Saturday, May 23, 2020

How Censorship Is Necessary Or Harmful - 2561 Words

A. Introduction Censorship is a program that has limitations on quite a number of things online. There has always been a sense of divergence with internet users on whether or not censorship is necessary or actually needed. Everyone has their own beliefs. A number of people believe that some things must be censored, while others thinks that everyone must have the freedom to watch anything they wants or search any of the information they want. B. i) Internet growth and evaluation When you come to think of it†¦the internet is only one that has an ample amount of information. Exploring the internet for specific information can take up much of one’s time as what the internet holds, is not structured and neither organized. Adding on, heaps of information can be gathered by the internet, but you might even come across errors, misconstructions and information that isn’t necessarily accurate a 100 percent of the time. Although the Internet is demarcated as a global causation of separate networks by the academic world, confidential parties, industry and even the government. In the beginning, the internet was provided to help interconnect workrooms (labs) that took part in government research and so ever since the year 1994 it has grew to serve millions of people in each and every part of the world. Changes are being made to the internet all the time. The social web and mobile technology are two things that have made clear of its recent evolution. These two modernized things have madeShow MoreRelatedCensorship Online1041 Words   |  5 PagesThis essay talks about issues regarding Censorship of the Internet. According to the textbook, censorship is a way used by governments or religious institutions to supervise or regulate the public access to offensive or harmful materials (Quinn 2012, p.496). Internet censorship applies the same discipline which regulates the public access to harmful content on internet. Nowadays, internet is a place with huge potential for growth. Statistics suggest that the total growth of new internet users isRead MoreCensorship Is Justified631 Words   |  3 PagesCensorship is sometimes justified Whether censorship is justified is always a controversial issue that attracts great public attention, and views of different people might vary greatly. As far as I am concerned, I tend to think that the censorship in China is somehow justified otherwise how can China developed so rapidly for the recent years. I know there are many voices against the censorship of our country, but let’s think from another way, how can we build our welfare and prosperity cultureRead MoreEssay on Pros and Cons of Censorship: Controlling Media and Ideas769 Words   |  4 PagesCensorship, or what I like to call â€Å"controlled media†, is the control of ideas and content in our world. For as long as people have discovered that human beings have free will, there has been a way to regulate, govern and block the expression of its uses. There are many types of censorship when it comes to military, religion, political, public media or for just morale reasons. There have naturally been debates on whether censorship has truly been a restraint of expression, imposed to protect peopleRead MoreImportance Of Censorship In Society1406 Words   |  6 PagesCensorship is beneficial to our nation because it keeps harmful activity out of children’s minds, protects our country, and prevents children fro m seeing offensive language, while censorship is also harmful to our culture because it invades privacy. I believe censorship is necessary, especially in the social media world we live in today. Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to securityRead MoreThe Importance Of Censorship1074 Words   |  5 PagesImagine a world without censorship. The world we live in today would be 10 times worse if we did not have censorship. Censorship protects our freedom of speech, government information, and bad influences. Censorship is a necessary regulation in todays society for many reasons such as in keeping our world safe from sensitive information. First off some information from the government should not be secured for our safety. Such as invasions from terrorist should be told to citizens for their safetyRead MoreCensorship, Necessary or Not Essay646 Words   |  3 PagesCensorship, Necessary or Not In Plato’s Republic, he tries to develop a utopia for mankind. He utilizes conversation amongst people within in his book as a vehicle for larger and more serious topics to be discussed. One of the most important propositions made in these discussions is when Socrates and Glaucon are deliberating on the issue of censorship and its necessity in the beginning of â€Å"Book III.† Plato leads me to believe that censorship is a necessary evil that must exist to protectRead MoreStudies in Contemporary Literature: Free Speech1622 Words   |  7 Pages Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined as determined by the government, media outlet, or other controlling bodies (Wikipedia, 1). This can be done by governments and private organizations or by individuals who engage in self-censorship which is the act of censoring or classifying oneâ€⠄¢s own work like blog, books, films, or other means of expression, out of theRead MoreThe Censorship of Pornography1581 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Censorship of Pornography: Censorship is vital and takes place on a daily basis in the modern society even in nations that state their respect and maintenance of the freedom of speech. For instance, there are several regulations that restrict broadcasters in the kind of programmes to be transmitted as specific times of the day. The other ways with which censorship happens every day is through the laws that forbid people from expressing themselves publicly toward particular political or ethnicRead MoreGovernments Censoring Internet Content1490 Words   |  6 Pagesor watch what others think is good then we would be fulfilling others wishes but not our own. Hence, it is very important that every citizen has the needed voice to be informed without any limitation. According to, Aukerman 2013, â€Å" Implementing censorship creates technical and social issues, such as over- blocking or false detection, decreased network performance, and freedom of speech.† As a result, if government decides to censor conte nt on the internet then it would create technical difficultiesRead MoreCensorship and Indecency in Media928 Words   |  4 PagesCensorship and Indecency in Media Although indecent speech is protected by the First Amendment speech in broadcast media has been restricted because of its accessibility to children. In Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) current policy, indecent speech is defined as the â€Å"language that describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium, sexual or excretory activities and organs, at times of the day when there is a reasonable that

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