulsating in a gentle manner. The soloist performing in a D Minor G-A-D follows this, after which, the violinist highlights the theme of the concerto, backed up by the clarinetist. This movement provides a beautiful rhythm, which is enhanced by the instruments and the double stops (Salmenhaara, 1996). Allegro moderato ends in 2/2 time as it introduces the second theme. The second movement, Adagio di molto, is more lyrical than the other movements. Clarinet and oboes introduce this movement followed by a

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Socially Useful Productive Activity Essay Example for Free

Socially Useful Productive Activity Essay Even my NGO (Deepalaya) had apprehensions as to how much we will be able to contribute in such a short time span. But after going through the whole exercise I can say that this course will surely be one of the highlights of my two year PGDM. SUPA helped me create a bond with Deepalaya that will definitely last a lifetime. I always wanted an NGO that is involved in education, so Deepalaya was perfect choice. Not only had it made me sensitive towards people who are underprivileged it also gave me a sense of pride of being a part of a worthy cause. It was an eye-opener to see that so many things that we take for granted are a distant dream for the majority in our country. If my work changes the life of even one child I would consider these 22 days being worth every single second. So I take this opportunity to specially thank Prof. J. Philip, President XIME and Prof. S. D. Tyagaraj, Dean XIME for coming up with such an innovative and socially responsible course. I am surprised that XIME is the only management institute that offers such a course, after all it’s not just the corporate’ that require efficient management. In a country like ours where there is extreme inequality in the society it becomes absolutely imperative that people like us come forward and contribute in our own little way. Today management professionals are venturing into social welfare, I hope this XIME initiative gives a boost to this trend and that many more institute’ follow suit. When I pass out of XIME one and a half years from now and look back at the two years I spent here, I would rate SUPA above all the other courses that I studied. At this point I have to acknowledge a few people who made my involvement with Deepalaya fruitful; Mr. The answer came pretty quickly, it was ‘Education’. Education is the only cause that I could see myself joining because I consider it to be the difference between success and failure. In our country literacy rate is just 66%, which is way below what we are achieving for. I am not just talking about formal education but also professional as well as vocational education. These high levels of illiteracy create a workforce that is unskilled and is unable to achieve its maximum potential. It is the reason why education has been the focus of our government, with ‘Right to Education’ being a big step. Education gives you a platform from which you build a career for yourself and become a responsible citizen. ‘Money is a current asset but education is a fixed one that gives dividends in the long run’. So finding an NGO with its roots deep into education was my primary focus. Once I decided on the cause, I started searching for an NGO in Delhi/NCR which serves the cause that is close to my heart. I have been lucky to be born in a family that could afford my education. So I was looking for an organization that helps in educating people who are not so lucky. Our course outlines that we have to get in touch with that other part of society. Deepalaya fit the bill perfectly as its primary focus was on education, especially child education. Every person you educate is a small effort in making a ‘self reliant’ society, which is Deepalaya’s motto. My own background check confirmed the credibility of the NGO so I didn’t think twice about sending an application. I am glad that it was accepted and I got a chance to make good friends and contribute to the society in my own personal way. SUPA Report: Denny Thomas Page 4 About Deepalaya Vision

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hospital Pharmacy Essay -- Medicine

The subspecialty in pharmacy I choose is hospital pharmacy. As a current employee at the University of Utah inpatient pharmacy, I see the implementation of the concepts of pharmacy informatics discussed in class. Pharmacy informatics enables me to practice pharmacy quickly, safely, and in the best interests of the patient. The computerized physician order entry allows for less error and requires less interpretation by the pharmacy staff. This saves the pharmacists time which they can allocate to verifying more orders. Having a computer system with the ability to verify a drug ordered via the NDC number and implementing a final check by a pharmacist is a great contributor to patient safety. Pharmacy informatics provides us with the computer systems, databases, and interfaces to ensure the patient is getting the correct drug in the correct strength at the correct time for the disease. The medication use cycle consists of prescribing, dispensing, administration, and monitoring.(1) As mentioned previously, the computerized physician order entry communicates the order to the pharmacy. This order absolutely cannot be dispensed until a pharmacist verifies the order, whereby it is sent to the work path to be pulled. The interface between these two systems is crucial to the retrieval of the drug for administration. The next step is administration to the patient by the nurse. The nurse relies on the electronic medical record to indicate what drug is needed for a patient and the time of administration. This again relies on a crucial interface between the system in which the pharmacist verifies the order and its subsequent appearance on the electronic medical record. Depending on whether the medicine cabinet has the drug or th... ...le of standards and vocabulary is crucial for clinical decision support (CDS) to function properly. The basis of the â€Å"knowledge† possessed by the CDS is the ontology programmed within it. It lacks the ability to critically think and only possesses the knowledge programmed within it via standards. If one system is using one vocabulary and trying to communicate with another system which is using a different vocabulary, the system will not understand. This can result in medication errors or lack of proper medication therapy and management. References 1. Lombardi, P.T. (2000). â€Å"Closing the Loop – Implementing Quality Improvement Processes and Advances in Technology to Decrease Medication Error.† MedScape Today. 2. Van der Maas, A.F. et al. (2001). â€Å"Requirements for Medical Modeling Languages.† J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2001 Mar-Apr; 8(2): 146–162.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Potential Impact Study of Renewable Energy Resources on Power Transformer

Chapter One Introduction to Topic CHAPTER I 1. 1Introduction: India is one of the developing countries & at the same times a fastest rising economy in the world. India along with the BRIC countries is considered as the back bone of the world’s economy. This attraction is partially due to the lower cost of manpower and good quality production. India is now the eleventh largest economy in the world, fourth in terms of purchasing power. It is poised to make tremendous economic strides over the coming years, with significant development already in the planning stages. For development of a country, infrastructure plays a vital role. With the opening of the Indian economy in 1990, many multinational / transnational companies were eager to invest in India. India being the second largest population of the world is the largest market for foreign multinationals. For this reason development of the infrastructure was need of the hour for the economy. ENERGY development is the key aspect of infrastructure development & demand of the developing economy. Moreover, fulfilling the energy requirement of ever growing population is herculean task. The infrastructure deficit in India is immense & India is power stressed. The increasing vibrancy and flexibility of the Indian economy is not matched by the power sector. India was heavily relied on Conventional energy resources like thermal energy. The conventional energy development mainly depends on availability of resources like oil, coal, coke etc. Even nuclear power generation depends on availability of uranium & platinum. Conventional energy generation also results in higher carbon emission & pollution. Destroying the wastes from the conventional energy generation is the major task ahead of the country. Renewable energy Resources give the best possible solution for this problem. Renewable energy resources can be defined as the energy resources which can be replenished, as & when they are consumed e. g. solar, wind, small hydro power, biogas etc. Knowing the potential of this form of energy resources, Indian government established a separate ministry for Renewable energy resources in 2006. Perhaps, India is the only country having separate ministry for renewable energy. Since then renewable energy market is an upcoming market in Indian power sector. With boom in the renewable energy market, there is also a rise in demand for related manufacturing equipment industries. Transformer is one of such equipments required in power systems for transmission of power. Our aim in this project is to make a Market Potential Impact Study for transformer for renewable energy markets. 1. 2Research Methodology: The first and a very important step in market research is formulating a research problem. It is the most important stage as if the problem is wrongly defined the subsequent stages will be of no good for the purpose for which the research is being conducted, at the same time the problem must not be defined too broadly or too narrowly. In this Project we are identifying the gap in the organizations portfolio of Transformer Business in India. We have identified that organization has no presence in the low voltage, distribution class transformer markets in India. Looking at the growth rate of Renewable energy markets and governments initiative towards the renewable energy, our main objective is to ascertain its impact on transformer business. Identifying sources of information There are two type of data resources used for the research primary and secondary data sources. Primary research data : Primary research involves getting original data directly about the product and market. Primary research data is data that did not exist before it is designed to answer specific questions of interest to the business. †¢ One to one interaction: Idea generation of the project is drawn from the one to one interaction with the experienced colleagues and trusted associates. †¢ Casual Interviews: Casual interviews are the unstructured interviews. Casual interactions with the seniors, discussions with the vendors are one of the sources of primary data. †¢ Brainstorming: Brainstorming is the casual interaction with experts. Experts are allowed to discuss freely on a particular subject. Their newly generated ideas are registered. There may not be any time duration for such sessions. †¢ Observations: †¢ Existing customer enquiries & their feedbacks: Many times customer enquiries can give us the data we required. The feedbacks from the existing customers are also helpful for idea generation. Secondary research data : Secondary data is the pre- existing data, already available through books, previous researches, organizations, government documents, journals, news papers etc. Trade magazines, Journals: There are various trade magazines in power sector available. IEEMA (Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers Association), Powerline magazines, ITMA (Indian Transformer’s Manufacturing Association) are some of the related associations. These associations are also working on the Renewable Energy Resources. †¢ Newspapers: News paper s are always giving the updates about the new trends, ideas, research going on around the world around. †¢ Internet articles, websites: Internet is the huge pool of data available for secondary research. Various search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. are useful for finding the relevant data. Websites of various Private & government PSU’s are the sources of data. Websites of PGCIL, IEEMA, ITMA, Wind Power Associations, Wind mill solution manufacturer’s, statistical agencies are of immense help. †¢ Books: Books are always the sources of the technical data. †¢ Statistics agencies; The statistical agencies like India Securities ltd. , which are doing their own research in various industries, are the sources of secondary data. †¢ Government resources: Government organizations like PGCIL, SEB’s, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Resources are the sources of data. †¢ Manufacturing associations: Indian Transformer Manufacturing Association (ITMA), Windmill manufacturing associations are some of the manufacturing associations, which are used as the sources of secondary data. Gathering the existing data & checking its authenticity is an important step in the research design. After the process of data gathering information, the data was tabulated and analyzed through graphs & bar charts as discussed in chapter 4 of this report. . 3Objectives: †¢ To study the current status of renewable energy market within India. Our study will mainly concentrate on Wind Energy & Small Hydro Projects (SHP). †¢ To ascertain the market potential for renewable energy up to 2030 & study the strategic locations of renewable energy generation within India. Find out the trends in Power sector. †¢ To study the specifications & the ca tegories of the transformers required for renewable energy transmission. †¢ Establish the relationship between the volumes of transformer business due to renewable energy market. To study the present organization set-up, this can be utilized for renewable energy transformers. 1. 4Limitations of the study: There are following limitations for the research: †¢ The primary research was limited due to wide spread of consumers. 80% of the transformer business is from the Public utilities, state electricity boards. Most of the sites are in remote places. Hence data collection is time consuming. It is very difficult to get the responses from such wide spread customers in limited time. For this research we mainly concentrated on customer feedbacks & experiences of previous telephonic conversations. †¢ The secondary research is mainly concentrated on the data available through government resources. This is due to the fact that majority of the decision making & forecasting is done at the central government level. As there is increase in Private participation in recent years, there is limited amount of data available for it. 1. 5Conclusion: India is developing with the rapid pace; it implies heavy investments in infrastructure. Energy generation is the key aspect for the infrastructure growth of the country. With the government’s initiative towards clean energy development, Renewable energy sector is booming. Due to Renewable energy development, there is also increase in the private participations in power plants implementations. This scenario is conducive for the demand of the transformers required for small power projects (private as well as public). In this project we will be concentrating on impact potential study of Renewable energy on power transformers. This will be helpful for the organization for initiating the low power, low voltage, distribution transformer’s business in India. We will ascertain its feasibility in the subsequent chapters starting with the organization’s profile. Chapter Two Company Overview CHAPTER II SIEMENS Ltd. 2. 1HISTORY: Siemens was founded in Berlin by Werner von Siemens in 1847. As an extraordinary inventor, engineer and entrepreneur, Werner von Siemens made the world's first pointer telegraph and electric dynamo, inventions that helped put the spin in the industrial revolution. He was the man behind one of the most fascinating success stories of all time – by turning a humble little workshop into one of the world's largest enterprises. As Werner had envisioned, the company he started grew from strength to strength in every field of electrical engineering. From constructing the world's first electric railway to laying the first telegraph line linking Britain and India, Siemens was responsible for building much of the modern world's infrastructure. Siemens is today a technology giant in more than 190 countries, employing some 440,000 people worldwide. Our work in the fields of energy, industry, communications, information, transportation, healthcare, components and lighting has become essential parts of everyday life. While Werner was a tireless inventor during his days, Siemens today remains a relentless innovator. With innovations averaging 18 a day, it seems like the revolution Werner started is still going strong. 2. 2Corporate Overview: Siemens Ltd. in India The Siemens Group in India is a unique player in the field of electrical and electronics engineering. We have the capability to integrate diverse products, systems and services into turnkey solutions across the life- cycle of a project. Innovation is our strength. But it’s not the only one. Our customers also know that they can rely on us to execute quality projects, while delivering value. In all areas of our operation, we provide the complete range of offerings. †¢ In the Energy sector, our expertise ranges from power plants to  turbines. †¢ Industry sector, we build airports, as well as produce contactors. †¢ In Transportation, we deliver complete high-speed trains, right down to safety relays. In Lighting, we illuminate large stadiums and also manufacture small light bulbs. †¢ In Healthcare, we execute complete solutions for hospitals, as also provide â€Å"in- the canal† hearing aids. †¢ And, the thread that connects all our businesses is Information technology. Siemens Ltd is the flagship listed company in India. Siemens in India, which comprises 20 legal entities, is a leading provider of industry and infrastructure solutions with a business volume aggregating about Rs 11,800 crore, as on September 2008. It operates in the core business areas of Industry, Energy and Healthcare. It has nation-wide Sales and Service network, 20 manufacturing plants, a network of around 500 channel partners and employs about 17,200 people. 2. 3BUSINESSES: Organizational Chart Power Transmission & Distribution High Voltage Energy Automation Medium Voltage Transformers Services At Siemens, end-to-end products, systems and solutions for industrial and building automation as well as infrastructure installations are provided. These turnkey solutions cover project management, engineering and software, installation, commissioning, after-sales service, plant maintenance and training. . 4SECTORS †¢ Energy Sector Siemens consolidates its innovative offerings in the Energy sector by combining its full range expertise in the areas of Power Generation (PG) and Power Transmission & Distribution (PTD). Utilizing the most advanced plant diagnostics and systems technologies, Siemens provides comprehensive services for complete power plants and for rotating machines such as gas and steam t urbines, generators and compressors. Power Generation Efficient, reliable, climate-friendly power generation is vital for economic development. With innovative technologies and products, Siemens is pushing the limits of power plant efficiency and helping strike a viable balance between climate protection, supply security and cost-efficiency in power generation. From simple cycle power plants to combined cycle power plants, steam power plants up to integrated gasification combined cycle plants, Siemens ensures the highest levels of efficiency currently possible throughout the entire power generation process. The wide range of offerings include solutions for the automation of power grids and products such as medium voltage switchgear and components. Compressors †¢ Gas Turbines †¢ Generators †¢ Steam Turbines †¢ Combine cycle power plants †¢ Reference cycle power plants †¢ Steam power plants †¢ Fuel cells †¢ Instrumentation & controls †¢ Renewable power plants Power Transmission & Distribution (PTD) Efficient high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) power transmission lines are indispensab le for transporting large amounts of electricity over long distances with minimum loss and thus for transmitting power from renewable energy sources in remote locations to distant consumer centres. This is where the Power Transmission Division (PTD) of Siemens plays an important role as pioneering technology providers, offering greater reliability and efficiency besides contributing to develop sustainable power supplies. PTD offerings span the entire field of high voltage power transmission, including HVDC transmission systems and products and systems for high-voltage switchgear and transformers. †¢ Power Transmission & Distribution Systems †¢ Arrestors †¢ Energy management †¢ Power network communications †¢ Power transmission system †¢ Protection & substation controls Switchgears †¢ TRANSFORMERS †¢ Healthcare Sector By combining the most advanced laboratory diagnostics, imaging systems and healthcare information technology, Siemens Healthcare division enables clinicians to diagnose disease earlier and more accurately, making a decisive contribution to improving the quality of healthcare The Siemens Healthcare Division is one of the large st suppliers of healthcare technology in the world. It offers solutions for the entire supply chain under one roof – from prevention and early detection through diagnosis and on to treatment and aftercare. In addition, Siemens Healthcare is the market leader for innovative hearing devices. Laboratory Diagnostics The Diagnostics Division of Siemens is engaged with the business of generating clinical diagnostic test results using tissue and fluid analysis – a process known as in-vitro diagnostics, besides immune diagnostics and molecular analysis. The Division’s solutions range from point-of-care applications to the automation of large laboratories, producing high quality outcomes that save time, money and lives. Diagnostic Imaging and Therapy †¢ Laboratory Diagnostics †¢ Hearing Instruments †¢ Market Specific Solutions †¢ IT Solutions and Services †¢ Financial Solutions †¢ Information & Communication We provide software solutions across the IT service chain, from consulting and system integration to IT infrastructure management in the areas of telecommunications, healthcare, manufacturing, public sector, utilities & government. †¢ Communi cation Services †¢ Fixed and mobile services †¢ Information Technology †¢ Telephone & communication Wireless modules †¢ OSRAM India Pvt. Ltd. (Lighting) OSRAM India Pvt. Ltd. (Lighting)Artificial lighting accounts for a significant portion of today’s CO2 emissions. The use of energy-efficient lamps, LEDs and intelligent light management systems would not just help in bringing down the emission levels but also save significant amounts of energy and money. Siemens provides economical, long-life lighting for every application, including incandescent and fluorescent ones for domestic and industrial lighting. Offerings include:General Lighting †¢ Automotive Lighting †¢ Electronics and Controls †¢ Display/Optics †¢ Opto Semiconductors †¢ LED Systems †¢ Luminaires †¢ Mobility (Mob) A pioneer of the railway signaling systems in India, Siemens offers products and solutions in railway signaling and safety systems, traffic control and automation, electrification, traction equipment for locomotives and multiple unit system and mass transit vehicles. The product palette also includes rolling stock and auxiliary inverters for air-conditioned passenger coaches. Fully equipped and backed by trained staff, turnkey projects are undertaken for urban transportation, mass rapid transport projects, traction substations overhead centenary and long distance transmission lines. Portfolio includes: †¢ Railway automation †¢ Rail electrification †¢ Turnkey systems †¢ Metros †¢ Trains and locomotives †¢ Light rail vehicles †¢ Multiple units †¢ Service, maintenance and support for †¢ Building Technologies (BT) Siemens Building Technologies specializes in meeting the growing demand for increased personal safety and more secure public and private infrastructures by electronic security and building automation systems. A market leader in providing solutions for ‘Intelligent Buildings’, the division offers a range of products and services for security, comfort and efficiency in high-end buildings, and covers the entire chain of offerings from engineering to services. Innovative solutions for Intelligent Buildings †¢ Cross-Sector Business Siemens Information Systems Ltd. Siemens provides software solutions across the IT service chain, from consulting and system integration to IT infrastructure management in the areas of telecommunications, healthcare, manufacturing, public sector, utilities and government †¢ Consumer Products Computers †¢ Cordless Phones and Home Media †¢ Electrical Installation Systems †¢ Hearing Instruments †¢ Home Appliances †¢ Home Security †¢ Home Automation & Asset Management 2. 5Transformer (Product Details) â€Å"Bringing the energy safely to the consumer† A basic requirement applicable to all power transformers. How ever, every single one is unique – designed according to individual factors such as voltage, power, climate, system topography, sound level and many more. Siemens is your partner, who picks up these requirements converting them into convincing solutions with maximum quality. Power transformers that render their service reliably at site. Cost-efficient and safe throughout decades. Whether for infrastructure systems, industry or households – transformers play a key role for a reliable power supply. As a customer, one quite rightly place the highest demands on reliability, cost-effectiveness and operation time. In more than 100 countries and for more than 100 years, transformers from Siemens are synonymous with top quality – as a result of ideas, knowhow and unequalled experience. Many reasons for reliability First of all, there is the fulfillment of the quality claim to which Siemens has committed themselves without compromises. Every factory manufacturing Siemens Transformers puts quality management system into practice. And only those transformers that have successfully passed all the comprehensive tests will then go into practical application. Siemens offers a complete service – from advice and design via manufacture, transport and commissioning up to our Transformer Life Management. The right transformer for your task You need a product that exactly fits your task. Siemens provide the right transformer for every requirement – from compact distribution transformers through to large power transformers with ratings over 1000 MVA. Price Development World-market prices for raw materials and energy are continuously increasing, forcing the manufacturers of high-voltage products and transformers to significant price increases. Thanks to optimized processes and internal cost reduction measures, however, the price adjustment for Siemens products is extremely moderate. Product Range Only a company that offers a complete product range can really cover all of your requirements. Siemens has put this fact into practice. For every required power, every voltage, every cooling method and every operating mode. †¢ Generator step up transformers †¢ System interconnecting transformers †¢ Phase shifters †¢ Shunt reactors †¢ Transformers for HVDC †¢ GEAFOL cast-resin transformers †¢ Oil distribution transformers and voltage regulators †¢ Special-purpose transformers †¢ Line feeding transformers †¢ Traction transformers pic] [pic] Cast-Resin Tansformers Ditribution transformer [pic] [pic] Power TransformersReactors [pic][pic] HVDC TransformerFurnace Transformers 2. 5SIEMENS Transformer Division in India Siemens has newly set-up a state-of-the-art, power transformers design-and-manufacturing facility in Kalwa, near Mumbai. The factory was started in 4th December 2007. The facility is capable of manufacturing high -voltage direct-current and other special application transformers. The transformers manufactured by Siemens in India will be identical to those made in Europe, the United States and elsewhere as the technology for these comes from Nuremberg, Germany. The full technology transfer, including the know-how for design and production techniques, has been transferred through documentation as well as the training of Indian personnel in Siemens plants in Germany and elsewhere. The new plant is designed taking into consideration all the experiences gathered from other Siemens plants, which have been in operation for the past several decades. This makes the plant unique as it applies all the best practices established in other plants – under one roof. The new plant will have 500 employees when it reaches full production capacity. The manpower and production costs account for approximately 15 percent of the sales price in India compared to about 35 percent in developed countries. The new Transformer factory will be able to address the heightened demand for power transmission equipment in the country by designing and manufacturing large transformers of power rating upto 600 MVA and 800 KV voltage class. The factory will also produce special application transformers such as for HVDC and traction furnace applications. This factory is the latest addition to the prestigious league of 17 Transformer factories of Siemens located world-over. One of the unique features of the factory is that the transformers are manufactured in a dust-free and humidity controlled environment to ensure top class dry windings coming out of a vapour phase oven and tested under tough conditions in fully shielded test-lab. 2. 6SIEMENS IN FUTURE: Identifying technologies with major growth potential, recognizing technologicalbreakthroughs, anticipating future customer needs and new business opportunities -Siemens experts are doing all of these things in a systematic process designed to make the company a trendsetter in as many business fields as possible. In an increasingly complex business environment marked by ever-shorter product cycles, the major challenge facing companies is how to organize R&D activities in as focused and success-oriented a manner as possible – while simultaneously making optimum use of available funds. Rigorous focus on growth markets of the future Siemens’ Ten-Point Program was launched at the end of the 1990s to intensify the company’s focus on active portfolio management. To this day, Siemens continues to pursue the strategy defined in the program and achieve its growth targets through organic growth powered by the company’s innovative strengths, as well as through acquisitions, divestments and the formation of startups and joint ventures. In 2005, Siemens launched the Fit4More program to further tailor the strategic development of the company’s portfolio to the growth markets of the future, thus laying the groundwork for sustainable profitable growth. In addition to defining four pillars – Performance and Portfolio, Operational Excellence, People Excellence and Corporate Responsibility – the program identified urbanization and demographic change as key megatrends that would drive its business in the future. The company’s business portfolio has changed considerably in the past few years. For example, Siemens withdrew completely from the components business (now Infineon and Epcos). Large parts of its telecommunications technology business were funneled into the joint venture Nokia Siemens Networks in 2006. At the same time, Siemens strengthened its activities in the energy, industry and healthcare fields though extensive acquisitions. In 2006 alone, the company invested more than â‚ ¬6 billion to acquire companies and holdings. The current Fit4 2010 program embodies a rigorous continuation of this strategy, including further portfolio optimization with a focus on the fields of energy and environment, industry and healthcare. Siemens expects to win new orders of around INR 1 trillion in the next three fiscal years 2010 until 2012, which will be generated by government stimulus programs already announced around the world. Green technologies are expected to account for 40 percent or approximately INR 400 billion of this total, which will significantly increase the share of the company’s revenues from its environmental portfolio in the future. Siemens based this forecast on an initial systematic analysis of the largest stimulus programs. Siemens has continued with its investment plans and focused on strengthening the local manufacturing base. In the last two years, Siemens has added three new factories in Indian energy sector alone. SIEMENS constant focus is to bring world-class and high technology products to India. Chapter Three Theoretical Framework CHAPTER III 3. 1Energy Scenario in India Energy is the prime mover of economic growth and is vital to the sustenance of a modern economy. Future economic growth crucially depends on the long-term availability of energy from sources that are affordable, accessible and environmentally friendly. India ranks sixth in the world in total energy consumption and needs to accelerate the development of the sector to meet its growth aspirations. The country, though rich in coal and abundantly endowed with renewable energy in the form of solar, wind, hydro and bio-energy has very small hydrocarbon reserves (0. % of the world’s reserve). India, like many other developing countries, is a net importer of energy, more than 25 percent of primary energy needs being met through imports mainly in the form of crude oil and natural gas. The rising oil import bill has been the focus of serious concerns due to the pressure it has placed on scarce foreign exchange resources and i s also largely responsible for energy supply shortages. [pic] India has had a negative Energy Balance for decades, which has forced the purchase of energy from outside the country. Based on available energy resources, energy sector can be classified as follows: Few Definitions: 1. Thermal power generation: At a thermal power station in which the electric generators are steam driven. Water is heated, turns into steam and spins a steam turbine which drives an electrical generator. After it passes through the turbine, the steam is condensed in a condenser and recycled to where it was heated. The steam can be generated using †¢ Fossil fuels like Coal / ignite †¢ Gas †¢ Diesel or Liquid fuel 2. Hydro-Eectric Power Generation: It is nothing but using the power of water currents to generate electric power. Generally, hydroelectric power is created by directing water flow through a turbine, where the water causes fans to turn, creating the torque needed to drive an electric generator. [pic] 3. Nuclear Power: The energy released from an atom in nuclear reactions or by radioactive decay: esp. the energy released in nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. The radioactive materials like Thorium, uranium are used for energy generation. 4. Wind power It is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy, such as electricity, using wind turbines. Wind power produced about 1. % of worldwide electricity usage;[1][2] and is growing rapidly, having doubled in the three years between 2005 and 2008. 5. Geothermal power (from the Greek roots geo, meaning earth, and thermos, meaning heat) It is power extracted from heat stored in the earth. This geothermal energy originates from the original formation of the planet, from radioactive decay of minerals, and from solar energy absorbed at the surfac e. It has been used for space heating and bathing since ancient roman times, but is now better known for generating electricity. About 10 GW of geothermal electric capacity is installed around the world as of 2007, generating 0. 3% of global electricity demand. 6. Solar power It is the result of converting sunlight into electricity. Sunlight can be converted directly into electricity using photovoltaics (PV), or indirectly with concentrating solar power (CSP), which normally focuses the sun's energy to boil water which is then used to provide power. The largest solar power plants, like the 354 MW SEGS, are concentrating solar thermal plants, but recently multi-megawatt photovoltaic plants have been built. 7. Wave power is the transport of energy by ocean surface waves, and the capture of that energy to do useful work like electricity generation 8. Tidal power, sometimes called tidal energy, is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of tides into electricity or other useful forms of power. Although not yet widely used, tidal power has potential for future electricity generation. Tides are more predictable than wind energy and solar power Following chart shows the Indian energy scenario in 2005 & as on August 2008. It also shows the potential of various energy sectors by 2030. [pic] Installed Capacity, by fuel (as on August 31 2008) |Fuel |Installed Capacity (kW) |Share (%) | |Thermal |92691. 83 |63. 42 | | Coal & ignite |76646. 50 |52. 45 | | Gas |13560. 52 |9. 8 | | Diesel & liquid fuels |2484. 81 |1. 70 | |Hydro |36399. 80 |24. 91 | |Renewable |12932. 74 |8. 85 | | Wind |9041. 00 |6. 9 | | Small Hydro |2211. 00 |1. 51 | | Biomss |649. 00 |0. 44 | | Bagasse |973. 00 |0. 67 | | Waste-to-energy |56. 00 |0. 4 | | Solar |2. 74 |0. 00 | |Nuclear |4120. 00 |2. 82 | |Total |146144. 37 |100. 00 | (Source:CEA, Ministry of New & renewable energy. ) Power line magazine- Sept. 008 Since thermal generation is based on burning coal or oil, increases in CO2 emissions, which damage the environment and affect global warming, accompany this growth. As the graph below shows, it also increases the dependence on imports, which will continue into the future unless the policy changes. [pic] [pic] Estimates of Potential Capacities from Renewable Energy Sources (in MWs) (Source: In dia Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources) [pic] Under this project we will be concentrating on the potential of Renewable Energy Resources-Wind Energy & Small Hydro projects in India. 3. WIND ENERGY: [pic] 3. 2. 1Wind resource potential: The wind power generation in the country is influenced to a great extent by the wind speed and wind power density prevalent at a particular potential location at any given point of time. The wind speed is affected to a large extent by the strong southwesterly monsoons, starting in May-June, and by the weaker northeastern monsoons in the winter months. It has been generally observed that 60-70% of the total wind power generation in the country takes place during June- October when the southwest monsoons are prevalent throughout the country. According to a latest study, locations having an annual mean wind power density greater than 150 watts/ square meter at 30 meter hub height have been found to be suitable for development of wind power projects. 3. 2. 2Advantages of Wind Power: †¢ It is one of the most environment friendly, clean and safe energy resources. †¢ It has the lowest gestation period as compared to conventional energy. †¢ Equipment erection and commissioning involve only a few months. †¢ There is no fuel consumption, hence low operating costs. Maintenance costs are low. †¢ The capital cost is comparable with conventional power plants. For a wind farm, the capital cost ranges between 4. 5 crores to 5. 5 crores, depending on the site and the wind electric generator (WEG) selected for installation. | |Wind |Fossil Fuel | |Availability |Usable as it exists |Have to be procured and made usable through | | |laborious and environmentally damaging | | | |processes | |Limitation on |Inexhaust ible resource |Limited in reserves, expected to be completely| |availability | |exhausted in the coming 60 years | |Transportation |Used where it is available or |Has to be transported from its source site for| | |transported where needed |further processing, exposing the environment | | | |to pollution from accidents | |Environmental |Zero emission |Used in producing electricity, releasing green| |effect of use | |house gasses | |Geo-political |Reduces our reliance on oil, |Over-reliance on oil as a resource has | |implications |safeguarding national security. undermined India’s energy security, e. g. OPEC | | |Allows for self sufficiency. |crises of 1973, Gulf War of 1991 and the Iraq | | |There is no adverse effect on |War of 2003. | | |global environment. The whole | | | |system is pollution free and | | | |environment friendly. | | The pollution saving from a Wind Energy Generation with an average output of 4,000 kWh per year, savings have been estimated as follows: †¢ Sulphur – dioxide (SO2): 2 to 3. 2 tonnes †¢ Nitrogen – oxide (NO) ; 1. 2 to 2. 4 tonnes †¢ Carbon – dioxide (CO2) : 300 to 500 tonnes †¢ Particulates: 150 to 280 kg. 3. 2. 3The essential requirements for a Wind farm: An area where a number of wind electric generators are installed is known as a wind farm. The essential requirements for establishment of a wind farm for optimal exploitation of the wind are the following: †¢ High wind resource at particular site. †¢ Adequate land availability †¢ Suitable terrain and good soil condition †¢ Maintenance access to site †¢ Suitable power grid nearby †¢ Techno-economic selection of specific turbines †¢ Scientifically prepared layout Resource |Potential (MW) |Installed capacity as on 31st March 2007 (MW) | |Wind |45000 |7092 | |S mall hydro |15000 |1975 | |Biomass power / cogeneration |19500 |1184 | |Solar |4-6 kWh/m2/day |2. 74 | | |(20MW/sq. m) | | |Waste-to-Energy |2700 |43 | The sum of these renewable resource potentials, 152,000 MW, is greater than the current total installed energy generating capacity of India. 3. 2. 4Estimated Wind Power Potential in India The wind power potential on a national level, base data collected from 10 states considering only 1% of land availability, is around 46,092 MW. StateGross potential (MW) Andhra Pradesh 9063 Gujarat 7362 Karnataka 7161 Kerala 1026 Madhya Pradesh 4978 Maharashtra 4519 Orissa 1520 Rajasthan 6672 Tamil Nadu 4159 West Bengal 32 TOTAL 46,092 3. 2. 5Manufacturers of Wind Energy Generators (WEGs) |Name |Foreign Collaborator | |Arul Mariamman Textiles Limited |Win World Denmark | |Asian Wind Turbine Pvt. Ltd. |NEG- MICON Denmark | |Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. |Nordex, Denmark | |Das lageway Wind Turbines Ltd. Lagerwey, Netherlands | |Elecon Engineering Company Ltd. |Turbowinds n. v. , Belgium | |Enercon India Ltd. |Enercon GmbH, Germany | |Kirloskar Electric Company Ltd. |Wind Energy Group, UK | |NEPC India Ltd. | | | Poineer Wincon India Ltd. |Wincon, Denmark | |REPL Engineering Ltd. |Bonus Denmark | |Suzlon Energy Ltd. Sudwind Energie Systeme, Germany | |Tackle Wind Energy India (Pvt) Ltd. |Tacke Windenergie GmbH, Germany | |TTG Induatries Ltd. |Husumer, Schiffswerft, Germany | |Vestas RRB |Vestas, Denmark | |Windia Power Ltd. |Nedwind, Netherlands | 3. 2. 6Economics of wind power development †¢ The capital investment general ly incurred towards installation of a 1 MW capacity wind farm is to the tune of Rs. 4. 0 crore. †¢ Nearly 85-87% of the capital investment cost is incurred towards the supply, packaging, handling, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance cover, erection and commissioning of the WEGs. †¢ Another 2-3% of the capital cost is incurred towards construction of the foundation of the tower and other associated civil construction units like the metering and control room, foundation for housing the step up transformer etc. †¢ Nearly 1-2% of the capital cost is incurred towards purchase of land and site development. †¢ The cost of land should be valued to the rates prescribed by the District Level Committee (DLC) of the concerned state. The remaining 8-12% of the capital cost is incurred towards purchase of electrical equipment like the step up transformer, controls, OHT line connection to the nearest available grid and other electrical accessories. †¢ The operati on and maintenance cost per annum (inclusive of the insurance coverage) amounts to approximately Rs. 7. 00 lakh. †¢ The expected generation of power from the WEGs on an annual basis come to the tune of 2. 5 million KWh after accounting for non operational hours of the machines due to annual repair and maintenance, non availability of cut in wind velocity or wind velocity being higher than the cut off wind velocity at a particular site. †¢ The cost of generation of power is in the vicinity of Rs. 3. 5 / KWh. The power buy back rate varies from state to state. If wheeling is permitted then the power buy back rate can be fairly assumed as the commercial rate prevalent in a state. Wind energy generated is connected to the grid as follows: [pic] At the various stages of transmission, transformers are used for stepping-up or stepping down the voltages. [pic] | | |3. 3 Small Hydro Power: | |3. 3. Introduction | |Hydropower is a renewable, non-polluting and environmentally beni gn source of energy. It is perhaps the oldest renewable energy technique | |known to the mankind for mechanical energy conversion as well as electricity generation. | |Hydropower represents use of water resources towards inflation free energy due to absence of fuel cost with mature technology characterized | |by highest prime moving efficiency and spectacular operational flexibility. Out of the total power generation installed capacity of 1,48,265 | |MW (April,2009) in the country, hydro power contributes about 25% i. e. 36,877 MW. |3. 3. 2 Hydro Power Project Classification  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   | |Hydro power projects are generally categorized in two segments i. e. small and large hydro. In India, hydro projects up to 25 MW station | |capacity have been categorized as Small Hydro Power (SHP) projects. While Ministry of Power, Government of India is responsible for large | |hydro projects, the mandate for the subject small hydro power (up to 25 MW) is given to Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. Small hydro | |power projects are further classified as | |Class |Station Capacity in kW | | | |Micro Hydro | |Up to 100 | | | |Mini Hydro | |101 to 2000 | | | |Small Hydro | |2001 to 25000 | | | |  3. 3. 3 Small Hydro Power Programme | |Small Hydro Power ( SHP) Programme is one of the thrust areas of power generation from renewable in the Ministry of New and Renewable | |Energy. It has been recognized that small hydropower projects can play a critical role in improving the over all energy scenario of the | |country and in particular for remote and inaccessible areas. The Ministry is encouraging development of small hydro projects both in the | |public as well as private sector. Equal attention is being paid to grid-interactive and decentralized projects. | |Aim:  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Ministry’s aim is that the SHP installed capacity should be about 7000 MW by the end of 12th Plan. The focus of the SHP programme| |is to lower the cost of equipment, increase its reliability and set up projects in areas which give the maximum advantage in terms of | |capacity utilisation. | |Potential: An estimated potential of about 15,000 MW of small hydro power projects exists in India. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has | |created a database of potential sites of small hydro and 5,415 potential sites with an aggregate capacity of 14,305. 47 MW for projects up to | |25 MW capacity have been identified. | |  STATE WISE IDENTIFIED SMALL HYDEL SITES AND POTENTIAL | | | |UP TO 25 MW CAPACITY   (as on 31. 3. 2009) | | | | | |S. No | |Name of State | |IDENTIFIED NUMBER | |OF SITES   | |Total Capacity | |(in MW) | | | |1 | |Andhra Pradesh | |489 | |552. 29 | | | |2 | |Arunachal Pradesh | |566 | |1333. 4 | | | |3 | |Assam | |  Ã‚   60 | |213. 84 | | | |4 | |Bihar | |  Ã‚   94 | |213. 75 | | |5 | |Chhatisgarh | |164 | |706. 62 | | | |6 | |Goa | |  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   9 | |  Ã‚  Ã‚   9. 0 | | | |7 | |Gujarat | |292 | |196. 97 | | | |8 | |Haryana | |  Ã‚   33 | |110. 5 | | | |9 | |Himachal Pradesh | |547 | |2268. 41 | | | |10 | |Jammu & Kashmir | |246 | |1411. 2 | | | |11 | |Jharkhand | |103 | |   208. 95 | | | |12 | |Karnataka | |128 | |   643. 6 | | | |13 | |Kerala | |247 | |   708. 10 | | | |14 | |Madhya Pradesh | |   99 | |   400. 8 | | | |15 | |Maharashtra | |253 | |   762. 58 | | | |16 | |Manipur | |113 | |   109. 0 | | | |17 | |Meghalaya | |102 | |   229. 81 | | | |18 | |Mizoram | |  Ã‚   75 | |  166. 4 | | | |19 | |Nagaland | |   Ã‚   99 | |  196. 98 | | | |20 | |Orissa | |222 | |295. 7 | | | |21 | |Punjab | |234 | |390. 02 | | | |22 | |Rajasthan | |  Ã‚   67 | |  Ã‚   63. 7 | | | |23 | |Sikkim | |  Ã‚   91 | |265. 54 | | | |24 | |Tamil Nadu | |176 | |499. 1 | | | |25 | |Tripura | |  Ã‚   13 | |  Ã‚   46. 86 | | | |26 | |Uttar Pradesh | |220 | |292. 6 | | | |27 | |Uttaranchal | |458 | |  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1609. 25 | | | |28 | |West Bengal | |203 | |   393. 9 | | | |29 | |A Island | |  Ã‚   12 | |  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   7. 91 | | | |   | |TOTAL | |  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   5,415 | |  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   14,305. 7 | | | |  Identification of new potential sites and strengthening of database for already identified sites is an ongoing process. In this direction, | |the Ministry has been giving financial support to state governments/ agencies for identification of new potential SHP sites & preparation of | |state perspective plan. | |3. 3. 4 Small hydro installed capacity and progress | |  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The total installed capacity of small hydro power projects (upto 25 MW) as on 31. 03. 009 is 2429. 77 MW from 674 projects and 188 | |projects with aggregate capacity of 483. 23 MW are under construction. | |  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While in early 90s, most of the SHP projects were set up in the public sector, from last 10 years or so, most of the capacity | |addition is now coming through private sector projects. Beginning of the 21st century saw near commercialization in the small hydro sector. | |Private sector entrepreneurs found attractive business opportunities in small hydro and state governments also felt that the private | |participation may be necessary in tapping the full potential of rivers and canals for power generation. The private sector has been attracted| |by these projects due to their small adoptable capacity matching with their captive requirements or even as affordable investment | |opportunities. In line with Government of India policy, 18 states have announced their policy for inviting private sector to set up SHP | |projects. The Government of India announced the Electricity Act in 2003, Electricity Policy in 2005 and Tariff Policy in 2006 to create a | |conducive atmosphere for investments in the power sector. Small hydropower projects are now governed by these policies and the tariff is | |decided by the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) as per the Tariff Policy. | |During the 10th Plan, Following have been year-wise capacity addition from SHP projects. |Year | |Target | |(in MW) | |Capacity addition during the year | |(in MW) | |Cumulative SHP installed capacity | |(in MW) | | | |2002-03 | |80 | |80. 39 | |1519. 28 | | | |2003-04 | |80 | |84. 04 | |1603. 2 | | | |2004 -05 | |100 | |102. 31 | |1705. 63 | | | |2005-06 | |130 | |120. 80 | |1826. 3

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Creative Task Essay

â€Å"When someone prizes us just as we are, he or she confirms our existence.† My feet were so cold. The only thing I could feel was the muddy water soaking through my timeworn sneakers and my tattered socks as I was walking through the streets of Brooklyn on a cold, rainy December’s evening. After all, how could I feel anything else? I’d just been fired from my job; my girlfriend had just kicked me out of the closest thing I had to a home and the only place I could think to go was my dad’s spare house. I was carrying the only thing I was able to grab from my girlfriend’s apartment, my 6 string nylon guitar which I grabbed so that I could feel a sense of ownership over something. My girlfriend said it was useless to me anyway because whenever I played it, apparently it sounded like a two wild gorillas trying to kill each other. For some reason, whenever she said that I always thought of our relationship. But besides that, I was alone on the streets of Brooklyn with nothing but my wallet, the little money it had left in it, my guitar, my drenching apparel and no hope. After moping around the cold dark streets for an hour I finally found my dad’s old house that he never sold, but kept for a ‘spare’. He gave me a key for it in case I ever found myself in need and at this point in time I’d never felt more this way. I dragged myself up on to the front porch and felt through my pockets for the key. As I stepped closer to the door I heard a growl, a growl that made me feel like I was invading the territory of a wolf in the forest. Despite this feeling I felt no fear of what I could not see in the shadows, but I was curious as to what had made itself comfortable on my front porch. Before I had time to even step into the shadow, what appeared to be a golden retriever leaped out of the shadow. The dog had deceived me in my formerly estimated image as a brutal stray, as it only seemed like a joyous little puppy seeking shelter from the rain. I think that I must have scared the poor little thing as I approached the door of my tempo rary new home. The dog stared at me with wide glowing eyes, as if it was begging me for a place to stay, but the last thing I needed was a dog which would need taking care of, when I was unsure if I could do so to myself. â€Å"You can stay outside little fella†, I murmured to the pup assuming that it would be gone by morning. I received no reply, as the dog just kept the same facial expression whilst glaring into my eyes. I wandered on inside to try and get a good night sleep so I could have a clear mind in the morning to think about how I was going to sort my rock-bottomed life out. Two weeks had passed and I had made a start to gathering what options I had left and turning them into the best possible outcomes. The only problem was – it wasn’t a ‘hole-shot’ of a start. I had been to 2 job interviews which only lasted about 5 minutes each, and I had not heard back from the managers. Isn’t that promising? I had a huge lack in confidence and my self-esteem ha d gone through rock bottom and kept plummeting. It was raining outside so I had thought that I should go and get the newspaper so I could desperately look for any job that I could get my hands on. As I went to open the door I felt a resistance pushing against it. I put the little energy I had into a shove that might have knocked over a pedestal fan, and couldn’t open the door. Finally, I heard this object pull itself up and move out of my way. I opened the door to find the golden retriever puppy staring at me with the same enticing glare it gave me when I first arrived at my house. I couldn’t resist to the stare this time around as it was freezing cold outside and pouring rain, so I thought I would take it in. â€Å"Come on in buddy, let me get you washed up†, I said excitedly. As I let this stranger ride into my home and walked to grab the newspaper, a sudden rush of warmth and excitement ran throughout my body like I had just met my childhood hero. I walked through the door and the puppy was still staring at me the same way it was when I had found it. It didn’t seem to mind the mess as much as my dad did when he came to help me get on my feet a little. I looked closer at the dog and saw a rough looking collar with the name tag ‘Archer’. I fixed Archer some of my leftovers that I had piled up over the past couple of weeks, and by the time I had found one job offer in the newspaper; he had destroyed the collection of cold toast, bacon and baked beans like he was a prisoner on death row receiving his last meal. There was something about Archer’s personality that made me feel comfortable and not alone. I felt that maybe this could be a turning point in my life that was only heading in a southerly direction. The next job interview that I had was probably the worst one yet. The store owner was a complete jerk and told me exactly what he thought of me straight to my face, as if my presence was imaginary. â€Å"Why would anyone want to hire an unshaven, underdressed, useless piece of garbage like you? Get out of my office!† he shouted in my general direction. I was plainly intimidated and embarrassed by this big shot and I was back to square one. All messed up with nowhere to go. Feeling depressed and unsatisfied, I decided to drag myself home and repeat my so called routine that I had developed over the past 3 weeks – look for a job, eat, sleep, look for a job and repeat. As I stumbled back onto my front porch I heard tapping on the floorboards I my house, but wasn’t in the right state of mind to even think what it was. I opened the door without a care and saw a pair of glowing eyes staring right at me. It was Archer, and he looked like he had never been so happy to see me. I had been so humiliated and belittled that I had lost thought of Archer. A tear rolled down my cheek and dropped onto my shirt. I couldn’t figure out whether this tear was because I was unsure of my existence as a part of the human race, or because I had realised that I had something important in my life without realising. I dropped onto my knees and gave Archer a huge hug, feeling relieved. For the rest of the day I played with Archer and cleaned him up. I felt like he was my only friend. The only person who didn’t judge me even if I was a useless piece of garbage. He gave me a sense of confidence that I had never felt before. He made me feel that my existence on planet earth was of some worth. Within a year of the day that Archer had performed the miracle of instilling a person with happiness and friendship, I had completely steered my life around. I had gained enough confidence to go for my dream job – a gig playing my guitar and singing at a top nightclub in Brooklyn. I played my music for the manager at the club and he said I could possibly be the next big thing within a couple of years time. I had found a girl who was perfect for me and appreciated me for who I was, unlike my last partner. I was earning enough money to start renting a house that my girlfriend, Archer and I had moved into and I was feeling like I could do anything that was possible to man. I found it amazing that a dog – just a dog, could turn a man’s life around. It was all thanks to him, making me realise that there are things in life that are worth staying around for. If it wasn’t for him standing at my door on that cold dark day, I’m not sure that I would be here to tell this story today.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

French Prepositions with Geographical Names

French Prepositions with Geographical Names Deciding which French  preposition  to use with countries, cities, and other  geographical names  can be somewhat confusing, at least until now! This lesson will explain which prepositions to use and why. Gendered Nouns Like all French  nouns, geographical names like countries, states, and provinces have a  gender. Knowing the gender of each geographical name is the first step in determining which preposition to use. As a general guideline, geographical names which end in  e  are  feminine, while those that end in any other letter are masculine. There are, of course, exceptions which simply have to be memorized. See the individual lessons for explanations of the gender of each geographical name. Examples In English, we use three different prepositions with geographical names, depending on what we are trying to say. Je vais  en  FranceIm going  to  FranceJe suis  en  FranceIm  in  FranceJe suis  de  FranceIm  from  France However, in French numbers 1 and 2 take the  same  preposition. Whether you are going  to France or you are  in  France, the same preposition is used. Thus in French there are only two prepositions to choose from for each type of geographical name. The difficulty lies in knowing which preposition to use for a city vs a state vs a country.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Janus - Who Is Janus

Janus - Who Is Janus Profile of Janus Two-faced Janus (Ianus), presumed to be native to Italy, is the god of beginnings/endings. Its after Janus that the first month of the year, Januarius January, is named. The kalends (the 1st) of each month may have been dedicated to him. Janus Basics Janus was usually the first of the gods to receive offerings. Consuls entered office on the Kalends of his month January. Janus and the Salian Priests Holding sacred shields, Salian priests sang a hymn to Janus. This hymn includes lines that have been translated as: Come forth with the cuckoo [in March] Truly all things dost thou make open.Thou art Janus Curiatius, the good creator art thou.Good Janus is coming, the chief of the superior rulers.- The Salian Hymn to Janus Rabun Taylor (citation below) eloquently describes the lack of a coherent story about Janus: Janus, like so many ancient gods who lacked the grace of a story, was a messy concrescence of scraps fallen from the table of memory. His incoherence was the cause of some puzzlement in the Roman Imperial era, and so he was periodically subjected to reassessments by master yarn-spinners like Ovid or by cosmologists and philosophers seeking to find profound symbolism in his duality. A Transitional God: War, Peace, Crossings Janus was not only a god of beginnings and transitions, but was also associated with war/peace since the doors of his shrine were opened except in times of peace. He may have been a god of stream crossings. Ovid on the Myth of Janus Ovid, the Augustan Age teller of mythological tales, provides a story about the early benefits conferred by Janus. [227] I have learned much indeed; but why is the figure of a ship stamped on one side of the copper coin, and a two-headed figure on the other? Under the double image, said he, you might have recognized myself, if the long lapse of time had not worn the type away. Now for the reason of the ship. In a ship the sickle-bearing god came to the Tuscan river after wandering over the world. I remember how Saturn was received in this land: he had been driven by Jupiter from the celestial realms. From that time the folk long retained the name of Saturnian, and the country, too, was called Latium from the hiding (latente) of the god. But a pious posterity inscribed a ship on the copper money to commemorate the coming of the stranger god. Myself inhabited the ground whose left side is lapped by sandy Tibers glassy wave. Here, where now is Rome, green forest stood unfilled, and all this mighty region was but pasture for a few kine. My castle was the hill which the present age is accustomed to ca ll by my name and dub Janiculum. I reigned in days when earth could bear with gods, and divinities moved freely in the abodes of men. The sin of mortals had not yet put Justice to flight (she was the last of the celestials to forsake the earth): honours self, not fear, ruled the people without appeal to force: toil there was none to expound the right to righteous men. I had naught to do with war: guardian was I of peace and doorways, and these, quoth he, showing the key, these be the arms I bear.Ovid Fasti 1 The First of the Gods Janus was also an augur and mediator, perhaps the reason he is named first among the gods in prayers. Taylor says Janus, as the founder of sacrifice and divination, since he can see the past and the future through his two faces, is the worlds first priest. Janus for Luck It was Roman tradition at the New Year to give the god honey, cakes, incense and wine to buy favorable signs and a guarantee of good luck. Gold brought better results than baser coins. Then I asked, Why, Janus, when I placate other gods, do I bring incense and wine to you first? So that you may gain entry to whatsoever gods you wish, he replied, through me, who guard the threshold. But why are glad words spoken on your Kalends? And why do we give and receive best wishes? Then the god, leaning on the staff in his right hand, said, Omens are wont to reside in beginnings. You train your anxious ears on the first call, and the augur interprets the first bird he sees. The temples and ears of gods are open, no tongue intones wasted prayers, and words have weight. Janus had finished. I was not silent for long, but tagged his final words with words of my own. What do your dates and wrinkled figs mean, or the gift of honey in a snow-white jar? The omen is the reason, said he - so that the sweetness replicates events, and so that the year should be sweet, following the course of its beginnings.Translation of Ovid Fast. 1.17 1-188 from Taylors article) Read more about Janus. References: The Salii and Campaigning in March and OctoberJ. P. V. D. BalsdonThe Classical Review, New Series, Vol. 16, No. 2 (Jun., 1966), pp. 146-147The Salian Hymn to JanusGeorge HemplTAPhA, Vol. 31, (1900), pp. 182-188Janus Custos BelliJohn BridgeThe Classical Journal, Vol. 23, No. 8 (May, 1928), pp. 610-614Problems about JanusRonald SymeThe American Journal of Philology, Vol. 100, No.The Shrine of Janus Geminus in RomeValentine MüllerAmerican Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 47, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec., 1943), pp. 437-440Watching the Skies: Janus, Auspication, and the Shrine in the Roman ForumRabun TaylorMemoirs of the American Academy in Rome, Vol. 45 (2000), pp. 1-40