Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Philosophy of Technology Integration Essay - 773 Words

Being able to incorporate technology into the daily lesson plans offers the teacher an endless possibility of communicating the subject through multiple modalities. Technology within the classroom can be seen through proximas, ELMO’s, DVD’s and websites that are incorporated to teach the students. Educators should be open to learning and incorporating the many opportunities technology brings to the classroom. Although technology has areas of strength and weaknesses, if learned and implemented creatively and efficiently students learning will be impacted greatly. Today’s students immerse themselves’ daily in multiple sources of technology. They are visually stimulated by the sites and networking readily available to them. When they†¦show more content†¦Students take pride in their final products and stand tall when having to present their knowledge to the class. Although the strengths are many at times the weaknesses of technology outweigh and cause educators to steer away from the implementation of such within their classrooms. Many teachers are faced with technology management problems. The lack of appropriate rules implemented at the beginning will create an atmosphere of frustration for the teacher. As the members of Education World’s Teach Team mentions, the classroom rules will be different and students need to know that each situation brings a new set of rules (Starr, 2000). Being able to specifically state what is expected of them at the beginning and having the rules clearly stated will impede students from being off-task. Letting students know what is expected of them every time they are using the computers will reduce the excuses and will embed the routines until they automatically know what to do. Another major weakness one encounters when using technology is knowing the level of the students prior knowledge. Students may know how to use networking sites and how to navigate search engines, but when it comes to academic use they tend to have no previous experience. Being able to provide students with the opportunity to come to class knowing how to use these tools could be aShow MoreRelatedPhilosophy of Technology Integration Essay1152 Words   |  5 PagesOver the past few years technology has taken on a whole new meaning. We have moved from the days of chalkboards, to whiteboards, to interactive whiteboards. Our students seem to be more computer savvy than their teachers. Home telephones are starting to become a thing of the past, and cell phones have turned into mini-computers. Technological geniuses have even tried to eliminate books by creating electronic books, for example the Kindle and Nook. 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